Episode 8: What the h**l

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[Seriously, it’s that big?]


[Really, it's really that big. I tried to eat one with my colleagues from work, but we all gave up after eating half of it.]


[Cake sizes in other countries are amazing.]


[It's really amazing. Well, it's because the other dishes are also quite large. But still, it was huge. It was a reckless challenge, I can tell you that now.]


[No, shouldn’t you have noticed that beforehand…]


[It was after a big task, so it can’t be helped that we were all in high spirits.]


[Then, it can’t be helped after all.]



When Daiki agreed unhesitantly, Reika burst into laughter.



[Ahaha, right?]



The mid-afternoon snack brought about a conversation about a foreign supermarket that sells ice cream that Reika buys regularly. Reika talked about the various items sold there, and Daiki asked, and she replied excitedly. Yes, both of them lost track of time once more.






Before he realized, the setting sun was shining on his cheeks, and he turned his attention to the glass wall.



(Ooh…there’s a different scenery again in the evening…)



The bright red sunset dyed the skyscrapers and other buildings that could be seen from this room, and Daiki's eyes were glued to the view that he could only see for a short time as night was approaching.



[——Hey, are you listening?]



When he heard the quizzical voice of Reika, he got startled.



[Eh? Ah, I’m sorry. It's just that the sunset looked so vivid.]


[Nn? Ah, it's beautiful, isn't it? I was also surprised the first time I saw it.]


[Yes, really. It already became evening——Eh, evening?]



He looked at his watch and saw that it was already past five o'clock in the evening.



(No no, now matter how you put it, I’ve been here for too long.)



[Ah, it's already this late.]



Reika also seemed to have lost track of time, and Daiki stood up in a hurry.



[No, I'm sorry. Even though you helped me and carried me all the way here, to stay until this late…I should get going soon.]


[You don’t have to bother with the stiff speech you know. I was also treated to a lot of delicious meals so…I see, it’s already evening, isn’t it?]



Reika also stood up, saying reluctantly.



[No, I did really plan on going home earlier but… I’m sorry for taking up your time on a holiday.]


[Jeez, I told you, didn’t I! I had lots of fun too!]



With those words Reika cheerfully hit Daiki’s shoulder, then she suddenly made an expression, as if she had realized something.



[Ah, hey, let’s exchange contacts. You’ll come visit for the bath, right?]



He grabbed his phone on the table and said with one eye shut.

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[Eh, ah, then——]



Then, Daiki and Reika exchanged their IDs and phone numbers for the messaging app and register.



(I didn’t say it myself because I thought it’d be better to not get any closer to her…what happened to that…)



He thought so in his head but after being with Reika all day, he was completely taken in by her charm.


It was more of a "as a person" thing right now, but he had a feeling that it's only a matter of time before that changes to "as a woman" if they continued their relationship.


He was thinking that even if he fell in love with her, he wouldn’t be able to be with her as a man because he was younger than her and a salaryman working in a black office with a low salary, but it was fun to get along with Reika. Indeed, so fun that he forgets the passage of time.



(…Well, enough said.)



They’ve gotten to know each other this well, and even exchanged contact information, so it's probably too late to talk about it now.



(The point is, if you fall in love with someone, simply getting along with them without any regrets is a good prospect.).


There is a good chance that they might become friends at an appropriate distance as time goes by, and the chance of Daiki not falling in love with still there.



(Hmm, maybe. This person is pretty clumsy, isn't she?)



While he was thinking about this, Daiki was smiling before he knew it as he looked at the screen on his phone where Reika's name was displayed.



[Nn? Somehow~, are you thinking of something rude right now?]



When Reika turned towards him with a reproachful look, Daiki quickly smoothened his own expression.



[No…I didn’t though?]


[Hmmm…? Well, it’s fine for now~]



As she said this, Reika crossed the living room and brought Daiki's jacket, which was on a hanger.








After seeing Daiki put on his jacket, Reika led the way and opened the door that probably led to the front door.



[You don't know where the front door is, do you, Yanagi-kun?]


[Yes. I only know where the living room, bathroom and toilet are.]


[It's a bit strange to hear that.]


[Really is.]



Reika and Daiki smiled at each other. In the meantime, they arrived at a spacious and beautiful entrance.


As he put on his shoes to leave Reika’s home, Daiki’s consciousness had already gone into home mode, so he ended up——unconsciously muttering to himself..



[Well then——What should I make for dinner when I go home? As expected it has to be kakuni——!?] {TLN:}



Before he could leave, Daiki was grabbed by a firm hand from behind, almost making him lose balance.


When he turned around, unsurprisingly, Reika was holding onto Daiki's arm with both hands. And she had an unexpectedly desperate look on her face.



[Err… what is it…?]



In response to Daiki's very natural question, Reika gave him a serious look.

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[What do you mean…?]




[As I said, what do you mean by that!?]



Reika vigorously shook Daiki’s hand in her grip.



[N-no, like I said, what is it?]


[…Are you going to make dinner when you get home?]


[Y-yes. It’ll be that time when I get home…]





Reika muttered something vacantly, but Daiki didn’t hear her at all.



[Eh, what did you say?]


[…Not fair.]





Daiki was baffled as he couldn’t understand why she suddenly said, “Not fair.”



[Like I said! I’m saying it’s not fair! You’re going to go home, cook and eat a delicious meal all by yourself, aren’t you!?]



Reika physically shook him harder, as if she wanted to snap at him.



[Y-yes, well. I don’t know if it’s going to be delicious or not, but I do plan on cooking and eating though…?]


[That’s not fair! Only Yanagi-kun will get to eat a delicious meal after this!!]


[Eh? Ha? No…yes?]



Daiki put his hands over his eyes to calm himself down, turned his face upward and thought for a while before asking.



[Ah, Kisaragi-san? Did you just say that it’s not fair that I’m going to go home and eat a meal that I cooked, all by myself?]


[That’s right!]



In response to Reika's weeping affirmation, Daiki fell deeply silent and then finally said,



[——What the h**l]



Daiki's state of mind came down to this one phrase. The words came out in a funny Kansai dialect, but they came out.



[No no no, what are you saying? I’m just going to go home, make dinner and eat it though? It’s an extremely normal thing, isn’t it? Even if you say that’s not fair… Even you, Kisaragi-san, can’t you eat something delicious as well? It’s just evening, if you go outside, there should be a lot of restaurants open right?]



To Daiki’s extremely honest rebuttal, Reika pouted and said sulkingly.



[T-that’s right but…Even so, it’s not fair…]



Then Daiki remembered Reika's words during their afternoon-snack.



——There's something special about a good meal eaten carefree at home, dressed comfortably.



And also the fact that Reika can't cook.


When it finally became clear to him, Daiki frowned and asked.



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[…Then, what do you want me to do…?]



Then, Reika looked down a little embarrassed and said,



[——I, I want to eat dinner made by Yanagi-kun…]



Because of their height differences, naturally, Reika was looking up at Daiki with upturned eyes.



(Damn ittt——!! She’s too cuteeee——!! The Onee-san atmosphere about her, is completely gone isn’t it!?) 



Daiki yelled out loud inside his mind. It was as if Daiki's heart had been shot because of the gap.



(I was just thinking about how we could be really good friends, and even if I fall for her, I wouldn’t fall for her too hard but…)



As Reika dealt a sudden critical blow to him, Daiki dropped his shoulders down and sighed deeply.


Reika asked anxiously, as if she misunderstood that Daiki was irritated to see her like that.



[I-is it..a no? Ah, um, yeah I know. Even though I already had you make me so many things today…] 



Reika was despondent. And that, was the finishing blow.


Daiki sighed and shook his head.



[No, there’s no problem.]


[…Eh? Really!?]



Daiki smiled wryly at Reika, whose face instantly lit up.



[Yes, really.]


[Is it fine!? Isn’t it unreasonable!?]


[It’s not unreasonable. It’s the same as making it back home anyways.]



When Daiki shrugged his shoulders in response, Reika was smiling brightly, raising both her hands in the air as if in celebration.



[Yay~! A delicious dinner at home~!]



Daiki's smile deepened when he saw Reika like that. Then he immediately remembered.



[…Ah, but the ingredients…]





Reika looked back at him in astonishment.



[…Oh yeah, I didn't see the freezer…What's in the freezer?]


[E-err…in the freezer, there’s ice cream and…………?]



Daiki sighed as he looked at Reika who was tilting her head in wonder.



[For now, let’s take a look. If there’s nothing, I can still make something better by using some instant products.]


[Really!? If you want, we can even go to the supermarket——]


[…If we go to the supermarket, my house would already be closer. If we go to the supermarket, come back here, and then go home again…it’s going to be a pain.]



Reika scratched her cheek awkwardly at Daiki's frank words.


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[Well, for now let’s take a look at your freezer.]



As Daiki walked back in, taking off his jacket, Reika received it.


Back in the living room, Daiki opened the freezer without any reservation.



[As you said, there’s ice cream and…Ah, there’s gyoza too, isn’t there?] {TLN: <-gyoza}


[Ah! Yeah, I heard that they are quite tasty, so I bought them! I think you just need to bake them.]


[…The taste of gyoza depends on how it's cooked, but it's true that all you have to do is bake it].


[H-hey, I at least know how to bake dumplings!]


[…Well then, is there anything else——]



After throwing a single glance at Reika, Daiki continued to rummage through the freezer.



[H-hey! Don’t ignore me! What’s with that sympathetic look!? You know that I’m the elder, Onee-san here right!?]



While ignoring Reika who had put on the airs of an Onee-san, Daiki picked up something wrapped in plastic wrap lying in a corner of the freezer.



[This is…Ooh, isn’t this a salmon?]


[Ah…I completely forgot…]



Reika muttered as if she had just recalled, and Daiki had a bad premonition.



[Err…how long was this frozen…?]


[Let me see…about one month ago maybe?]


[A month ago…Well, that’s fine. It was frozen after all.]



Apparently, it was just barely within the expiry limit. When Daiki judged it as that, Reika's eyes twinkled.



[Eh, is it fine? To use this.]


[Barely, It may have lost some of its flavor, but it's still usable…How often do you have salmon?]


[I-I thought I'd try my luck once in a while, so I bought some.]



Since she had replied while turning away from him, Daiki could make a conclusion.


In other words, she bought it with the intention of trying her luck at cooking it, but was at a loss to do anything about it, so she probably just wrapped it up and put it in the freezer.


As Daiki sighed miserably, Reika asked while stealing a glance at the salmon.



[Hey, will you use this? Can you make something with the ingredients we have now…?]


[That’s right…]



Daiki pondered while putting a hand on his chin.



(I believe there were tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce in the fridge… There should be rice too, since we ate tamago kake gohan…)



[Alright, I decided on a menu.]


[Really!? Can you make something!?]



Daiki laughed fearlessly as Reika gave him an expectant look.



[Shall we go with the Chinese food set?]

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