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Jun Ye stood beside the aircraft, his gaze casually drifting over Fei Xiu twice, yet still not receiving the desired approach from him.


Jun Ye briefly doubted his own charm for 0.5 seconds, raising his chin slightly to fully expose his pale neck, newly adorned with a protective collar.


In this world, his partner should be deeply fascinated by his neck, just as in the mermaid world, his partner loved to nibble on his tail – it seemed to be a law ingrained in the beings of this world.


Fei Xiu, along with the surrounding Alphas, had their breaths momentarily halted, and then he felt a surge of anger.


He always knew his Omega could be promiscuous in certain ways, but he never expected him to be so blatantly flirtatious like this, casting a wide net.



Was his Omega so desperate that he would attract just anyone?!


Fei Xiu turned away, pushing aside two nephews who were practically drooling over his Omega, and retrieved his scarf from the aircraft, striding quickly towards Jun Ye.


He draped the scarf over Jun Ye’s head, wrapped it around his neck twice, and tied it securely.


The gray middle-aged Alpha’s scarf looked out of place on the bright and glamorous young Omega, yet Jun Ye quietly lowered his gaze and let Fei Xiu wrap it around him, looking extremely obedient.



Amidst the suppressed gasps from those around them, Fei Xiu sighed inwardly. His Omega was always so deceptively alluring.


Fei Xiu gently took Jun Ye’s hand, using his fingertips to write three numbers in Jun Ye’s palm that once made him grit his teeth in anger.




Jun Ye: “…”


His current pursuit wanted a one-night stand; should he agree or not?



He silently counted the days of his previous heat cycles, the longest being a week and the shortest three days. One night… he might as well find some suppressants.


But he disliked suppressants.


Jun Ye squeezed the fingers resting in his palm and said, “Serve me for five years, and I’ll double your salary.”


Fei Xiu’s eyes lit up. He had thought it would be difficult enough to stop his Omega from flirting, but now this was much better than he had expected.


Fei Xiu couldn’t hide his smile and said warmly, “I’d be delighted to serve you, my lord.”



Satisfied with the answer, Jun Ye was about to withdraw his hand when Fei Xiu grabbed it and brought it to his lips, bending down to kiss it softly.


Fei Xiu’s eyes were filled with affection as he said, “Please wait for five minutes, sir, and I’ll be ready to serve you immediately.”


Jun Ye nodded coldly, but the tips of his ears betrayed him by turning red.


Even in his middle-aged form, Fei Xiu dared to be so seductive. Wasn’t he afraid of straining his back…


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With permission granted, Fei Xiu turned to his two nephews, his smile losing a bit of warmth.



He knew his Omega well. Jun Ye might seem unattainable, but he wasn’t picky at all. If he could accept someone like him, a middle-aged Alpha nearing fifty, then these young and energetic Alpha students could think they had a chance.


Fei Xiu smiled, “You’re both mechanical engineering students, right? You should know how to pilot the aircraft?”


Still dazed from the sight of their uncle’s intimate moment with the Omega, the two boys could only nod dumbly.


“I’m transferring the piloting rights to you. Have fun, be safe, and come home early,” Fei Xiu said, transferring the permissions on his terminal and handing each of them some money.


As students of the First Alliance University, they had their own sources of income, but with the additional Alliance currency he gave them, they could enjoy their holiday on the main star to the fullest.


“Uncle… was that our aunt just now?” one of the nephews asked expectantly.


Fei Xiu paused, then stared directly into his eyes and said with a scowl, “What are you thinking? He wouldn’t be interested in me… Let alone a kid like you.”


The nephew shuddered, his survival instincts kicking in, and he quickly clarified, “Actually, I like Betas. Like that first-year Beta in the mecha department, who can pilot mechas and fight. He’s so cool!”


Fei Xiu gave him an approving smile before turning away, heading back to Jun Ye’s aircraft amidst curious glances.


Sitting in the co-pilot seat, Fei Xiu shut the door and looked at Jun Ye with deep affection, “Sir, I’m ready to serve you at any time.”


“Good.” Jun Ye nodded, starting the aircraft. “Let’s go back and make lunch, then clean the house thoroughly, and the bird of paradise in the yard needs tending.”


Fei Xiu: “…”


This was not what he had expected.


“But, sir, you mentioned double the salary…” Was he really hired to do housework for such a high pay?


“Don’t worry, as long as you’re always at my beck and call, you’ll be well-compensated.” Jun Ye maneuvered the aircraft into the air, his lips pursed slightly.


He knew exactly what Fei Xiu was hinting at but had no intention of obliging. He had dressed up specially today, yet didn’t manage to immediately attract his target. Though the goal was ultimately achieved, it left him feeling frustrated and annoyed.


Thinking of this, Jun Ye removed the scarf, unfastened the neck collar, and tossed it to the back seat.


Useless thing, less effective than the previous pink one.


“Hiss—” Fei Xiu sucked in a breath, watching as Jun Ye, seemingly indifferent, focused on piloting the aircraft, as if he wasn’t the one making such blatant hints.


The sight of his beloved Omega voluntarily removing his neck collar was too much for an Alpha to handle.


Fei Xiu, partly excited and partly testing, leaned closer, his lips grazing Jun Ye’s jawline.


Jun Ye merely tightened his lips, not stopping him. Taking this as a sign, Fei Xiu began to slowly remove the scarf he had tied around Jun Ye’s neck with his teeth.


His lips then touched the delicate skin.

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Kissing, licking, biting… it quickly became uncontrollable.




The pilot’s emotion monitoring chart turned from green to yellow, and once it reached red, the pilot would be deemed unfit, and the aircraft would switch to autopilot.


Jun Ye, looking at the passing aircrafts outside the window, gripped the control stick tightly, his brain flooded with another person’s hormones, operating on muscle memory as he headed home.


Fei Xiu, satisfied, licked his lips and moved away from Jun Ye’s neck.


Jun Ye had barely sighed in relief when he felt Fei Xiu slip down to the floor beneath his seat.


Knees pressed against him, Jun Ye glanced down, distracted.


The person below him, cheeks flushed, breathing heavily, eyes clouded, and hands gripping his knees, seemed to be struggling internally.


“Sir, you smell so good…”


Fei Xiu took several deep breaths, spreading Jun Ye’s knees apart to get closer to the source of the scent.


Jun Ye glared down, struggling shyly to close his legs.


“Let me take out your precious…” Fei Xiu muttered, biting the zipper, his words muffled.


Jun Ye’s face turned red with embarrassment, feeling an intense urge to kick him away, regretting not stopping him earlier.


Now, his eyes were watery, and his resistance weak, even he felt it was ineffectual.




Using immense willpower, Jun Ye navigated the aircraft home.


When the aircraft landed at their villa, Jun Ye, with teary eyes, yanked Fei Xiu’s hair to end a particularly deep kiss.




Jun Ye wiped his tears, grabbed the tissue from the aircraft to clean up, zipped up his pants, and nonchalantly shook the limp body on his knees. “Get up, we’re home. Go make dinner.”


Dealing with an Omega who turned cold after intimacy, Fei Xiu felt extremely wronged.


His throat was sore—wronged.


No kisses after—wronged.


Told to cook right after—wronged.


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Fei Xiu, after a quick rinse, angrily went into the kitchen to prepare dinner.


For years, he had been the one to get their groceries, always catering to his Omega’s tastes, but there were also special items.


Fei Xiu took out a piece of venison, humming as he prepared the main course.


His Omega preferred seafood and poultry, and land animals weren’t on the menu. However, as long as he cooked it, Jun Ye would eat it.


Considering how much Jun Ye exerted himself on the aircraft, as his new lover, Fei Xiu needed to care for his beloved’s health.


Fei Xiu grinned, thinking he was clever.


“What are you smirking at? The pot is boiling,” Jun Ye said, leaning against the doorframe, watching Fei Xiu.


Fei Xiu looked up, seeing his Omega in a seductive robe, and himself in the mirror with tousled hair—messed up by Jun Ye on the aircraft!


Uh… did he really look silly?


Looking at his lover’s disheveled hair, Jun Ye tugged at his collar, frowning slightly.


The kitchen temperature seemed high—so hot.


Jun Ye adjusted the central air conditioning, lowering the temperature.


After lowering it by ten degrees, he still felt hot, so he retreated to the living room, settling on a sofa under the air conditioner, feeling more comfortable.


When Fei Xiu emerged with dinner, the cold air from the air conditioner made him shiver.


Hiss—It’s winter!


Fei Xiu saw Jun Ye standing on the sofa, arms spread wide under the air conditioner, his loose robe billowing. Fei Xiu’s heart pounded.


Young people today really tested his limits.


Placing the tray on the table, Fei Xiu quickly walked over, lifting Jun Ye off the sofa.


“Put me down!” Jun Ye struggled to escape Fei Xiu’s arms, taking a few steps back.


Why was Fei Xiu so warm? Disgusting.


Fei Xiu: “…”


Feeling wronged…


Such a heartless Omega!


“Sir, it’s time to eat,” Fei Xiu said, lowering the air conditioner’s temperature on his terminal.

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Jun Ye opened his mouth—he was hot…


He chose not to say anything, knowing this was the prelude to his heat. With a few more days until the actual heat, complaining seemed excessive.


It was just a meal; he could eat quickly and return to his room with separate air conditioning. After all, they weren’t sharing a bed yet.


Jun Ye approached the table, pausing at the sight of a single portion, and said, “You don’t need to watch me. Get something for yourself. Next time… make it for two.”


Hmm, what’s this meat? Tastes good.



That night, after dinner, Jun Ye adjusted the air conditioning, bathed, and went to bed.


At eleven, he woke up hot, lowered the temperature, and loosened his clothes, then tried to sleep again.


At midnight, feeling restless and overheated, he kicked off the thin blanket and lowered the temperature again—


【Beep beep, the temperature has reached the lowest setting and cannot be further lowered.】


Jun Ye: “…”




Jun Ye: “…”


Sleep, not happening.


His blood surged.


Jun Ye hugged his pillow, rubbing it, thinking this heat prelude was unusually intense.




Jun Ye thought of Fei Xiu, recalling how enchanting he was earlier on the aircraft.


Warm mouth, nimble tongue, misty eyes, flushed cheeks… even when choking, he was adorable!


In the downstairs guest room, separated by a single wall, Fei Xiu dreamt of spring1You know, of “those” kinda dreams, not literally spring , faintly sensing the Omega’s scent.


After lying in memories for ten minutes.


Jun Ye jumped out of bed, put on his shoes, and stomped on the floor.


An ordinary heat prelude evolving to this extent, he suspected he ingested something that accelerated his heat. The meat from dinner seemed suspicious!


These fools are so embarrassing x)


Thank you for reading

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