Counterattacking the Submissive Role!

Chapter 8: [Zerg Race] Female Zerg Gong 8


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Over the next few days, as soon as night fell, the young master happily climbed out of bed.


The single bed was already small, and the young master had many quirks. Today, he wanted a certain type of blanket or sheet, and tomorrow he wanted a specific kind of pillow. He even had to fuss about his sleeping position. According to the young master, this was all practice for a happy future life.


Jun Ye had endured the constant fussing for a few days but reached his limit. He threw the young master onto the narrow bed and himself went to sleep on the larger bed on the other side of the bedroom, buttoning up the collar button that the young master had secretly undone.


The young master had no awakening and thus no desires in that aspect, but he was still a normal adult female Zerg. Female Zergs tended to feel cold, and Jun Ye had hoped to cuddle up to a soft and warm personal heater at night. Little did he expect the young master to be so restless. Several times he fidgeted and teased until Jun Ye ended up feeling himself heating up for another reason altogether.


Ignoring the tearful male Zerg on the single bed, Jun Ye spread out the untouched sheets that haven’t been used for several days and angrily laid down with his back turned towards the other.


After about a minute, Jun Ye felt a corner of the bed sink under a certain weight. He didn’t even need to turn to see it; he knew the young master had come over. Over the past few days, the pheromones emanating from him had become even more enticing, even arousing some primal instincts in Jun Ye, who was an amateur in the field of pheromones.


Jun Ye thought that perhaps, with his awakening approaching, the young master’s body was automatically attracting females.


“Jun, I was in the wrong.”


Joshua knelt on the bed, his two claws resting gently on Jun Ye’s body. His apology sounded as soft and tender as usual, making Jun Ye want to grab him and rub him against his chest.


In short, there was no trace of remorse.


“Jun…” Joshua shook Jun Ye’s shoulder and called out again. When he saw that the other was ignoring him, Joshua took a bold step, opened the covers, and slipped inside.


Once inside the covers, Joshua wasted no time and wasn’t idle at all. His eager claws roamed around.


After having his wrists caught several times, Joshua quickly figured out the range of his movements.


Surprisingly… it was only the arms and upper back…


As he gazed at Jun Ye’s strong back, Joshua silently swallowed his saliva.


Under the absolute suppression of physical strength, he couldn’t touch the parts that Jun Ye didn’t allow him to touch. But he wasn’t satisfied with what he could currently touch. Perhaps he could try a different kind of contact…


It was during the early stages of the mating season that some Zergs would catch the “love bug1Idk if it’s kind of similar to pre-heat in ABOverse? Basically they get some “love urges” when they’re influenced by this love bug”, and  Joshua was salivating in anticipation.


He suppressed his heavy and rapid breaths, slowly pressed against Jun Ye, and opened his mouth, aiming for a bite on the back of his shoulder.


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Jun Ye gasped and opened his tightly closed eyes. It wasn’t really painful. Rather than being bitten, it felt more like being licked by a large puppy.


As if a flame had been ignited from the licked area, it spread throughout his body, reigniting the abnormal warmth that had just subsided.


Enduring the discomfort in his body, Jun Ye forcefully turned around and pinned the male Zerg to the bed.


When Joshua saw Jun Ye’s cold face, his expression turned remorseful for a second. He held onto Jun Ye’s arms pressed against his shoulders and pleaded in a trembling voice, “Jun, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I really can’t control myself…”


“Just let me bite you a little. I promise it’ll be gentle, and it won’t hurt you…”


Jun Ye ignored him and instead used his other hand to hold Joshua’s chin, forcing his mouth open.


The young master’s teeth were beautiful, two neat rows of pearly whites, like gemstones on display. They weren’t particularly long or sharp, just perfectly aligned.


However… wasn’t there a bit too much saliva?


Jun Ye looked deeply into Joshua’s eyes and asked in a low voice, “Are you sure you haven’t been bitten by any stray these past few days?”


He had the appearance of someone with rabies.


“Wu… wu…” Joshua couldn’t speak, but he tried to lift his head in an attempt to free himself from Jun Ye’s grip.


Jun Ye released his hand, and Joshua slumped onto the pillow, gasping.


Then, Joshua swallowed and refocused his gaze on Jun Ye. He sensed Jun Ye’s displeasure and carefully suppressed his own desires and asked, “What animal? Do you mean pets?”


Jun Ye nodded.


Seeing that the Zerg beneath him seemed to have returned to normal, Jun Ye no longer pressed him down. He relaxed his hand, half-supporting his body as he gazed at the Zerg beneath him, whose blushing gradually faded.


It had to be said that the young master indeed had a handsome face. Despite the fact that he should have looked disheveled from the effects of the love bug’s influence, he appeared stunningly beautiful.


“I don’t keep pets, so how could I get bitten?” Joshua didn’t understand the reason behind Jun Ye’s question. He stole a glance at Jun Ye and saw that his expression seemed less cold than before. So he quietly moved his body closer.


As he drew nearer, Joshua explained, “I just think you are very… delicious. I’m feeling a bit eager…”


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Joshua blushed and lowered his head, licking his lips, as if he wanted to bury his face in Jun Ye’s chest.


Jun Ye remained unfazed as he hooked his claw onto Joshua’s collar, preventing him from moving closer. He looked down at Joshua, whose face was now filled with disappointment, and spoke seriously, “Based on my diagnosis, you’re experiencing a case of love bug fever.”


Upon hearing this, Joshua immediately lifted his gaze and looked at Jun Ye with big shining eyes. However, he seemed to realize that he had shown too much excitement and quickly lowered his gaze, putting on an embarrassed expression as he cast a seductive glance at Jun Ye.


Q2It’s literally a question: “Dr. Jun, how should I treat this illness?”


In his heart, Joshua was shouting, say quickly that you can treat me! Treat me with your body!


Jun Ye chuckled and softly said, “For underage Zergs experiencing love bug fever, I have a selection of binding ropes and chastity belts for you to choose from.”




Ignoring the dumbfounded young master, Jun Ye directly decided on the treatment method: “Considering that the binding rope might harm your body, I suggest you choose the chastity belt.”


When Joshua saw the metallic object Jun Ye took out, he immediately became terrified. “No! Jun! I was wrong! I was wrong! Please don’t…”


Jun Ye paid no attention to the cries of the young master and directly grabbed his ankle, pulling his legs apart.


Hmph, he had indeed been too indulgent with this Zerg, to the point where he dared to take advantage and get handsy in the middle of the night, so it was time to give him a lesson.




“Jun…” Joshua trembled as he shrank back. “Did you make a mistake? Isn’t this for females? I’m a male Zerg, and that thing obviously goes in the back…”


Jun Ye comforted him in a soft voice, “Don’t worry, this is for the sub-females. It can fit you.”


Joshua: Is that the point?!


And why do you have a female chastity belt? This has been planned for a long time, hasn’t it?!


Think carefully and be afraid.


The behind3Tbh I have no idea what’s this toy like?? They’re talking about a chastity belt, but it’s also for female Zergs and uh I’m not very knowledgeable concerning naughty toys so I researched and I think it mostly looks like an a*al chastity belt if you’d like to search for it…? of a male Zerg can’t be defiled!


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Joshua resisted to death: “Jun, that.. I think the binding rope is quite good…”


As the metal touched his skin, Joshua shivered and struggled, trying to move backward. However, his ankle was still held tightly by Jun Ye’s grip, so no matter how much he tried to shrink away, he couldn’t escape very far. He was so scared that tears were welling up in his eyes.


Even at this moment, Joshua still held onto the idea that Jun Ye was just teasing him. He couldn’t fathom the thought of something so thick and terrifying being inserted into a male Zerg’s posterior. He was a male Zerg, after all, so at most… he would be locked from the front, right?


Jun Ye’s breathing was noticeably heavier than usual, but the young master’s cries completely masked his abnormality.


The scent of male pheromones in the air grew stronger and stronger.


Jun Ye had initially approached this as an experiment, wanting to see how much resistance the young master, as a male Zerg, would show when his behind was touched. However, the results were difficult to assess. Although the young master was clearly struggling, it was uncertain how much of it was genuine resistance and how much was playing along. And…


The young master’s pheromones were off. Was it because he was too excited?


What kind of excitement was it? Was it because of fear or because of desire? Was it because there was no love involved in this?


Jun Ye pondered, momentarily distracted.


And in that moment, the young master, who had been wailing and on the verge of tears, suddenly fought back.


Joshua forcefully pushed his leg down, and since Jun Ye hadn’t held him too tightly, he managed to free his ankle from his grip.


Free from the restraints, Joshua didn’t rush to get up. Instead, he quickly snatched the metallic object between his legs and flung it off the bed.




Upon hearing the sound of the chastity belt hitting the wall, Joshua let out a heavy sigh of relief.


He was still scared deep down. If Jun Ye had become more interested and actually started poking inside, he would have been scared to death.


With a sudden burst of courage, Joshua had eliminated the object that threatened his male Zerg’s dignity. As he looked at Jun Ye’s expressionless face, he started feeling a bit anxious.


“Jun, I, let’s play something else, okay?” Joshua climbed onto Jun Ye’s shoulder and leaned in, giving him a kiss on the corner of his mouth.


“How about we try a different kind of punishment? I… I can give you a massage~”


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Jun Ye lowered his gaze towards the young master that was lifting his head up, his hand gently caressing Joshua’s delicate face. He replied, “I remember you mentioned wanting the binding rope.”




Joshua wanted to cry. Why did Jun Ye remember that?


Joshua: “I was just saying it casually…” Don’t take it seriously.


Jun Ye smiled.




Three minutes later, Joshua, now bound like a caterpillar, watched helplessly as Jun Ye tenderly tucked him in and then turned around to go back to that cursed single Zerg bed.


Oh, oh, he was so wronged. He didn’t even get a good night kiss.


“Jun, my hands are numb, it hurts…”




“I am your male master, how can you leave me alone in an empty bed?!”




“Hmph, after we get married, I’ll marry many female attendants. If you dare to sleep in a separate bed from me again, I’ll bring them all into the bed and make you jealous…”




“Jun… Will you give me a good morning kiss tomorrow?”



Dear Joshua, it’s time to start praying for your own sake I think ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ


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1Idk if it’s kind of similar to pre-heat in ABOverse? Basically they get some “love urges” when they’re influenced by this love bug2It’s literally a question3Tbh I have no idea what’s this toy like?? They’re talking about a chastity belt, but it’s also for female Zergs and uh I’m not very knowledgeable concerning naughty toys so I researched and I think it mostly looks like an a*al chastity belt if you’d like to search for it…?

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