Crap , I was Rifted

Chapter 37

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Milueda was determined to get stronger as well as Tietra. Never doubt people who wish to save their kinfolk I guess. So we set them up in a hard environment that would either break them or.. something far worse.

Mileena put up a bit of a fuss from the separation. She grew attached to her first person she could call a friend. Milueda, Tietra, went with Agrias. As well as a small unit of Vorcha females and a few demons I created to Warhammer 40k. Well during the Great Crusade same time as me. A device was created to help them find Angron and monitor him. That world had more population and planets that disappear without anyone's notice so it would be fine. Agrias would be the Cannoness. Tietra would study to be a Cannoness trainee. Basically the equivalent of the new Primaris Lieutenant I remembered from my time back home. With the training and eventual upgrades, it would be a while before she is ready. Especially once Galtea alerted me that the cost would be astronomical if we used the system points to buy it. The technology would be developed there and applied in that time period in a secured location. That cost me several points to have built. Milueda would be the head of the Psykers or I should say a Saint devout Galtea called it. What was going with that... I had no idea. She tried to explained then I waved it away. My mind just hurt from listening to the logistics of it all.
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There job was to set up a Sisterhood early on. With the teachings of the Ecclesiarchy and Galatea's modification for a little more tolerance. A good portion of my points had been spent on setting this up apparently. The demons I made changed as I mentioned a while back reminding myself. The minds are a lot stronger to resist any chaos god whispers. Helped that they technically were already demons, so there was that. Each of them was injected with a special gene-seed derived from me partially and from Agria for her holy energy. Milueda and Tietra took the injection quite well. Tietra more resembled a saint than a psyker. Mileuda was the psyker in every shape and form. Her mind was extremely powerful. The physic energy developed from her time in Mass Effect. When I asked how it happens Galtea told me it was my fault. Especially after I yelled at Alma in front of everyone. Something about that changed the young girl... I mean woman. I dont know what Galtea was doing to them but they went through a rift gate for a few years came back here in an hour. The time fluxes were nuts. The Krogan would be picked up later and head to Warhammer once they were vetted. Mostly to some school somewhere. I was not told which one. Jaina was the guardian for them. Speaking of Jaina...

She took a strong liking to her current life. Something else I found out. She was spending a lot of time with my other self in downtime. It was mental time anyway. She took her role as my teacher very seriously. Especially after the last few incidents from Mortal Kombat. When I head to Warhammer 40k she was quite adamant that she would go with me. Not separated soul wise. Herself fully there. Should would leave when I leave and go when I go. The table was quiet during her proclamation.

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Once that was agreed upon, Chari spoke up about going somewhere too. A pull was used on her at the table.

System: High pull... purchased... Parameters for a companion... User bond in danger... binding locations... deducting points from Companion and System.. Loyalty point used... Planeswalker spark obtained in Companion... User spark sealed.

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After that new headache was done, Chari went to medical to rest. Sophia would check to see what changes took place. Galtea did not have the information since the World of Magic the Gathering was extremely younger to her. Made no real sense to me considering the time frame it came out in my world. She just shrugged at it. She refused to discuss the matter of time. She argued it would kill me by driving me insane currently. Everyone questioned it for just a moment then closed their mouths when Galtea gave them a deadly glare.

I brought up the lack of men in the party to them. This was met with laughs and Alistair looking away. After a little discussions, it was decided for me to get someone from another world. Or for me to use some points to purchase one in another world. There was no reason to waste a pull here. When I mentioned just creating one it was met with deadly glares. Every excuse in the book was thrown my way about that.

Alita saved me from it mentally. She told me the reason why everyone was against was because of Galtea. She told them everyones individual growth go down if I brought another male that way. Galtea promoted the growth of Women. That was the way she was trained during her time in the council. If I created a male with the parameters I placed during the survey, his growth would be slow. With a slow growth more points needed to be spent to compensate. Unless I used a pull with no parameters and a shot in the dark would get me another male.

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I remembered how Alistair was obtained, that made sense. Since then most pull's have been equipment and powers. I haven't pulled too many people. In fact, I used a few to stabilize an help Mileena. Also used some Mysterious Pull but I didn't really check it out before I used it on her. I need to check on that when we arrive in Final Fantasy 10 actually. Lots of travel time to go through it all. With three High pull's left to use.

Hotshot went through the process of having a part of her soul taken from her. It was placed in a Eldar's body to help in the Craftworld I was part of. Only small complaints about it nothing major.

The prime consciousness of Hotshot, Mileena, Riku, and I personally would head to Final Fantasy 10 for awhile. When a good point was reached I would return to Mass Effect.

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