Counterattacking the Submissive Role!

Chapter 10: [Zerg Race] Female Zerg Gong 10

Warning! Very slight NSFW ahead

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Jun Ye’s gaze was cold as he looked at the male Zerg standing on the bed.


Joshua met Jun Ye’s gaze, but his stubbornly held chest gradually deflated. His accusation didn’t hold up, but…


How could Jun Ye just accept it like that?! Wasn’t he supposed to make it clear that he loved only Joshua? He really didn’t know how to coax a male Zerg!


“Jun… My female father is still a female like you, it’s useless to look at him, he can’t give you eggs…”


What an accusation centered solely around reproduction.


Jun Ye’s lips curled slightly, and with a simple motion, he effortlessly pulled the male Zerg down and leaned over Joshua’s body and asked, “So, I should look at you, right? Watch if you can lay eggs?”


Joshua nodded eagerly, but then suddenly changed his mind and shook his head.


Blushing, he said, “We also need close physical contact…”


“Oh~” Jun Ye nodded as if he understood something. He reached out and lifted Joshua up.


“Jun?” Joshua was taken aback, quickly wrapping his arms around Jun Ye’s neck to maintain balance.


Didn’t he agree to close physical contact just now? Why did Jun Ye pick him up from the bed again?


Jun Ye held Joshua in his arms, turned around, and lowered his head to blow a sigh in his ear. “I’ll take you to the bathroom to freshen up, and then we’ll have the close physical contact you desire… I’ll give you the experience of laying eggs.”


Joshua instantly felt elated, a smile he couldn’t hide appearing on his lips. He eagerly agreed repeatedly, afraid that Jun Ye might change his mind.


They entered the bathroom enclosed by frosted glass. Jun Ye glanced at the round bathtub and set the male Zerg down. He pressed a few buttons on the temperature control panel, adjusting the water to the temperature that would relax the male Zerg’s body the most.


Joshua discreetly observed Jun Ye from the side. He knew he should undress now; his paws were already gripping the first button, but he hesitated.


He used to confidently prance around in front of Jun Ye wearing only a shirt before his awakening. Now, when it came to mating with his beloved Zerg, he suddenly felt self-conscious.


Was he really about to expose himself completely to Jun Ye without reservation? Would he like it? It felt so embarrassing…


Jun Ye tested the water temperature and lowered his head to see Joshua struggling, whether with the buttons of his clothes or with his own claws, he couldn’t tell. With the thought of caring for his beloved, Jun Ye quickly stripped the young master, lifting him into the bathtub.


Young Master: Ah, ah, ah, there goes the atmosphere of candidly meeting the Zerg of his heart1He means that Jun Ye was decisive and quick, kinda ruining any chance of a romantic or sensual atmosphere lol.


Jun Ye looked down at the young master, who had shrunk his shoulders into the water. He reached out and unbuttoned the collar of his shirt.


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Joshua retreated, covering his nose to avoid being overwhelmed by the sight of the female Zerg stepping into the bathtub with his long legs.


“Come here,” Jun Ye extended his hand and pulled the young master into his embrace, saying, “I’ll help you wash.”




Joshua held onto Jun Ye’s neck, carefully resting his chin on Jun Ye’s shoulder. His breathing changed with Jun Ye’s movements as he lathered him with shower gel.


Seeing his obedient appearance, Jun Ye unconsciously lightened his touch, but…


Being soft-hearted was one thing, but not taking action was impossible.




Joshua gasped gently, feeling that they had been washing for a while, making him slightly restless. Unable to bear it, he instinctively bit down lightly as a hint of impatience, leaving a few shallow marks.


Jun Ye lowered his gaze, deeply examining the young master’s body. The young master was always soft, even his biting teeth were soft.


Now, the young master’s breathing had become slightly rapid, but his emotions were relatively stable.


They could take it a step further.




Joshua’s breath hitched, his body tensed suddenly, and his claws tightly grasped Jun Ye’s flesh. His voice was rigid, “Jun… why wash there, it’s not… necessary…”


“It is necessary,” Jun Ye took his time and remained calm and composed, unaffected by Joshua’s question. His tone was steady: “Didn’t you want close contact?”


“No! I…”


Halfway through, Joshua’s voice abruptly ceased.


He quickly straightened his back, lifting his body in the process. Unfortunately, when he became nervous, his muscles contracted intensely, creating a strong suction force. As a result, not only did the fingertip that had entered remain stuck, but even another of the female Zerg’s claw was brought along with it.


Joshua: !!!


Jun Ye: “…”


It was a wonderful experience.


Jun Ye chuckled softly and continued.

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Joshua panicked and tried to push Jun Ye away. However, he discovered that he couldn’t push away the female Zerg, and even the female Zerg’s arm encircling him was inescapable. The intimacy of the previous moment became a binding restraint.


“No, it’s wrong… Close contact is the male Zerg entering the female!”


“Oh? Where does it say that it’s wrong?”


It was strange that when this was happening, the female Zerg replied in a tone that was gentler and more casually teasing than usual.


Joshua, as if finding a goal to strive for, forced himself to calm down. With trembling hands, he said in a suppressed and trembling voice, “Yes, yes, I’ll show you.”


Jun Ye sensed the young master’s trembling as he opened his terminal, but he didn’t say anything, continuing his task at hand.


The young master was always so silly and cute.


Joshua’s hands shook violently, feeling more and more fingers clearly. He felt dizzy and couldn’t even find the search software he usually used.


Sensing the young master’s disoriented breathing, Jun Ye washed his fingers in the water and soothingly patted Joshua’s back, saying softly, “No rush, we have plenty of time. Take your time to find it.”


With that, he released his arm that encircled Joshua.


Joshua felt as if he had survived a calamity, his body going limp and almost collapsing into the water, but Jun Ye caught him. Joshua instinctively wanted to express his gratitude, but before he could say a word of thanks, Jun Ye turned him around and guided him to lean on the small platform at the side of the bathtub.


Through the frosted glass that surrounded the bathtub, Joshua saw his disheveled state… and the handsome female Zerg bending over, his breath caught in his throat.


He wasn’t sure what the female Zerg was planning, but if he put himself in his position, with the female Zerg’s back facing him…


Jun Ye lowered his head and gently nibbled on Joshua’s earlobe, saying, “Let’s continue.”


—You continue searching for evidence, and I’ll continue taking care of you.




As a military female Zerg who had devoted most of his life to the battlefield and mechas, Jun Ye had never known that he would be so patient with his bedmate.


Now, he felt he was performing maintenance on his own exclusive mecha, spending months adjusting weapons and components just for a few days of fighting on the battlefield.


Jun Ye who was in this state also felt in a very comfortable mood. For a moment, he didn’t notice that his “mecha” had become unusually quiet. Well, Jun Ye always disliked overly intelligent mechas and would often deactivate the autonomous mode when using them.


Both parties remained silent, unexpectedly finding a harmonious way to coexist.


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Joshua was far from calm as he felt a whirlwind of emotions raging within him.


How could he not sense the joy of the female Zerg? It was precisely because he could feel it so clearly that it was even more unbelievable. Jun Ye wasn’t joking, but why would he treat him like this…


Suddenly, he remembered what his father had told him. Jun Ye’s sudden appearance was too abrupt. Over the years, Jun Ye had never treated him like a potential mate. What female Zerg wouldn’t be constantly vigilant of the females around his future Lord Husband? What female Zerg wouldn’t grovel and try to please his future master…


He had never taken his father’s words to heart. Jun Ye simply struggled with expressing emotions. Wasn’t that how military female Zergs were?


But now… why did Jun Ye have to humiliate him like this…


After destroying him, would Jun Ye leave him forever…


Joshua stared blankly at the blurred reflection on the frosted glass. He knew there was a mirror beneath it. With a press of a hidden switch on the side of the bathtub, the glass would retract to the sides and a mirror with a steam-free surface would rise up.


He had custom-made this feature from a furniture store. He had fantasized countless times about the expression of the female Zerg as he’d lean against this mirror, shy, restrained, lost in him…


But he had never imagined that the one facing it in the end would be himself…


His body was hot, his eyes were hot, but his tear ducts were dry.


Since the female Zerg had made him lean down, Joshua hadn’t resisted. He found it unbelievable even himself. If it had been any other female Zerg daring to treat him like this, he would detonate the binding ring and kill him, even if it meant he’d die too.


Oh, but there was such a thing as a binding ring?


Joshua raised his gaze and indeed saw the dark collar around the female Zerg’s neck in the reflection on the glass.


Why hadn’t the binding ring been destroyed during all that time? Since it was Jun Ye, he surely could have done it.


Why did Jun Ye leave such a significant shackle on himself? Did he know that Joshua couldn’t bear to do it…




Jun Ye had been paying close attention to Joshua’s emotions. Throughout the whole ordeal, the young master remained unnaturally quiet, with the only movement being a brief raise of his eyes before lowering them again in silence.


This was a situation completely unexpected by Jun Ye. He had anticipated that the young master would be crying, throwing a tantrum, begging, or cursing.


The young master, as a male Zerg,  had been cherished by other Zergs his whole life and possessed such prideful nature, that he wouldn’t just passively allow himself to be taken like this, as if he were a soulless doll.


Jun Ye stopped and released his hold on the young master’s waist, slowly retreating.


Even so, it took quite a while for the young master to react. He turned his head and silently stared at Jun Ye.

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Jun Ye didn’t say anything. He got up and walked out of the bathtub to fetch a towel.


When he returned, holding a long white towel, the young master was already sitting up in the bathtub, lifting his head to look at Jun Ye.


“Why didn’t you continue?”


The young master’s voice was calm and devoid of any waves, but from his eyes, Jun Ye could sense a strand of near madness in his questioning.


“Why didn’t you continue humiliating me?!”


Joshua roared, his emotions suddenly breaking apart, and tears gathered in his eyes that had been unaffected even when he was penetrated by the female Zerg.


Jun Ye remained silent. Indeed, what he thought no longer mattered. To any male Zerg, everything he had done was a complete humiliation.


Joshua’s figure swayed, but he forced himself to say, “Did you record it? There are no devices here, so it can’t be all-encompassing… As for what happened underwater, do you think I’ll admit it? You can’t threaten me with just that. It’s useless to expose it!”


“You can’t destroy me. Even if my awakening fails, I’ll at most regress to a B-class. But the Lindsay family, and the Alliance… they will never let you go…”


Don’t leave, you’ve only obtained so little. How can you just leave…


Jun Ye remained silent. This accusation was far-reaching. So, this is how the young master saw him then? His brain was so strangely working that it made people feel distressed.


Jun Ye stepped forward and, under Joshua’s intense gaze, he lifted him out of the bathtub, dried the water off his body, and wrapped him in a towel.


“The water’s cold. Go to the bed.”


As soon as the words fell, Jun Ye clearly felt the young master instantly relax. Then, with a face that seemed to say, “I’ve been kidnapped and held hostage,” the young master followed him out of the bathroom.


Jun Ye: “…”


Not only does he have a peculiar brain, but he’s also a drama queen. The Oscars owes him two little golden statuettes.



To think all misunderstandings could’ve been avoided if they just sat down and each spoke honestly of their own feelings x_x


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1He means that Jun Ye was decisive and quick, kinda ruining any chance of a romantic or sensual atmosphere lol

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