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As these coincidences unfolded, Jun Ye couldn’t help but wonder if there was any connection between the Zerg in this world and his original world.


Before he could come to a conclusion, Joshua walked out of the bathroom.


Jun Ye looked up and couldn’t help but be slightly stunned.


Joshua was wearing a set of pale pink pajamas that matched the color of the hungry little dumpling. What surprised Jun Ye was that the male Zerg’s pajamas were long, with sleeves covering his wrists and pants reaching over his ankles.


In Jun Ye’s memory, it was the first time he saw the young master wearing such conservative sleepwear.


Since Jun Ye was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and moved into the officers’ apartments for single Zergs, the young master had developed a habit of video calling him at night. Every time he answered the call, he would see Joshua in various revealing pajamas, and the scent of the pheromones would practically waft through the screen, revealing the young master’s intentions.


But now… the young master seemed to be playing it safe with him.


Under Jun Ye’s gaze, Joshua’s claws unconsciously gripped the hem of his sleepwear. He took a deep breath and walked step by step to sit next to Jun Ye on the sofa. He sat up, his back staring and his knees together, and his paws resting on his knees, appearing dignified as he met Jun Ye’s gaze.


Jun Ye: “…”


After spending a whole day full of emotions, it seemed that the young master had come up with some “ideas” in his little head.


Jun Ye put aside the matter of the report for now and pushed the warm milk towards Joshua, ready to listen to the young master’s whimsical thoughts.


Joshua glanced at the milk on the table, and the tips of his paws, resting on his knees, twitched slightly. Instead of reaching for the milk, he looked solemnly at Jun Ye and said calmly, “I don’t care who that wild male Zerg is, but between him and me, you have to choose one.”


Oh, a wild male Zerg… That’s definitely something only the young master’s beautiful little brain could come up with.


When Jun Ye couldn’t find any bug branch that matched his situation, he wondered if the seed vitality of the S-rank male Zerg was too strong, allowing it to impregnate the female Zerg during their splashing around in the bathtub. He had even planned to wear a condom for the young master in the future… It turned out that he had underestimated the peculiarities of this species’ mating behavior.


With these thoughts in mind, Jun Ye raised his chin slightly to signal Joshua to continue.


Joshua’s expression remained unchanged, but his paws gradually twisted the fabric of his pants. He took a deep breath and said, “Choose me… You can keep the egg, but it’s impossible to feed it with that wild male Zerg… I can give you my blood essence. The blood of an S-rank male Zerg is enough to ensure your safe childbirth. After giving birth… the egg will belong to me, and it will have nothing to do with that wild male Zerg!”

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“Oh, so I’ll call you Father from now on?” Jun Ye raised the corners of his mouth, a smile mixed with indiscernible irony and curiosity. Before Joshua, whose face turned pale instantly, could answer, Jun Ye lazily leaned against the armrest of the sofa closer to Joshua and asked, “Is there anything else?”


Joshua bit his lip, and his chest rose and fell rapidly. His voice began to tremble as he said, “If you choose that wild male Zerg… I…”


Joshua’s teeth chattered, struggling to maintain his composure. He lowered his head, claws digging into his flesh, as if he was trying to suppress something, and his shoulders shook badly.


Jun Ye remained silent, waiting patiently. After a long while, he heard Joshua’s voice, nasal and hesitant. The young master gritted his teeth and said each word slowly, “I won’t allow you to choose him!”


As he finished speaking, Joshua seemed to have exhausted all his strength and slumped forward, almost falling onto the table.


Without hesitation, Jun Ye reached out and pulled Joshua towards himself before he could fall onto the tabletop.


In the process, Joshua’s knees hit the hard tiles, making a muffled sound.


However, Jun Ye’s stern expression didn’t waver. He spread his legs and firmly pressed Joshua’s head against his own body.


Joshua’s pale little face clearly showed resistance, but as he smelled the strong pheromones emanating from Jun Ye, he resolutely closed his eyes and allowed the female Zerg to press his head down.


Kneeling down on the ground… and offering himself to a female Zerg was an absolute humiliation for any male Zerg. But if he did this… Jun Ye would be able to let go of that wild male Zerg, and he…


Joshua’s thoughts suddenly came to a halt as the female Zerg unfastened the buttons of his shirt. The solid muscles that he felt were not in the place he had anticipated. Instead, he was pressing Joshua onto his abs… Where the mating products with wild male would be….


Overwhelmed by a sudden realization, Joshua started struggling violently, ignoring the shame of his position. His paws were on the sofa, and he shook his head, trying desperately to break free, but the female Zerg’s claws kept him firmly in place.


No! No! He doesn’t want to be close to the eggs of his beloved with another male zerg!


The existence of this Zerg egg constantly reminded Joshua of his mistaken infatuation. This was the cub the female Zerg of his heart had while he lived with him. The female Zerg accepted his affection while being intimate with other male Zergs…


Just thinking about it made Joshua ache and want to die from the pain.


I gave all my love to you… How could you do this to me?

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Even the intimacy he received as the recipient was fake. During the egg-carrying period, the female Zerg couldn’t accept irrigation from other male Zergs, so he humiliated Joshua in such a way. It was ridiculous that he had lost himself in such humiliation, allowing the female Zerg to release into him over and over again…


So mean…


Even now, no matter how he struggled, his paws never touched Jun Ye’s abdomen. He couldn’t find a reason for it. Instinctively, he restrained his actions, no matter how uncomfortable and aggrieved he felt, he controlled himself from hurting Jun Ye or the eggs in the other’s belly.


Twenty minutes passed, and Joshua was too exhausted to move any further. He collapsed, his body weak, on top of Jun Ye.


His cheek pressed against the female Zerg’s shirt, and underneath it were the powerful muscles of his beloved. The warm and refreshing pheromones surrounded his nose, and a faint spiritual thread gently brushed his exhausted spiritual core…


A faint spiritual thread?


Joshua’s body gradually stiffened, and then, his eyes, which had been closed in despair, suddenly flew open!


He breathed slightly heavier, feeling the slight movements of the spiritual core inside Jun Ye as he pressed against his abdomen. It seemed that the spiritual core inside him also gradually calmed down due to his proximity.


His innate instincts told Joshua that this was his cub, inheriting his genes…


Joshua’s facial expression turned blank in an instant, and he looked up at Jun Ye in disbelief.


This was his?!


How, how could this be…


Jun Ye’s claws were still resting on Joshua’s head but were no longer pressing down on the male Zerg. Jun Ye leaned against the back of the sofa chair, looking slightly pale. When Joshua looked over, Jun Ye only blinked his eyes in response.


“Jun?” Joshua’s voice still carried a hint of hoarseness and tremor. Seeing Jun Ye’s pale complexion, he struggled to support himself and stood up.


His legs felt weak, and he almost stumbled several times while getting up. The female Zerg didn’t offer any help, and Joshua didn’t dare to fall on Jun Ye’s body. He managed to stand shakily.


Joshua understood the reason for Jun Ye’s pale face. The restlessness of the cub’s spirit could cause disturbances affecting the pregnant female Zerg. And the reason for the offspring’s agitation was because it sensed his unstable emotions.

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One pull affected three Zergs.


After Joshua managed to steady himself, Jun Ye raised his eyes again and calmly asked, “Are you done with all the fuss?”


Joshua’s head was so low that it could almost touch his clavicle. He really wanted to find a hole to crawl into.


Oh my God, did he just accuse the Zerg of his heart of not loving him and having eggs with a wild male Zerg?!


How could Jun Ye not love him? He was clearly a pervert who always took the dominant role in mating and secretly used his seeds to cultivate life, enduring the hardship of carrying the eggs…


That’s right, Joshua assumed that the egg was the result of the Zerg worker’s impregnation.


Facing Jun Ye’s calm gaze, Joshua’s heart raced with a surprising sense of joy. He thought he was in an impossible situation, but the situation suddenly turned around. Overwhelmed by this great surprise, his mind went blank, and his legs felt weak.


Joshua wanted to apologize and admit his mistake, but after searching through his pink, bubble-filled brain, all he could come up with was a dry: “I was wrong…”


He shouldn’t have let his thoughts run wild, assumed the worst, ignored explanations, and let his emotions explode and affect Jun Ye’s body… Most of all, he shouldn’t have doubted Jun Ye’s love for him.


Jun Ye looked at the young man who was wearing a silly smile and wearily rubbed his forehead.


Damn, his subconscious mind had remained in his original world all along, and he had forgotten that the Zerg species could recognize relatives through their innate abilities. He had wasted so much time and energy looking up information about the species…


Simply idiotic.


Early on, when the young master was causing trouble in his office, he should have pressed him onto his belly… Then he wouldn’t have had so many troubles.


Jun Ye glanced at the overly long sleepwear on the young master’s body, stood up suddenly, and walked towards the bathroom.


Joshua followed him hesitantly, and if the bathroom door hadn’t slammed shut in front of him, he might have followed Jun Ye inside.


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When Jun Ye came out after washing up, he saw Joshua standing awkwardly at the door, unable to hide the smile on his face. There was a suspicious white color at the corners of his mouth. It was the milk that had been left cold for who knows how long…


Jun Ye felt a headache coming on. It seemed that the young master had imagined something strange again with his pretty little brain.


Unlike Joshua’s conservative style today, Jun Ye had fully resumed his military habits, wearing only a towel around his lower body. Water droplets slid down his full and strong chest.


Joshua only took a quick glance and hurriedly lowered his gaze. His eyes slid over the white towel that outlined Jun Ye’s military Zerg body, and his ears turned pink.


Was Jun Ye dressing like this… as an invitation for him to irrigate him?


Didn’t the pregnancy monitoring software state that there should be at least one irrigation session per week? Of course, he would spare no effort to treat his mate and the babies he carried.


With these thoughts in mind, Joshua felt his face burning, and his body felt hot. It became too stifling, prompting him to unbutton two buttons of his conservative sleepwear.


“Do you like cubs very much?” Trying to ease the heat in his body, Joshua brought up a topic.







I’m a bit taken aback from this chapter… Yeah Joshua thought Jun Ye was cheating, and it’s a lack of trust… But… considering he was on the receiving end… it’s not that surprising…???? I mean Jun Ye also didn’t say anything because he was at loss…. (; ̄Д ̄)

But still… I hope these little cubs won’t bring us much trouble o(><;)○


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