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Jun Ye noticed Fei Xiu’s distraction, his touch became heavier, and with a twist of his tongue, he abandoned the gentle contact from before, launching into a more intense assault.


Fei Xiu found himself ensnared, his breathing ragged, all his focus directed at not suffocating, unable to think about anything else.


As the kiss ended, Jun Ye halted his advances, his tongue lingering in Fei Xiu’s mouth for a moment before retreating.


Jun Ye breathed lightly against Fei Xiu’s flushed ear, saying, “Go to the bathroom, I’ll wash you first.”


Fei Xiu wanted to insist that he had already showered, but the recent kiss had left him sweating, fearing that Jun Ye might find him unpleasant later if he didn’t agree.



Reluctantly releasing his embrace from Jun Ye, Fei Xiu was instead pulled into the bathroom by Jun Ye’s arm.


“I, I can wash myself…” Fei Xiu glanced shyly, though he also wanted to be naked with Jun Ye, it felt too fast, and this wasn’t the right place, in the brightly lit bathroom.


Ignoring Fei Xiu’s protest, Jun Ye went ahead to adjust the water temperature of the shower.


He didn’t believe Fei Xiu would obediently wash inside.



Seeing Jun Ye silent, Fei Xiu hesitated for a moment, then silently began to remove his shoes and socks.


Fei Xiu had prepared many items for Jun Ye’s heat, but hadn’t thought to bring slippers for himself, so he stood barefoot on the tiled floor.


Fei Xiu hesitated, then started unbuttoning his shirt, stealing glances at Jun Ye from time to time. When he saw Jun Ye taking out a rectangular box and then extracting something resembling pointed glue from it, he had only undone four buttons.


Fei Xiu discreetly adjusted his crumpled shirt, wanting to cover his chest, but his eyes remained fixed on what Jun Ye was doing. He wondered, why was that tube of glue so big? What was it used for?


Jun Ye removed the seal from the lubricant, then attached the pointed tip.



Turning around, Jun Ye saw Fei Xiu still struggling with the buttons, so he walked over and decisively undid the rest of them, removing Fei Xiu’s shirt completely.


Fei Xiu felt his face burning, completely bewildered by Jun Ye’s boldness.


He wanted to protect his top half and his lower half, especially when he saw Jun Ye’s gaze fall on his back. He wished he had an extra hand.


Such a shy demeanor from an Alpha would be ridiculous, Fei Xiu had to suppress his thoughts, not blocking anything, standing straight in front of Jun Ye, head held high, unashamed.


Internally, he was extremely nervous…



Jun Ye kicked off his slippers, standing on the floor with Fei Xiu, their feet side by side, one big, one small.


Taking the showerhead, Jun Ye lightly kicked Fei Xiu’s calf, saying, “Go and lean over the sink.”




Fei Xiu obediently walked over and leaned over the sink, only then did he turn back to ask, “What are you going to do?”


“I’m going to help you take a bath,” Jun Ye approached, his smile harmless.



Warm water cascaded down Fei Xiu’s back, followed by Jun Ye’s soft, slippery hands…


Fei Xiu turned his head, blushing, feeling flustered as he looked at the “glue” in front of him, though his attention wasn’t really on it.


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He thought, although he couldn’t take a bath together with Jun Ye, being tenderly cared for like this by Jun Ye was also good.


After a while, as the water gradually flowed downwards, Jun Ye’s voice remained calm, as if they were just having a casual conversation. He said, “Raise your left leg.”


With the recent interaction, Fei Xiu now fully trusted Jun Ye, so without much questioning, he lifted his left leg as instructed.


“Rest it on the sink,” Jun Ye instructed again.


Fei Xiu complied, feeling a bit embarrassed. Did the Omega still want to help him wash his legs? He could do it himself…


Initially, the shower water did fall where Fei Xiu expected it to, but instead of moving downwards, it slowly began moving upwards.


It wasn’t until Jun Ye forcefully parted his legs with surprisingly strong yet gentle hands, that the warm water cascaded down.


Caught off guard by the sudden stimulation, Fei Xiu instinctively flinched, gripping Jun Ye’s fingertip with a small section of his legs.


Realizing what he had done, Fei Xiu quickly let go, turning back shakily, “Where…”


In that situation, Fei Xiu found it difficult to speak up, but he mustered up the courage to ask, “Do you also want to wash there?”


“Of course,” Jun Ye smiled innocently, even though his fingers were doing something extremely indecent to an Alpha’s sensitive area, he still appeared like a pure and innocent angel.


Fei Xiu, who could be won over by even a stiff, fake smile from Jun Ye, naturally didn’t have the heart to object to his beloved under such radiant light.


He forcefully suppressed his embarrassment and nervousness.


It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s just washing. He reassured himself inwardly.


As time passed by, the Omega showed no intention of stopping, but each passing moment was agonizing for Fei Xiu. It wasn’t just because he was being cleaned in that area by the Omega, but more importantly… he seemed to be feeling something.


Fei Xiu anxiously glanced at the small round mirror on the sink. The reflection showed a flushed face with reddened eyes and shimmering with moisture.


Was this how he looked right now? Fei Xiu’s heart trembled as he hastily looked away.


He wanted to find something to distract himself. If this continued, he would eventually be stimulated by the Omega’s fingers…


Fei Xiu’s gaze fell once again on the “glue” in front of him.


With its blue-black label bearing two “” symbols, the bottle was sky blue, and the liquid inside was transparent, or perhaps sky blue?


Fei Xiu looked again at the two “” symbols on the label, couldn’t help but wonder, was this thing really glue?


Just as he was thinking, the water behind him stopped, and Fei Xiu turned around as if he had been released.


He saw the Omega placing the showerhead on the sink and taking the bottle of suspected glue from in front of him.


Fei Xiu’s heart skipped a beat.


The Omega removed the cap from the pointed tip of the “glue.”


The Omega lowered his head.


The Omega reached out…


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Fei Xiu: “!!!”


“Don’t move,” Jun Ye pressed down on Fei Xiu’s trembling body.


Fei Xiu gritted his teeth, the fear of the unknown and his feelings for the person behind him made him endure, but his entire body couldn’t stop trembling.


His mind began to scatter, a familiar feeling, the current situation seemed to be merging with vague memories.


The hand behind him was long and powerful, with nails trimmed very roundly.


The “himself” seemed somewhat dissatisfied, said something, sounding like a complaint yet also like a coquettish act, full of confidence.


The “himself” received a kiss full of tenderness and comfort from the person behind him, pouted, and reluctantly let him continue meddling.


Fei Xiu couldn’t see the “himself” clearly nor the face of the person behind him, but he could feel the relaxation throughout his body, perhaps even full of love and nostalgia.




The omega’s voice came from behind, and Fei Xiu instinctively obeyed, then realized what had just happened, his mind trembling.


That… was the “glue,” right?


Jun Ye capped the lubricant, put it back into the unknown, but found Fei Xiu still maintaining the previous posture, trembling lightly.


With a gentle tone, Jun Ye lifted his hand to stroke Fei Xiu’s cheek, saying, “It’s all done.”


The warmth on his hand made Jun Ye pause abruptly, turning to Fei Xiu, bending down to lift his face, only to stare in surprise, “Why are you still crying… Did I hurt you?”


Fei Xiu lowered his gaze, glanced at the bottle with half of its liquid gone, and another tear fell from his eyes, landing in Jun Ye’s palm.


Jun Ye, somewhat at a loss, wiped the traces from Fei Xiu’s face, then heard him choke out, “The glue…”




It took Jun Ye a few seconds to understand what Fei Xiu meant. With a wry smile, he hugged the pitiful and helpless little innocent, kissing him soothingly, then forced the bottle of lubricant back into his hand, scooped him up with a gentle motion.


“Ah!” Fei Xiu exclaimed, in the blink of an eye, he wrapped one arm around Jun Ye’s neck and pressed the other hand against the sink. Looking at Jun Ye’s expression, there was fifty percent panic and fifty percent disbelief.


It seemed like something had leaked out. Remembering Omega’s instructions, Fei Xiu quickly tightened his muscles.


In his panic, he pushed the issue of the glue to the back of his mind. Since the Omega said it wasn’t glue, then he would just leave it be.


Jun Ye’s face had an abnormal flush. He glanced at Fei Xiu’s hand gripping the edge of the sink and said, “Let go.”


Although his body wasn’t as weak as in the previous world, it wasn’t in great condition either. Carrying an Alpha who was half a head taller than himself was quite difficult. If he dawdled any longer, if he couldn’t hold on, it would be embarrassing to drop his own partner.


Fei Xiu nervously said, “I can walk by myself.”


Jun Ye raised an eyebrow. Was it a matter of whether you could walk by yourself now? If I’ve already carried you, why are you asking me to let go? Have some dignity?


As if understanding Jun Ye’s thoughts, Fei Xiu cautiously released his grip, trembling slightly, as if he wanted to grab hold again at any moment.


Even as Jun Ye led him to the bedroom, Fei Xiu was constantly aware of his surroundings. He had to be careful to avoid things while also figuring out where he could grab onto if the Omega couldn’t carry him anymore, allowing him to rescue himself immediately.


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Jun Ye certainly wouldn’t allow the embarrassing situation of being unable to carry him to happen. He gently placed Fei Xiu on the bed.


As Fei Xiu’s back touched the soft sheets and cool petals, he sighed inwardly with relief. However, he was surprised to find that the pheromone concentration in the room had reached a dangerous level.


And the Omega’s body temperature was unusually high…


Right, the estrus had started.


His Omega could still bathe him while remaining clear-headed. It was quite unbelievable.


Jun Ye eagerly pulled off his own clothes, now understanding why the heats in this world were called estrus.


—It was really freaking hot.


Tossing aside his sleepwear, Jun Ye looked down at the lamb-like Fei Xiu lying on the bed, his lips curling up. He reached out to caress Fei Xiu’s cheek, asking softly, “Are you ready?”


Fei Xiu’s eyelashes quivered slightly. Seeing the Omega leaning down, he instinctively wanted to close his eyes, but then he felt that, as an Alpha, he shouldn’t be so timid.


As their lips met, Fei Xiu closed his eyes instinctively, reaching up to embrace theOmega.


So soft, so sweet… he really liked it…




Why did the Omega have to be between his knees? Wasn’t it better to just sit directly? The Omega was so light, it wouldn’t put any pressure on him at all.


Thinking about sitting directly, Fei Xiu was reminded of the scare1He’s thinning about the vision he got of Xiu Si “squatting” over Jun Ye… he got from the “glue.” He responded more actively to the Omega’s kisses.


As the kiss ended, Jun Ye kissed Fei Xiu’s lower lip twice before moving down further.


Fei Xiu looked at the pink curtains above him, his eyelashes fluttering.


For some reason, Fei Xiu suddenly felt that his beloved Omega wasn’t suited for such delicate things. His partner should be more forceful, making it impossible to resist…


The concentration of pheromones in the air continued to rise, and Fei Xiu found the scent glands on the Omega’s neck.


—Right under his hand.


The Alpha instinct to mark an Omega in desire made his teeth itch.


But the Omega didn’t stop, and Fei Xiu didn’t dare to pull him up to mark him. He instinctively complied with the Omega.


This kind of meekness shouldn’t appear in an Alpha. Usually, only Omegas who had been marked by Alphas would be so submissive to their partners.


Fei Xiu rubbed the glands under his hand, his teeth also rubbing against them.


He thought, why not just bite? Just a gentle bite, the Omega wouldn’t get angry…


Just as he thought this, Fei Xiu suddenly realized that the Omega had straightened up, and his fingertips couldn’t reach the Omega’s neck anymore.


The Omega couldn’t wait any longer, was he about to start for real?


Wait… no, something wasn’t right. What was the Omega doing?


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Sensing the Omega’s intentions, Fei Xiu almost jumped off the bed, but Jun Ye quickly reached out and pressed him down, smiling reassuringly, “Don’t be nervous, relax, I’ll just rub against you, I won’t do anything.”


Fei Xiu glanced suspiciously at Jun Ye, not sure why, but his instinct was telling him that the Omega’s words were very untrustworthy.


Jun Ye glanced at the suddenly appearing system panel that was almost sticking to his face.


【Warning! Host, your current actions are very dangerous, please stop immediately!】


Huh, huh.


Jun Ye looked back at Fei Xiu, who was almost exploding with nervousness, and decided on a strategic retreat.


So, Jun Ye made a soft lunge forward.


His angle was calculated perfectly, and Little Jun Ye managed to squeeze in with the momentum, while Jun Ye took advantage of the opportunity to seal Fei Xiu’s lips before he could say anything.


As for the system panel? With their eyes closed, who cared about its existence?


Fei Xiu: “!!!!!!!”


You said you wouldn’t do anything?!


No, no, it shouldn’t be like this, um…


After the kiss, Jun Ye planted a gentle kiss on the confused Fei Xiu’s forehead and asked softly, “Are you comfortable?”


Fei Xiu’s gaze gradually focused, landing on the Omega’s neck displayed prominently in front of him.


He suddenly reached out, embracing the Omega tightly, and opened his mouth, revealing two rows of parted white teeth.


“Hiss…” Jun Ye sucked in a breath, gritting his teeth in frustration, “Are you a dog or something?”


Damn it! Let go already! Is he trying to murder his husband?


Actually, being bitten by Fei Xiu like this meant Jun Ye was already in deeper. Because of this, Jun Ye was a bit worried that Fei Xiu was really angry and wanted to retaliate.


Jun Ye endured the pain in his neck, trying to pat Fei Xiu’s back to negotiate with him, but he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck where he was bitten.


Did he just bite into him?


Jun Ye was stunned, pushing Fei Xiu’s shoulder and saying, “You’ve gone too far…”


His voice abruptly stopped, Jun Ye’s hand on Fei Xiu’s shoulder tightened suddenly, his body trembling uncontrollably, waves of heat surged through his body, like… he had been injected with something.




Jun Ye gritted his teeth.


——Damn it, you… you actually… ambushed…



THIS WAS SO EMBARRASSING >/////> also why is it with them remembering/confirming identities when… doing… things… lol can’t they just be a more normal couple who remembers each other’s loving actions instead? x)


Thank you for reading

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