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How could someone stop at a time like this?


Under normal circumstances, the barbs on their bodies do not actually harm the Zerg. However, when the recipient tries to break free, they  can penetrate the flesh. If they want to escape without causing harm, they may have to wait until the connection is complete.


Joshua is also aware of this. Some male Zergs from certain races also develop barbs during mating, but it is considered too shocking and outrageous to happen to female Zergs.


Joshua stared at the indigo Zerg markings on Jun Ye’s body, and he suddenly felt the urge to check if the other party was a fake female Zerg.


Jun Ye also knew of the young master’s thoughts just by looking at where his gaze fell. Slowly, he leaned down and embraced him, allowing him to touch the Zerg markings on his right shoulder. Jun Ye patted the young master’s back: “Bite me if you want.”




Three days later, the mating gradually stopped.


Jun Ye  finished cleaning the young master’s body and changed the bed sheets and blankets before putting the male Zerg back on the bed, covering him with blankets.


After tucking in the edges of the blanket for the young master, Jun Ye got up to get the restorative agent to apply on the young master. However, the young master, who had already fallen asleep, suddenly opened his eyes.


Their gazes met.


Jun Ye was silent for a moment, then he raised his hand and brushed over the fluffy and smooth golden hair of the young master. He softly said, “Rest well and regain your strength before coming to settle the score with me.”


“You…” Joshua’s voice was hoarse, and this is a damage that even the repair medicine cannot fix in a short time.


Joshua furrowed his brows and coughed a few times, seeming to be disgusted with his own voice. Clearing his throat multiple times didn’t improve the situation. Joshua ended up giving up. He looked at Jun Ye and asked numbly, “Are you going to leave?”


Jun Ye was taken aback for a moment, recalling the outraged questioning of the young master that happened three days ago, and an overwhelming sense of heartache rose, which was even more unbearable than seeing the young master cry until he hiccuped.


How can Jun Ye explain to the young master so that he can believe that he has no ulterior motives?

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With a sigh in his heart, Jun Ye leaned over and and printed a kiss on Joshua’s forehead, saying, “I’m not leaving. I’ll stay and sleep with you.”


Saying that, Jun Ye, under the young master’s eager gaze, pulled back a corner of the blanket, climbed onto the bed, and carefully held the male Zerg in his arms, gently adjusting the corner of the blanket again.


The young master was so fragile, a warm and cozy bundle. Jun Ye didn’t dare exert any force while holding him, always feeling that a simple squeeze could break the young master’s waist. It was only because the young master was extremely weak that he felt this way. Normally, the lively and energetic Joshua would never give him such an illusion…


Jun Ye felt Joshua blinking his eyes rapidly, his slightly curled eyelashes sweeping across his face, causing a ticklish sensation in his heart as well.


“Jun…” Joshua pauses for a moment, then coughs twice, trying to soften his voice as he seems to be annoyed by how it sounds. Only then does he ask in a gentler tone, “Are you really not going to leave, Jun?”


His clothes were grabbed by the young master, and Jun Ye couldn’t ignore the plea in his eyes. He cradled the young master’s face in his hands, and solemnly kissed his lips, whispering, “I’m not leaving. I’m waiting to get our certificate1He means marriage certificate from you.”


Joshua’s eyes welled up with tears. He suddenly felt overwhelmed with grievances and wanted to cry.


Jun Ye sighed softly in his heart again, kissed the corner of the young master’s eye, and coaxed, “Everything is fine now. Rest well.”


“Okay…” Joshua responded softly, gripping onto Jun Ye’s clothing. He was truly exhausted, with his head feeling as heavy as lead.


In the past few days, he managed to hold on with the help of the cabinet full of nutrient fluids and restorative agents to sustain his energy. However, these things couldn’t replace his need for sleep. He had been pushed to the brink of exhaustion for a full three days, while the female Zerg only indulged him just a moment ago.


Joshua was somewhat puzzled. Female Zergs were known to have difficulty experiencing pleasure through their front ends, so why would he do this to himself? If it was just about hating him or wanting to humiliate him, he could have easily used on him an automated massage stick2A vibrat*r.


In his half-dream state, Joshua recalled his own disheveled appearance in Jun Ye’s embrace, feeling even more aggrieved and uncomfortable. He discreetly snuggled forward, burying himself in the crook of the Zerg’s arms, finding a bit of solace.


Jun Ye gently patted the young master’s back until the male Zerg’s breathing became long and heavy, then he stopped.


The young master’s wounds still needed medication. While Jun Ye was cleaning him up, he noticed traces of blood mingling with the milky substance that was coaxed out.


A male Zerg’s body was never suited for such encounters, and he didn’t know why he had developed those cursed barbs. Even though the young master cooperated throughout without struggling, he still ended up injured.

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Jun Ye glanced at the sleeping young master and lightly supported his head with his palm. Holding his breath, he carefully removed the arm that the young master had rested behind his head. He then placed another pillow behind the young master’s head, gently positioning it.


With the arm freed, only a pan of his clothes remained gripped by the young master. He held on tightly, and when Jun Ye tried to pry the young master’s fingers open, he instinctively tightened his grip.


Jun Ye was helpless. He didn’t want to wake the young master at this moment, as with his tendency for wild imagination, who knows what he would think if he woke up and thought Jun Ye was running away, or something like that.


The restorative fluid in the cabinet was almost used up. After rummaging around, Jun Ye found two bottles of pale blue solution in the nutrient fluid. Holding the fluid, he sat down by the bed and pulled back the blanket below the young master’s waist.


Perhaps feeling uncomfortable, the young master’s legs were not closed together, which greatly facilitated things for Jun Ye. He poured some repair agent onto his hands and quickly applied it to the young master inside and out.


Even in his sleep, the young master’s muscles continued to contract, and Jun Ye’s efforts left him with perspiration on his forehead.


After covering the young master with the blanket, Jun Ye stood up and surveyed the messy room. He couldn’t find any cleaning Zerg machines, and he didn’t want to sleep in a room filled with the smell of bodily fluids. So, he rolled up his sleeves and started cleaning himself.


As a military female, Jun Ye often had to be self-reliant and handle household chores. Although he had never cleaned up a scene like this before, he imagined it would be similar to cleaning up spilled heated milk on the floor.


The composition of male Zergs’ bodily fluids differed from that of females. These things couldn’t be left for any outsider Zerg to clean up3Basically, it means that the male Zerg’s s*men is so precious that not  a single drop of it should be wasted or left to someone else. Although most Zergs would assume that the male Zerg was unwilling to irrigate his bodily fluids inside of him, and that he had fallen out of favor, they wouldn’t think in the direction of the scandalous act in which he put the young master in.


Opening the ventilation system, Jun Ye took a discarded towel and resignedly squatted in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, wiping away the dried white marks on the glass.


If he had known, he would have placed a strip of towel or something similar below the glass. However, having a towel would have likely diminished a lot of the fun, at least the male Zerg’s expression wouldn’t be as spectacular.


Jun Ye happily contemplated the memories of the expressions of the young master as he left marks throughout the room. It seemed that cleaning up the aftermath wasn’t such a boring task after all.


After more than an hour of tidying up, Jun Ye wiped the bathroom mirror with a dry towel and declared it finished.


Taking a shower, Jun Ye returned to bed with a clean towel wrapped around him, embracing the deeply sleeping young master.


As if sensing something, Joshua furrowed his brows and rubbed against the Zerg beside him. This sensation… something felt off?

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Perhaps due to their recent openness, Joshua failed to realize what was off about the sensation. He fell back into a deep sleep.


The next day, when Joshua opened his eyes, he was met with the sight of the female Zerg’s chest marked with ink-blue patterns, causing him to be momentarily stunned.


For the past few days, even when sleeping, they maintained a position of him being taken from behind, and Joshua had almost forgotten when was the last time he slept facing the female Zerg.


Lifting his head and gazing at the female Zerg’s seemingly more beautiful and enticing face, Joshua, as if driven by a strange impulse, extended his hand and traced from the female Zerg’s eyebrows to his lower lip.


Similarly driven by a strange impulse, Jun Ye, who had awakened when the young master opened his eyes, slightly opened his mouth and took the young master’s fingertip inside. Over these three days, he had explored every possible way of pleasing the little young master, except for touching his claws.


The young master’s paws were either gripping the bedsheets, slipping against the mirror, or scratching his back like a cat. Now one of them had finally ended up in Jun Ye’s mouth.


At this moment, Joshua was not the same unresponsive male Zerg as before. With this act, Joshua’s breathing immediately became rapid.


Jun Ye, surprised, opened his eyes and saw the flushed face of the young master. He silently let go of the finger in his mouth.


Are you kidding? They didn’t have any more restorative fluid now, and with the male Zerg’s delicate constitution, going for another round would definitely result in consequences.


Joshua: “…”


With a heavy heart, Joshua remained silent for a long time before looking up at Jun Ye again and asking, “Jun… Does the claim you made last night still hold?”


“Sure,” Jun Ye didn’t really care about titles and such, as long as he could sleep as usual. But if the young master cared, he didn’t mind going along with it.


Jun Ye gazed at the young master, perhaps influenced by his emotions. He suddenly felt a bit nervous and coughed softly, saying, “From now on, I’ll address you as Lord Husband. Please… take care of me?”


Joshua’s heart fluttered, and he quietly pressed his cheek against Jun Ye’s chest.


The words “Lord Husband” injected a dose of reassurance into Joshua’s heart. It seemed like all the grievances he had endured were worth it in this moment, and it gave him time to think about other things, like…

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“So, can I have a copy of the recording?” Joshua blushed.


Jun Ye’s face stiffened as he suddenly remembered that he had left the recording on at the young master’s request. He had completely forgotten about it and hadn’t turned it off, which meant that the scene of him cleaning up the aftermath was recorded…


“Jun?” Seeing Jun Ye’s changing expression, Joshua remembered what he had said when he woke up in an agitated state, and he panicked, quickly explaining, “I… I don’t hate you. If making you happy means doing that to me, then I… I can… as long as you stay.”


His words came out fragmented, but Jun Ye miraculously understood.


The young master was willing to be on the receiving end in order to stay with him, even if he doubts his own purpose. Such a male Zerg, he doesn’t know if he is stupid or…


“I won’t leave…” Jun Ye patted Joshua’s back and changed the subject, saying, “Let’s get up. It’s been so many days, and your parents must be worried.”


“Yeah…” Joshua fell into silence, unsure of how to explain to his parents about the failed awakening and how to protect Jun Ye.


Jun Ye sat up and took out spare clothes from the storage compartment, but he noticed that the young master remained still and dazed. Suddenly, he remembered the surprise he had prepared for the young master.


Averting his gaze, Jun Ye continued getting dressed in an apparently nonchalant manner, saying, “What’s wrong? As one of the rare S-class male Zergs in the Union, aren’t you going to show off?”




Joshua nervously sensed the energy in his core, and the golden threads of energy lingered.



Oooh surprisingly he awakened anyways! Mmh, looking at all of this, they could’ve just communicated openly instead of letting it all explode at once ahah ^^’


Thank you for reading! You can consider checking out my ko-fi for bonus releases (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ



1He means marriage certificate2A vibrat*r3Basically, it means that the male Zerg’s s*men is so precious that not  a single drop of it should be wasted or left to someone else

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