Episode 6: Min-maxing…?

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When Reika asked in a voice that sounded as if it was wrung out from the depths of her heart, Daiki broke out in a cold sweat.



[Err. what’s wrong, Kisaragi-san?]


[Just now, what did you say about me?]


[Just now…? Ah, about how you’re very capable at the work you do as a company president?]



For the time being, Daiki tried to play dumb.



[Then…what did you say after that…?]


[Well… I don’t particularly remember saying anything after that…]






[I heard something like ‘clumsy’ though…?]


"…………Come think of it, did I say it or did I not…?]




[I’m sorry]



When his name was called as a last warning, Daiki decided to apologize honestly.



[So, I didn’t mishear you, did I? You called me ‘clumsy’, didn’t you?]





Reika huffed at Daiki, who laughed deceptively.



[Wait, you said you had a different impression of me yesterday and today but, don’t tell me your impression today…]



Daiki quickly averted his gaze.



[Hey, Yanagi-kun!?]



In response to Reika's accusatory voice, Daiki let out a sigh of resignation and turned to face Reika while feigning ignorance.



[Yes, what is it?]


[Don’t ‘what is it’ me! Why do you think I’m clumsy!? There’s not many people who’ve told me that until now!]


[Ah, then, someone did then. Someone you have a private relationship with… maybe. Who’s the person who told you that?]



There was no doubt that Reika was a capable person in her professional life. That’s why Daiki guessed that it must be someone who she had a private relationship with, that had called her ‘clumsy’.




[H-How did you know tha——!?  Or rather, how dare you call me clumsy!?]


[No no, even if I said that, I’ve never seen or known Kisaragi-san while you’re working, the Kisaragi-san I know only eats instant food at home, collects cooking utensils and condiments despite barely cooking, has almost no cooking knowledge——When I think like that, I do think that sort of thought was premature. It was rude of me to treat you as a ‘clumsy’ person just because you can’t cook. I’m really sorry.]





Reika held her hands over her chest as if she was in pain. Because of her large chest, he could clearly see that the shape was distorted, and it was quite erotic.

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[No, since you started your own business as the president, earning enough to buy this sort of place at a condominium in one lump sum, even if you can’t do a bit of housework, it’s not a big deal.


[——T-that’s so, isn’t it!?]



Daiki smiled at Reika, who energetically raised her face back up.



[Yes. I think that what you cannot do is something you cannot do. It’s just——]





Daiki told Reika, who made a face as if she had an unpleasant hunch.



[I’ll just say it now, but I think that if you can’t do something, you shouldn’t try to pretend that you can…Now that you mention it, the reason I thought of Kisaragi-san as ‘clumsy’, was after I saw you trying to deceive me.]





Reika bent backwards as if she had received even further damage.



[But I’ll say it once more though, my impression of you being a capable woman at work is still there. If anything, it’s only gotten stronger since yesterday.]


[I-I see.]



Reika breathed out, as if she had recovered a little. Daiki then continued.



[It’s just, because of that, I assumed that you get too exhausted when you return home and become clumsy then.]




[Ah, and one more thing——]


[W-what is it——?]



Daiki wryly smiled and said to Reika, who was bracing herself.



[No, it's nothing to be defensive about. It's just that when I saw Kisaragi-san today, I thought you were cuter than my impression of you yesterday.]



He said that after already having received a lukewarm reaction when he called her a beautiful woman, so he wasn’t expecting a reaction this time either but——



[I-is that so…?]



Unexpectedly, she was a bit embarrassed, scratching her cheeks as her face turned red.



(Why is it that…I’m getting a bit embarrassed too?]



[F-for now, thanks…]



(Isn’t she cute oi, no she’s too cute.) {TLN: MC’s brain fried kekw}



Daiki replied while hiding his inner thoughts.




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Daiki was perplexed by the silence that suddenly descended on him.


(Eh, what is this, this mood.)


Daiki called out to Reika, who seemed to be somewhat flustered.



[Err…Oh yeah, as we were saying, Kisaragi-san, please let me hear it. Your impression of me.]


[Eh? …Ah, we were talking about something like that weren’t we.]


[That's right. It's not fair that I'm the only one who talked about it.]





She stared fixedly at Daiki, as if trying to recollect, and Daiki was relieved to see Reika back to normal.








However, Reika didn't speak up, and when Daiki started to get suspicious, Reika let out a big breath.



[Yeah. There’s nothing from me.]



When Reika said that and grinned, Daiki was taken aback.



[…Haa? No no, what are you saying? I already told you mine so don’t you have to say something too?] 


[Hmm,  certainly that was what we agreed on…somehow I forgot while we were talking…sorry?]



Reika tilted her to the side while saying “Teehee”, Daiki thought she was being sly, but even so she was so cute that Daiki was at a loss for words.



[N-no, even if you say that——]


[Jeez, it’s fine isn’t it. Moreover Yanagi-kun, I was pretty angry when you called me ‘clumsy’, you know? So forgive me with this, ok?]


[Ugh…if that’s the case…]



After being told that, Daiki couldn't say anything either. After all, it had started because Daiki blurted out his inner thoughts.



[Sorry, was that too selfish? Ah, I have to clean up the tableware now. Yanagi-kun, drink your coffee.]


[Haa…Ah, I'll help you clean up.]


[It’s fine so just sit down. I'm not going to ask you to clean up after you've cooked for me, you know.]


[Well then…]



Daiki sat back down and sipped his coffee.



[Now that I remember, which floor is this?]



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Daiki, after asking, thought that it was a very unusual question to ask. Not knowing what floor he was on, despite being there himself. Reika seemed to have noticed the strangeness and chuckled as she washed the dishes.



[You can’t tell because you arrived here unconscious. 30th floor. It’s the top floor by the way.]


[Top floor…haa….]



Probably, it was exceptionally expensive, even for this expensive condominium.



(It's really amazing…that you're only a little older than me.)



As he sat in his chair, he looked over the glass wall. He could see the Sky Tree clearly.



(The night view looks amazing…Well, she did say that she liked the view…I'd like to see it.)



Even so, he would probably not be here until that time.


It would be unnatural and rude for Daiki to stay in a room where a woman lives alone until night without being invited.



(I better slowly start leaving…I’ll thank her again after finishing the coffee and go home.)



Reika was a very nice woman, and it's more than a little regrettable, but it's literally a different world between Daiki, who lived in a cheap apartment, and Reika, who lived in a hundred million yen condominium.



Daik thought that he should consider it a blessing that they were able to spend lunch together, just the two of them.



[What? You were zoned out. Do you like the view?]



Reika, who seemed to have finished washing the dishes before Daiki noticed, asked him as she sat down in her chair.



[Eh? Ah, yes. It's a nice view.]


[Right? It's even more spectacular when you look at it from the open air bath.


[Hee…? Eh, open air bath?]


[Yeah, there is one here. I only use it once in a while because it's hard to clean.]


[Huh? No, the one I just went into… Huh?]


[Yeah, you see that door by the bathroom? Behind that is an open air bath.]





A dry laugh escaped from Daiki's mouth.



(This hundred-million-yen condo, is really too much… However, an open air bath where you can enjoy this scenery? I really want to go there…)



Daiki, like most Japanese, was a bath lover. He often goes to a deluxe public bath on his days off and spends a lot of time in the open air bath when he goes there, so the open air bath in a high-rise building was of great interest to him.


As he was lost in his thoughts, Reika burst into laughter, seeing that Daiki had a wistful face.



[Ahaha. Do you like outdoor baths? Do you want to try it next time?]


[Eh!? Is that fine!?]


[Fufu, it’s fine, it’s fine. I have to clean it, so not today, but you can come next time you have a day off.]


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[O-oo…thank you very much.]



Daiki was so excited that he chased whatever he had been thinking about earlier out of his mind.



[Ahahaha. Do you have weekends off from work, Yanagi-kun? I do, so if it's a weekend, it’s fine if you call me in advance.]



At such casual words from Reika, Daiki's tension quickly dropped.



[…I'm basically off on weekends too but…]


[W-what’s with the sudden drop in energy… you basically have weekends off right? Then, it’s convenient.]


[No, lately it’s been natural for me to work on my days off… I somehow got today off…]





Reika let out a voice as if she had already guessed.



[Perhaps, black…?]



To Reika’s inquiry, Daiki silently nodded.



[…It was not so bad when I first joined, but the president has been replaced by a second-generation a*****e——]



Then Daiki suddenly started vigorously shaking his head.





[Haha, It's ridiculous to talk about a company like that on my day off. I’ll stop, let's stop.]


[…Is that so?]


[Yes. It's a waste of time to talk about a company like that when you have a beautiful onee-san right in front of you.]


[Well… Fufu, if you say so, Yanagi-kun.]


[Yes. I'm sorry for cutting you off after you started talking to me.]


[I’m not really bothered you know? But you know, Yanagi-kun.]




[If you want to complain, onee-san is always here to listen, you know——?]



At that moment, Reika's charming and bewitching smile took Daiki's breath away for a moment. But he quickly changed it to a wry smile.



[Well then, I’ll be counting you on at that time.]


[Yes, leave it to me~!]



Reika then smiled brightly and dependably, and slapped her chest with a thump.



(….I see, so this is the president who started her own business…I understand now.)



A workplace with such a president would be a very rewarding place to work.


Daiki thought so as he gazed upon the scenery of the fruits swaying with the beat of the strike

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