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The meal arrived, and both of them tacitly avoided the previous topic.


Perhaps the familiarity of dining together made Fei Xiu take a few sips from the cup his Omega had sipped from. With half a cup of wine in his belly, all the suppressed feelings were thrown to the back of his mind, and he felt relaxed.


Or perhaps the atmosphere was just right, with the dim candlelight creating a somewhat ambiguous atmosphere, and Fei Xiu gradually began to feel a bit lightheaded.


By the time he realized he was getting full, Fei Xiu had instinctively picked out several dishes for the Omega, and there were still quite a few dishes left in his bowl that the Omega had served him.


As Fei Xiu looked at the dishes he favored in his bowl, he paused for a moment, feeling a bit puzzled.



These were dishes he liked, but not necessarily ones the gardener liked. He wasn’t sure if the Omega did it intentionally or unintentionally…


Lost in his thoughts, Fei Xiu noticed the flicker of the candlelight and subconsciously looked up, only to see the Omega getting up and walking towards the bookshelf against the wall.


Jun Ye’s gaze swept over the row of bottles on the third shelf of the bookshelf, naturally calculating the alcohol content of these bottles and comparing it with Fei Xiu’s usual alcohol tolerance. He reached out and took down two bottles of alcohol that would be enough to get Fei Xiu drunk.


Carrying the alcohol back to the table, Jun Ye placed the two bottles on the table and took a sip from Fei Xiu’s glass.



To Fei Xiu’s astonishment, Jun Ye proceeded to pour the contents of the two new bottles into the glass that still had some alcohol left.


Jun Ye shook the glass, mixing the three kinds of alcohol together, then looked at Fei Xiu and pushed the glass towards him, smiling, “The night is so beautiful tonight… How about accompanying me for a few more drinks?”


Fei Xiu: “…”


The Omega was clearly trying to get him drunk, with no attempt to hide it.


Fei Xiu knew his alcohol tolerance well. A few glasses of this kind of alcohol… he might as well just carry the Omega to bed and start biting!




Fei Xiu’s face easily flushed after drinking a few glasses, turning red after just two glasses. At this moment, his eyes also showed a hint of redness at the corners, and his pupils slightly narrowed, casting a shadow over them, making it difficult to see clearly.


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This was the first time Jun Ye had mixed drinks for Fei Xiu, and now seeing him like this, he couldn’t quite gauge how drunk he was.


Listening to Fei Xiu’s slightly heavy breathing, Jun Ye thought for a moment and then reached out to activate the terminal.


A small recording device detached itself from the terminal and floated up.



Fei Xiu seemed to sense something and looked over, his previously clouded eyes now showing a hint of confusion as he looked in Jun Ye’s direction.


Jun Ye and Fei Xiu locked eyes for a moment. Jun Ye realized that Fei Xiu didn’t even pay attention to the floating recording device, just staring at him as if looking into a mirror.


Having taken care of a drunk Fei Xiu a few times before, Jun Ye knew that he would become especially quiet and obedient after getting drunk. Seeing Fei Xiu’s dazed expression now, he estimated how sober he was.


Unexpectedly, the mixture of these three kinds of alcohol could easily intoxicate someone.


Without looking at the bewildered Fei Xiu anymore, Jun Ye adjusted the recording settings on the terminal and set the recording device to focus on Fei Xiu. Then, he got up and approached Fei Xiu’s side.



Stopping next to Fei Xiu, Jun Ye carefully took the glass from Fei Xiu’s hand.


Fei Xiu’s gaze followed Jun Ye’s hand as he moved, and Jun Ye placed the glass on the table. Fei Xiu stared at the empty glass for a moment before slowly raising his head to look at Jun Ye’s face.


Seeing Fei Xiu’s bewildered look, Jun Ye couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt, feeling like he was bullying a child.


“Ahem,” a light cough, forcing himself to steel his heart, Jun Ye half crouched down, his hand gripping the chair where Fei Xiu sat, looking up into Fei Xiu’s eyes and asking, “Do you… remember who I am?”


Under Jun Ye’s gaze, Fei Xiu sat upright, even showing a bit of restraint, his fingers clenched together, resembling a child being questioned by a parent.




A soft murmur, barely audible.


If Jun Ye hadn’t been so focused, he might not have noticed Fei Xiu’s lips barely moving to utter his name.


Jun Ye looked into Fei Xiu’s eyes, which seemed particularly enchanting and enticing after drinking, and he sensed Fei Xiu’s breath hitch, his expression becoming somewhat evasive.

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Jun Ye was slightly taken aback. Was he pretending to be drunk? He hadn’t even considered that possibility at first.


But Jun Ye hadn’t really teased a drunk partner before, so he didn’t have the experience to determine whether Fei Xiu was faking it.


Despite the added uncertainty, Jun Ye had no intention of stopping now and asked, “And what about you, are you aware of who you are?”


“I’m not!” This time Fei Xiu answered quickly, leaning back a bit, his body tense, and his expression somewhat panicked.


Jun Ye felt a hint of strangeness. Who would fake being drunk so poorly?


“You’re not?” Jun Ye leaned forward.


“No…” Fei Xiu’s voice trembled.


Jun Ye watched as Fei Xiu continued to press himself against the back of the chair, as if he were facing some kind of ferocious beast, making Fei Xiu feel safe only when he curled up into himself.


Jun Ye leaned closer again. “Are you really not?”


Fei Xiu’s expression was on the verge of tears, his body trembling, and he bit his lip, seeming to endure some great pain.


Then Jun Ye noticed a reaction from Fei Xiu.


Jun Ye looked down in disbelief at the tent that had risen. Even though the rational part of a drunk person’s brain was numbed, their animalistic instincts would still rise.


Um… did it have to rise so bluntly?


Fei Xiu suddenly covered the area that Jun Ye had been staring at, sweat beading on his flushed face, and repeatedly and anxiously repeated, “No… it’s not…”


Seeing Fei Xiu in such a state, Jun Ye was somewhat stunned, moving his gaze away and following Fei Xiu’s words to ask, “Not what?”


“I… I didn’t…” Fei Xiu clutched himself even tighter, looking nervously at Jun Ye, as if afraid of being misunderstood.


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—But you did.


Jun Ye didn’t intend to continue this topic. He was a bit worried that Fei Xiu might suffocate himself.


Jun Ye reached out, intending to relieve the pressure on the object being clamped down, but before he could touch it, he was stared back at fiercely by Fei Xiu’s distressed expression.


Okay, let’s try something else.


Finally, his hand settled on Fei Xiu’s arm, not letting him help, he’ll find a way to resolve the situation himself, right?


Jun Ye was about to suggest that Fei Xiu go to the bathroom to take care of it, but Fei Xiu glared at him again with a resentful expression, this time with a hint of madness that seemed to want to take them both down together.


“It’s you who seduced me, it’s you who made me like this…” Fei Xiu gritted his teeth, fiercely saying, “You have to take responsibility!”


Jun Ye raised an eyebrow.


—So, does that mean he should still do it?


After saying that, Fei Xiu took a deep breath, as if summoning all his courage, and suddenly leaned in towards Jun Ye’s lips.




Jun Ye: “??!!”


Damn it! My teeth are going to be knocked out!!


Fei Xiu obviously felt the pain too, grunting, but still firmly covering Jun Ye’s entire body.




Jun Ye was pinned to the ground.


With a loud crash, the chair toppled over, and both of them took a hit.

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Fei Xiu paid no attention to the pain in his back, clinging tightly to Jun Ye, hands and feet moving everywhere.


Jun Ye, besides almost throwing up from being crushed by his partner, angrily lifted his leg and kicked the chair that had been resting on him.


Although he really wanted to kick the person on top of him, the desperate, trembling breaths from Fei Xiu on his neck made him hesitate to kick anyone.


Half a minute later.


Jun Ye: “…”


He felt like his partner’s IQ and experience had been reset to zero after getting drunk. Despite sniffing and struggling with his clothes, Fei Xiu couldn’t even manage to take off a single jacket.


Looking at Fei Xiu’s expression, which was both anxious and confused, it seemed like he couldn’t understand the structure of the buttons on his clothes, sweating profusely from the effort.


Jun Ye inwardly sighed that he probably wouldn’t get the other to ride him today. Then he flipped over and pressed the person on top of him onto the floor.



Perhaps getting drunk really did reset one’s experience points to zero. Jun Ye watched as the person beneath him looked terrified and completely at a loss. Every movement caused them to cover his mouth in fear and tremble uncontrollably.


If it weren’t for Jun Ye relying on more than just appearances to recognize people, he might have doubted whether he got the wrong person.


While taking care of Fei Xiu’s sensitive points, Jun Ye also paid attention to his reactions.


Suddenly, his peripheral vision caught a glimpse of something.


Jun Ye looked up and saw the recording device hovering nearby, its lens aimed directly at Fei Xiu, faithfully recording everything.




Huh, I wonder how Fei Xiu’s going to react after this.


Thank you for reading

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