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Three days later, the local Emperor Jun Ye moved into his… 50-square-meter dormitory for single officers with his empress.


As a married Zerg, Jun Ye stood at the entrance of the dormitory, surveying the minimalist design style. He hesitated whether to exchange his military merits for a better place to live.


He hadn’t thought much of the small space before, but after returning from the Lindsay home, Jun Ye suddenly realized that his dormitory was smaller than the young master’s dressing room.


However, as he entered the room and saw the chaos caused by the young master, who wanted to touch and explore everything, Jun Ye suppressed the thought of exchanging for a larger palace.


In the short time that Jun Ye stood at the doorway, the young master had already taken out dozens of personal items from the storage device and mixed them with Jun Ye’s everyday items, like a small beast eagerly marking its territory.


Considering his experience of being single for decades in his two lifetimes, Jun Ye thought that 50 square meters was neither big nor small, and it could easily accommodate more than one Zerg. Besides, the young master was so small and didn’t take up much space….


So, he happily decided not to change his nest for now!


Jun Ye closed the door and walked into the room, only to hear the young master exclaim from the living room. Jun Ye hurriedly picked up his pace and went over.


He couldn’t help but feel puzzled. His dormitory was small, and usually, he kept all the spoils of war from various Zergs and creatures in the storage warehouse in his office area. Various weapons and mechas were also stored there. There shouldn’t be anything terrifying here.


If there was something that could scare the young master, it could only be the exotic beast he had picked up from the starry sea.


He had been away for a month, and he hoped the animal hadn’t starved to death. He certainly didn’t want the young master to be eaten like a dessert.


He thought about all this in an instant, and the next moment, Jun Ye was already in the kitchen.


However, the scene before him was quite different from what he had imagined.


The male Zerg was standing on tiptoes, nervously covering his mouth, and staring at a small, pale pink fluff ball on the ground, and it was small enough to be held by one paw. The fluff dumpling had an obvious indentation, as if something had stepped on it.


“Jun! It’s alive!” Joshua remembered the moment when a furry thing suddenly rolled over and bumped into his ankle, and he still felt somewhat unsettled.


Jun Ye hummed and crouched down, picking up the motionless ball.


He remembered that before he left, this exotic creature was as big as a sofa, and its fur was as vibrant red as an interstellar flower. But now… had it shrunk due to hunger?


Seeing Jun Ye’s strange expression, Joshua nervously approached and cautiously asked, “Did I step on it and kill it?”

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The appearance of the dumpling in Jun Ye’s dormitory, and the fact that it was clearly recognized by the female Zerg, left no doubt about its identity…


Hey, hey, what should he do if he accidentally killed his beloved’s pet on their first day of living together??


Jun Ye tried to communicate with the fluff ball using telepathy. Although the fluff ball had shrunk due to hunger, it seemed to be mentally energetic. Listening to the fluff ball’s excitement, it seemed like it had found a super big and delicious meal and was willing to share it with him.


Jun Ye recalled that this beast could consume spiritual energy. He glanced at the young master beside him. With only the three of them in this place, it was obvious who the food that the fluff ball mentioned referred to. Jun Ye smiled and clenched his claws, saying to the young master, “It’s alright, it still has vitality. Do you want to play?”


Joshua looked at the deformed fluff ball that was being crushed by jun Ye and instantly became a fan of fluffy things. He eagerly nodded while holding onto Jun Ye’s arm.


So, this is how you play with this fluffy pet? How amazing!


That day, after being twisted, flattened, and mentally whipped by its heartless owner, the fluff ball finally understood that the delicious food the owner kept was only meant for himself to feast on.


Later on, the fluff ball was carefully held in Jun Ye’s palm, surrounded by delicious food, and its entire body felt so comfortable that its fur was about to fall down. The fluff ball pitifully asked its owner: “I won’t eat it. Can I just lick it a bit?”


——No, you can’t!


“Jun,” Joshua held the fluff ball and thought about those Zerg owners who shared pictures of their pets online. With shining eyes, he looked at Jun Ye and said, “From now on, I’ll be this dumpling’s male father. We’re a Zerg family, and I’ll treat it as well as I would my own cubs!” Even if the Zerg of his heart was a pervert and they were doomed to not have cubs in the future, they would still live happily together!


Fluff ball: “???”


Jun Ye: “…As long as you’re happy.”


And so, they began their (one-sided) happy life as a family of three.


On the following day, even though it was already nighttime when Jun Ye returned to the Garrison Star, the news of the male Zerg brought back by the Major General spread at light speed within the military camp.


As the stationed military was required to stay on the border of the alliance for an extended period, the military camp had become a fortress-like existence that integrated military, life, and offspring education. Therefore, it was allowed to bring family members here, although few male Zergs came to such a dangerous and arduous place.


As a result, male Zergs became extremely rare on the stationed star. Each one would attract a dozen females who would eagerly try to please them.


If it was said that the Major’s male Zerg was an S-ranked Zerg, which was a synonym for a golden age of beauty, strong reproductive ability, and excellent nurturing capacity in the Zerg community. If they were chosen by that male Zerg, they would not only have a fulfilling life but they can also serve with the Major General together. Though it was sour to think about the doubled training intensity…


Although no Zergs dared to take any practical action for the time being, on the second day, the stationed military saw various military females walking by the officer’s apartment building, passing by the Major General’s door, each one displaying ceremonial gestures that exceeded military parades.

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Thus, the next morning, as soon as Jun Ye and the young master stepped out of the apartment, they saw a group of military females surrounding the area, pretending to walk by while showcasing their charm.


Joshua proudly raised his eyebrows at Jun Ye: See? Your male Zerg’s charm is huge. So pay attention to me~


Jun Ye glanced at him and then cast his gaze towards the military females who pretended to pass by, and his eyes narrowed slightly.


Joshua was about to explode—Look at me! What are those big and thick female Zergs doing?!


Thinking about his beloved Zerg, who was perverted enough to want to take a male Zerg from behind, and looking at these female Zergs who can start self-lubricating as soon as they’re provoked, Joshua suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.


As natural recipients, female Zergs must be much more interesting to play with through their back door than a dry male Zerg like him who needs lubrication. No way! He couldn’t let these seductive tramps take away his king!


Joshua held onto Jun Ye’s arm, proclaiming his ownership and his eyes scanned the button of a female soldier whose well-developed chest muscles could be seen. He looked like someone guarding against a third party in an affair.


Military females: “……It’s one thing for the major to glare at us, but why are you glaring at us even more fiercely?”


Seeing the strange expressions of the female Zergs, Jun Ye lowered his head and looked at the young master beside him, feeling puzzled.


Joshua, feeling as if he was being accused, raised his head and asked Jun Ye, “Do you dislike my small chest muscles?”


Jun Ye was bewildered: “What?”


—You have chest muscles? Since when? Why haven’t I touched them? Aren’t you just a weak and stiff little thing?


Joshua, felt wronged. I can understand if you like male Zergs with big chests, but why do you also like female Zergs with big chests…


Looking at the well-developed chest muscles of those strong and plump military females that could crush Zergs, Joshua clearly and hopelessly realized that he would never be able to develop muscles of that magnitude in his lifetime. Their physique was simply not on the same level.


Hey, hey, hey…


Jun Ye held a skeptical attitude towards Joshua’s chest muscles, but he decided to set it aside for now. He would personally verify it tonight. The current main task was to find some activities for these idle military females and help them relax their muscles and joints.


So, after having breakfast with the young master in the officer’s dining room, and after introducing the young master to various Zergs, Jun Ye temporarily entrusted him to one of his married guards and walked purposefully towards the military headquarters.


Young master: Hey, hey, you’re actually leaving behind your beautiful male Zerg to accompany those ugly female Zerg.

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He gave the adjutant a long list of Zergs he noted in the morning, a total of 103, and asked the adjutant to notify them to gather at the training ground for a surprise assessment.


Those who defeated him would pass, and those who lost would undergo double training to prevent them from embarrassing themselves when they went out.


On the other side, Joshua walked around the Zerg grove with a silent guard until they reached a lakeside.


There were no Zergs around, and it was silent and tranquil. Joshua stopped and turned around, showing a big smile to the guard behind him.


The guard froze, internally wailing, Major General, I might let you down!


“Um… Gua一Big brother,” Joshua rubbed his little claws and shamelessly called the military female, that was older than his own female father, brother. His eyes directly focused on his chest. He asked with a mixture of anticipation and slight unease, “How did you develop your chest muscles?”


The guard, who had already turned red, protected his chest and stepped back. His expression changed again and again: “Your Excellency Joshua, I’m already married. It’s impolite for you to ask like this…”


Joshua was taken aback, then quickly realized that the guard had misunderstood something. He immediately felt embarrassed and shifted his gaze away.


His eyes darted around, and he cleared his throat, saying, “It’s because my female mate likes it (big-chested Zergs), and I still haven’t found a method for quick breast enhancement. I was hoping…”


Joshua gave the guard a “you know” look, and the guard recalled the extremely embarrassing and intimate method that his own male master had mentioned. In an instant, he understood.


He never expected that the serious and upright Major General had such preferences…


The guard had always believed in the principle that “mating without the purpose of egg-laying is a waste of resources,” and “wasting precious male Zerg seeds is unforgivable.” Although he couldn’t agree with his superior’s little hobby, he wouldn’t say anything.


Looking at Joshua’s inquisitive eyes, the guard couldn’t help but sigh. How wonderful it would be to have a male Zerg who indulged him in such small preferences. If he wanted to learn something else, he would gladly impart his knowledge. But this quick breast enhancement…


Looking at the male Zerg’s eager gaze for knowledge, the guard gritted his teeth and said, “I’ll tell you directly. The most effective and least harmful way for a female Zerg to quickly enhance his chest is by having an egg!”


Look, it’s such a perfect method that doesn’t hinder egg-laying and promotes your little hobby.


Joshua’s mind couldn’t help but imagine his chest muscles becoming as big as the male Zerg he saw in the resonance with Jun Ye… and then he thought about himself leaning into Jun Ye’s embrace, gently caressing his abdomen. He suddenly froze and shivered.


The Zerg of his heart was abnormal, and it was impossible for him to lay eggs. He would never be able to get eggs in this lifetime.


Struggling to maintain his male dignity, Joshua weakly smiled at the guard and walked away.

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On the other side, Jun Ye, with a list of 103 bugs, mercilessly defeated a group of elite A-grade females, leaving them sprawled on the ground crying for mercy.


Jun Ye stood in the center of the field, his gaze coldly scanning the fallen and twisted bodies of the female Zergs. The Zergs who were writhing in pain instantly froze in place, fully utilizing their feigning death skill.


Jun Ye: “…”


F*ck, a group of useless Zergs who allocated their skill points wrongly.


Jun Ye glanced at the cut on his arm that was now clearly visible. He estimated that his self-healing abilities wouldn’t be able to completely heal it before tonight, so he headed towards the infirmary behind the training ground.


He didn’t want the young master to catch him with a wounded arm during their intimate moments in the evening. It would be a mood killer.


As he entered the infirmary through the sensing door, the medical system greeted him with its usual procedural greeting and reported his body data.


“X123 Commander of Garrison Star, Major General Jun Ye, good morning. Your eggs are developing well, and it is recommended to irrigate them once a week. The cut on your arm caused by a sharp object is not infected, and the self-healing process is progressing well. The injury level is classified as F, and it is being transferred to the military medical department for treatment.”


In the end, the medical system concluded stiffly, “You are still as robust as an interstellar behemoth. Please continue to maintain your condition.”


Jun Ye’s expression was quite peculiar as he looked at the few military doctors who came to congratulate him after hearing the medical system’s words. He earnestly advised them: “There must be some malfunction in this system. While those injured Zergs outside are still pretending to be dead, quickly submit a maintenance request.”


After saying that, Jun Ye applied the medicine himself and left, leaving the military doctors looking at each other in confusion.


一Did it malfunction? No? So, does he really have an egg or not?


A military doctor who was very familiar with the medical system immediately volunteered to check both the system and the equipment, and they came to the conclusion—Major General indeed had eggs!


The news of “Major General is carrying an egg” spread even faster than the news of “Major General has brought back a male Zerg.” It spread so quickly that Joshua, who had just come out of the small grove, heard the dreadful news.



I sense a huge misunderstanding incoming (」°ロ°)」

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