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Sunlight streamed through the semi-circular glass canopy, casting a warm golden glow over the panoramic room. Joshua kicked the sheets and rolled around in bed.


In the past few days, he had grown accustomed to waking up with another Zerg by his side.


Before his awakening, he would be cradled in the arms of a Zerg, and upon opening his eyes, he would see Jun Ye’s sturdy chest. Even during his awakening, he would still be held by Jun Ye—assuming the position where he could feel the enormity and heat of the female Zerg without fully waking up…


But now, as Joshua rolled around the bed, he bumped into nothing resembling a living Zerg twice when reaching the edge of the sofa bed.


Wait, sofa bed?


Joshua abruptly sat up, and the memories of the previous night replayed in his mind.


He had been fed a lot of alcohol by the guests, and several sub-female Zergs took the opportunity to snuggle up to him, causing his clothes, which were meant to be worn for Jun Ye, to become wrinkled… Jun Ye was gone, and he was worried, so he left the party early to find the Zerg in their bedroom… On his way through the panoramic room, he saw Jun Ye in the courtyard playing a wrestling game with a group of female Zergs…


No, it wasn’t a wrestling game. It was Jun Ye accepting the challenges from those female Zergs, one by one, effortlessly defeating them!


His heart raced as he watched, wanting to hug Jun Ye, to kiss him, to give him everything beautiful!


So, when Jun Ye approached him, he seduced him.


He pinned Jun Ye down, and he said——I want to do it until you’re pregnant…


Joshua’s face flushed, but his memories stopped there. He couldn’t recall what happened afterward.


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Did he deliver his seed into Jun Ye’s belly? Did he impregnate him?


Joshua couldn’t calm down anymore. He hurriedly got out of bed. He wanted to find the female Zerg and listen to his belly, to see if there were eggs from both him and Jun Ye.


The idea was beautiful, but reality was cruel.


As Joshua leaned over the sofa bed to grab his shoes, he suddenly felt a searing pain in his buttocks, causing him to fall down in fright.


On the ground, with his face almost intimately meeting the carpet, Joshua touched his buttocks with a look of horror.


He was certain that his backside wasn’t hurting when the evening party ended, so he was the one who got smacked?!


As for why only his buttocks hurt and there was no sensation in the middle, Joshua found a reasonable explanation. The Zerg he loved was a pervert, so how could he expect his perverted thoughts to follow the conventional Zerg mating ways?


After all, practice makes perfect, and not to mention that during his awakening days, Joshua was thoroughly “smacked” inside and out. This time, losing control of his rear end was only a small regret. It’s just that he couldn’t deliver his seed into his beloved Zerg’s belly.


Just as Jun Ye came back holding a restorative solution, he witnessed the scene of the young master lying on the ground rubbing his buttocks, and especially… the angle was right in Jun Ye’s line of sight.


Jun Ye: “……”


Fortunately, the elaborate gem decorations on the wedding dress were not suitable for sleeping in, so Jun Ye had already changed Joshua out of the wedding dress last night.


Otherwise, seeing such a stimulating scene early in the morning, Jun Ye was afraid he wouldn’t have resisted going up and lifting the young master’s skirt for a morning exercise.


“Jun?” Joshua turned his head and saw Jun Ye, who had appeared behind him at some point. He instinctively realized that his current position was unsafe and quickly turned around, changing to a kneeling position.


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Then, Joshua raised his head and gave Jun Ye a big smile, but his gaze involuntarily swept across Jun Ye’s abdomen.




Jun Ye walked up with a cold face, glanced at Joshua who was kneeling and trying to protect his buttocks, then turned around and sat on the bed, saying, “Come up and lie down.”


“Lie down?” Joshua was shocked and pale, quickly covering his buttocks with his hands, which still felt hot and painful. He looked terrified and said, “No more smacking, it will break.”


Jun Ye: “……”


“What kind of thoughts do you have in your head every day?”


Jun Ye directly picked up the bug on the ground and pressed him onto the bed, then pulled down the Zerg’s pajamas.


Feeling the female Zerg rudely pulling his pants down, Joshua was about to exclaim in shock.


But just in time, he remembered that this was the panoramic room, not his soundproof bedroom. Moreover, the panoramic room was a shared space for the whole family.


Joshua quickly covered his mouth with his paws, luckily managing to suppress the exclamation. Following that, he felt the cool palm of the female Zerg landing on his hot and painful area.


“No! Jun… It will really break…” Joshua wriggled his body and struggled, trying to crawl forward.


Jun Ye grabbed the male Zerg’s ankle and pulled back the little master who had crawled a centimeter forward. Without wasting words, Jun Ye used his claw, holding the empty glass tube, to rub and massage the male Zerg.


Ice-cold and scorching sensations converged on the same patch of skin. Joshua could even vividly feel himself being squeezed and flattened by the female Zerg’s hands, changing into various shapes…


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Nervous, excited, trembling…


At first, only those two lobes of the male Zerg were red, but as Jun Ye rubbed the healing solution onto him, his entire body turned red.


Jun Ye got up with the empty glass tube and went to wash his hands, then, before leaving, he made sure to pull up the young master’s pants.


The young master had been immersed in his monologue for so long that he was almost steaming. When he opened his mouth, he could only pant heavily. He saw Jun Ye leaving without any reluctance.


Jun Ye completed his task of applying the medicine and found a place in the panoramic room to maintain his firearms.


The young master didn’t know if he was scared or not, but he remained extremely quiet throughout the entire day, without any antics.


Jun Ye glanced at the little master on the sofa opposite him several times. Every time their eyes met, the young master would quickly lower his head and hold a virtual book, seemingly engrossed in reading. The number of pages read didn’t decrease even after a long time.


Jun Ye wondered if the young master was giving him the silent treatment?


But what did he do? Was he being given the silent treatment for applying medicine?


That night, while Jun Ye was casually browsing his terminal’s messages, his mind wandered. Would the young master come up while holding a quilt, wanting to divide the bed?


However, the reality was that when the young master came out of the bathroom, he pounced directly onto Jun Ye without even bothering with the bed.


“What’s wrong?” Jun Ye stroked the golden hair of the young master buried against his chest.


“Are you going to be stationed in that faraway star?” Joshua continued burying himself, asking gloomily.


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“No, I still have a few days off.” Jun Ye’s gaze swept over the date in the lower right corner of the virtual screen.


Joshua fell silent for a while, then voluntarily changed the topic: “I seem to be ill.”


“Hmm?” Jun Ye closed the terminal and pulled the Zerg up. His complexion seemed fine, and from touching his forehead, his temperature was normal.


No matter how much Jun Ye looked, he wouldn’t find anything. He asked directly, “What’s wrong? Did you have the medical Zerg take a look?”


Of course, he hadn’t. Even though the young master had been quiet all day today, he had never left Jun Ye’s side.


Jun Ye was prepared to take the Zerg to the medical room, but the young master held him back. Jun Ye stopped and looked at him.


“I… I felt strange when you applied the medicine… I had a certain kind of reaction…” The young master’s face turned pink with embarrassment.


At first, Jun Ye didn’t understand the connection between the two, until he remembered how he applied the medicine to the Zerg earlier. After applying the medicine, the young master’s body turned red all over. Then he recalled how he had spanked the Zerg a few times last night as a lesson, and how the Zerg had tearfully confessed that he had something hidden underneath his skirt…


He seemed to… understand something.




Joshua sure has some guts calling Jun Ye a pervert when he’s like this (ノ= ⩊ = )ノ

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