Counterattacking the Submissive Role!

Chapter 3: [Zerg Race] Female Zerg Gong 3


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What does he want to do? First of all… he couldn’t let go of the other person’s hand, and he had already achieved that. Then, what would be next?


Joshua’s head was not clear, especially while the Zerg he was infatuated with right beside him, surrounding him by the female Zerg’s refreshing pheromones. He could even feel the warmth of the other’s body temperature.


So warm, he even wanted to fall asleep like this…


Seeing the Young Master’s absent gaze, his man tightened his grip slightly, immediately getting Joshua’s attention back.


Following that, he recalled Jun Ye’s question. What else did he want to do? What more did he want?


Oh, he wanted Jun Ye to hold him, kiss him. He wanted the other to continue touching him, to have more intimate contact!


One after another, thoughts appeared in Joshua’s mind, intensifying his desires. But with each thought, he felt it wasn’t enough.


Finally, an extreme craving emerged from his consciousness, and Joshua’s mind heated up as he exclaimed, “I want it! I want Jun Ye to give birth to my eggs!”


Jun Ye’s expression momentarily froze, then turned ferocious.


Hahaha, you weakling who can’t even get hard wants to impregnate me…


After Joshua finished his plea, he felt the pleasurable hand of the female Zerg suddenly stop. The newly awakened Joshua, who had just tasted the pleasure, didn’t want it to end, so he instinctively pushed himself forward. He brushed against Jun Ye’s palm with his newfound strength, only to feel the claws that were initially loosely holding him suddenly tighten…


“Ah, ah!! It hurts, it hurts!!”


What elegant thoughts, any dignity was gone in that instant. Joshua thrashed about, flailing with all his might, like a fish thrown ashore, struggling and kicking in panic.


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Finally managing to rescue his fragile self from the grasp of the female Zerg’s hold, Joshua instinctively protected his distressed and vulnerable spot that had been painfully pinched, rolling away from the culprit. He didn’t pay attention and rolled right to the edge of the bed, and then…


“Ah! Jun!!”




Jun Ye had uncovered Joshua’s blanket from the beginning, and when Joshua rolled off the bed, he didn’t take away any bedding. Thus, he fell down hard with nothing to cushion his fall.


Jun Ye glanced at the Zerg lying on the carpet like a shrimp, seeing that he was still breathing, and no longer paid him any attention.


The rooms of male Zergs were always filled with various carpets. He had heard his comrades in the military talk about it before, thinking that male Zergs were a bit too delicate. But now, in his urgent anger, everything he saw made him feel that these male Zergs were excessively lascivious.


While the fragile constitution of the male Zerg made him unable to sleep on the floor, there was a carpet in the bedroom all year round. Does he dare to say that he doesn’t want to do something on it?


Always thinking about mating and reproduction… Male Zergs should be locked up to be used only for breeding, just like the Heavenly clan had once done.


“Jun… it hurts…” Joshua shrank and couldn’t climb onto the bed. He pitifully held his lower body, looking up at the cold-looking female Zerg on the bed, half complaining and half accusing.


Jun Ye also sneered, “What’s there to hurt? It’s just a soft flesh that doesn’t react no matter how much you touch it. What’s the use of it?”


Joshua: “Just one more month, it will be fine, with my physiological awakening…”


Jun Ye no longer paid attention and turned over, lying down. If he had been more forceful just now, there would be no physiological awakening at all.


Joshua stared at the spot where Jun Ye had lied for a long time from the floor, but now there was only a pillow sitting there. A hand extended and even took away that pillow…


After a while, the pain became less intense, and only then did Joshua stiffly climb up, slowly crawling towards the bed.


He tentatively placed a paw on the bed, staring tensely at the female Zerg lying on his side, ready to crawl back under the bed at the slightest movement from the other party.

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But he didn’t move, and Joshua quietly sighed in relief. With stiff movements, he brought his legs up onto the bed. His other hand was still pressed against his little brother, so he had to crawl in this awkward position first.


After struggling to get himself onto the bed, Joshua looked at the distribution of the blankets on the bed and was dumbfounded.


Jun Ye was lying right in the middle of the bed, occupying the entire blanket. Even the only pillow on the bed was under Jun Ye’s head at the moment…


Joshua glanced at the blanket on the other side, which had been dragged down to the edge of the bed, and then looked at the other part of the blanket on his side, just barely covering the female Zerg’s back. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of despair.


Putting aside whether the male Zerg’s body was really so delicate that he couldn’t sleep without a blanket, for Joshua’s current condition, with the pain almost numbing his lower body, not having something to hold onto did make him feel inescure.


Joshua slowly and cautiously dawdled over, his paw bypassing Jun Ye’s body and pressing onto the other side of the blanket, creating the illusion that he intended to climb over the female Zerg’s body the same way he just climbed onto the bed.


As his paw pressed down, Joshua didn’t rush to flip over. He first leaned out to peek at Jun Ye’s expression. He didn’t plan on really risking it like this. When the female Zerg didn’t show any reaction, he could only call out softly in a trembling voice, “Jun…”


In order to create the desired effect, his voice was really quivering.


Joshua thought to himself, now that he had shown such a pitiful appearance, Jun Ye shouldn’t be mad anymore, right?


After a moment of silence, Joshua was beginning to think that Jun Ye would let him pitifully hug himself to sleep, but then he heard a slightly dull voice:


“If it hurts, go let the medic Zerg take a look. Don’t turn into a useless Zerg before your awakening.”


Joshua quickly took the chance, sobbing softly, “I’m in so much pain, how can you just let me go all by myself? You…”


Before he could finish his complaint, Jun Ye, who had flipped him over, lifted him up.


Jun Ye’s hand, pressed against Joshua’s waist, paused briefly. He had originally planned to carry the young master on his shoulders and take him away directly, but then he glanced at the other person’s hanging lower body and silently adjusted his posture, allowing the young master to lie on his shoulder and carrying him off the bed.


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Joshua nuzzled against Jun Ye’s neck and let out a contented sigh, “Jun, you’re so kind…”


Upon hearing Joshua’s words, Jun Ye’s gaze slightly lowered.


He really had a short memory. The scars hadn’t even healed, yet he forgot about the pain. How could he be fine…


“Jun…” Joshua buried his face in the crook of Jun Ye’s neck and called out in a slightly muffled voice.




The medic Zerg was not an actual Zerg but an AI. In Zerg households with relatively good financial standing, there was usually one, serving as the resident family doctor. Joshua’s family had a medical Zerg with its own dedicated medical room, not far from the main Zergs’ bedrooms, located at the far end of the second floor.


As they arrived outside the medical room, Jun Ye held the young master, whose body hadn’t fully developed, with one arm while pressing a few buttons on the screen next to the door.


At that moment, Jun Ye heard the young master softly say, “I’m sorry,” as warm breath brushed against his neck, causing a slight reaction.


Jun Ye adjusted his neck, feeling slightly uncomfortable and asked, “Are you feeling sorry for me?”


Joshua vaguely felt that the question sounded strange, but before he could think much about it, the apology that had been brewing in his heart had already been spoken, “I shouldn’t have poked your hand.”


Jun Ye raised an eyebrow, “That’s it?”


So, laying eggs and such wasn’t a big deal for male Zergs, it seemed.


Joshua had already replayed the incident in his mind many times, and even after thinking about it again, he still believed it was his own lack of self-restraint that caused him to accidentally poke against Jun Ye’s palm while pushing against him. It was then that Jun Ye reflexively applied too much force and squeezed him.


He still believed that Jun Ye didn’t do it on purpose. Otherwise, with a military female Zerg’s grip, no matter how much he struggled, he wouldn’t have been able to break free if Jun Ye didn’t want to let go.


As for what happened afterwards, when he fell to the ground, Jun Ye didn’t pay any attention to him. It was probably because he accidentally kicked Jun Ye during his struggle, pushing him away. After all, Jun Ye was a female Zerg. Being treated like that by a beloved male Zerg must have been heartbreaking, right?

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With these thoughts in mind, Joshua added, “I also shouldn’t have kicked you and pushed you away from me.”


Jun Ye “…” Son, if you hadn’t resisted and let me squeeze you, you would have probably become a useless male Zerg by now.


The door opened, and the medical room was illuminated with cold white light as various instruments operated methodically.


Jun Ye carried Joshua inside and placed him on the central bed. The compact medical robotic Zerg floated over and inquired, “Hello, Little Master. Are you feeling unwell? May I perform a full-body scan on you?”


The medical Zerg had a professional voice package. The voice used by this particular medic Zerg was that of a gentle sub-female Zerg, with a soothing tone that provided comfort to the Zergs. It was a pity that the medic Zerg wasn’t currently in its humanoid form; otherwise, accompanied by the appearance of a female Zerg nurse, even the most authoritative individuals would feel their lower body tingling when hearing the soft call of “Little Master.”


Seeing the medical Zerg approach Joshua, Jun Ye, who had been ignored from head to toe, consciously took a step back, creating space for the medic to work.


Joshua, half-lying on the bed with both hands tightly pressed against his injury, looked at the medic Zerg and then at Jun Ye, with an awkward face.


You also suddenly want me to leave the room and give you some privacy? Ah, weren’t they both men, ah? (Or at least, they used to be). Still, he understood.


So… Jun Ye turned around and walked out, considerately closing the door behind him.


As if!


He had scheduled time with the male Zerg, and he still wanted to fool around with the medic Zerg behind his back?!


In reality, Jun Ye walked over to the door, closed it, and leaned against it, staring coldly at the Zerg and the medical robot on the bed.


Come on, if you have the guts, do it in front of me. I won’t spare you.



I guess it was nearly over for Little Joshua Jr ( ・・)つ (not that it will be useful in the future given the premise of the whole novel hehe)

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