Crazy Detective

Chapter 1325: 1325

When the unknown danger suddenly released electricity, Zhao Yu finally understood that it must be a special weapon that released electricity, such as an electric grenade.

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The accumulated water on the ground was to enhance the effect of this special weapon. Water could conduct electricity. This way, even those who were not directly hit by the current would be electrocuted!

The electric current’s electric shock ability was extremely strong. Even a strong man like Jecca fell down after being electrocuted and could no longer move.

Not to mention the others, in just a few seconds, no one was left standing, and they all fell into the water on the ground.

However, Zhao Yu was different from the others.

Through his previous strange encounter missions, Zhao Yu had accumulated at least a dozen invisible lightning rods. The lightning rods were so powerful that even if they were struck by lightning, they would not be hurt at all, let alone this kind of Electric Lightning.

At that moment, although the current had passed through the water and reached Zhao Yu, it was all diverted by the lightning protection needle and did not cause him any harm.

But Zhao Yu wasn’t stupid. Everyone had fallen, so if he were to stand alone, it would be too eye-catching.

Although he could rely on his super props to fight with the other party, his father-in-law, Miao kun, was already unconscious. He could not protect Miao kun.

So, Zhao Yu didn’t hesitate, but quickly fell down with the others.

As he fell to the ground, he understood something else. Since there was water on the kitchen floor, it meant that they had already expected that they would escape from the kitchen!

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Therefore, these must be the protective measures that were designed in advance.

Moreover, the other party had used an electric grenade instead of a grenade or a bomb. Their intention was obviously not to harm their lives, but to subdue them!

Then, thinking about the unloaded rifles, Zhao Yu was even more certain that the other party didn’t want to kill them. Therefore, their lives were not in danger for the time being.

Because of this, Zhao Yu couldn’t risk his life and fight to the death with the other party, as that would only be disadvantageous to him.

However, although Zhao Yu didn’t want to resist, he didn’t let his guard down. While he was pretending to be unconscious, he secretly activated the invisible bullet proof suit and other devices, ready to fight back at any time.

At this moment, the small door in the distance of the kitchen opened, and a person walked in.

Zhao Yu squinted his eyes to take a look. Although he couldn’t see the person’s face clearly, he could see that the person was holding a gun in his hand.

Hence, Zhao Yu clenched his fists. If the man really dared to shoot, he would have to take extreme measures.

Fortunately, what Zhao Yu was worried about didn’t happen. After the man with the pistol walked into the kitchen, he patiently checked on everyone’s status, then reached out to turn off the tap.

At this time, there was a sudden noise from the walkie-talkie of the man with the pistol. Someone asked him through the walkie-talkie,”

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“Hello? How was it? How’s the situation?”

“It’s fine, everything is going according to plan!” The man replied in broken English,”I’ve already said it before. Wouldn’t it be better to hypnotize them? They were steady and stable, but you had to test their desire to fight … Alright, are you satisfied now? Hurry up and send someone over! I have to retreat …”

Hearing this, Zhao Yu suddenly felt that it sounded familiar. He quickly tilted his head and looked over carefully. He then suddenly saw that the person holding the pistol was none other than the man who had been killed earlier, the bearded man Sisay!

Zhao Yu cursed in his heart. This time, it was really beyond his expectations. He could never have imagined that Sisay was still alive!

And … From Sisay’s tone, it was clear that he was on the same side as the other party!

Just as Zhao Yu was in shock, Sisay suddenly let out a strange cry,”Mother! Oh oh oh …”

Zhao Yu quickly peeked and saw that after Sisay jumped into the water, he shook off a person’s arm with his right foot.

It turned out that Lee Bencheng was not completely unconscious. Not only did he recognize Sisay, but he also grabbed Sisay’s right foot …

Half an hour later, in the main hall of Grimm Castle.

Miao kun and the others had recovered from the shock and were sitting on the couches, drinking tea. However, as they drank their water, everyone simultaneously glared at Sisay in the distance.

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“AI! “I’m sorry …” At this moment, Scott, who was on the other side, had abandoned his previous arrogance and changed to an honest face.”Didn’t someone mention Irene before?

“Actually … It’s like this. Because Irene is suffering from a serious mental illness, she often talks nonsense, and there is a possibility that she will leak the information. Therefore, we have already secretly kept her in custody.

“We faked her death so that the spies wouldn’t think about her!”

“Oh …” You SUFU nodded and said,”you mean … You want to tell us that you really represent the United Kingdom government, right?”

“Right!” Scott nodded.”Whether it’s the M15 or the SIS, we have never lied. The charges were forced on us by you, the detectives!”

As Scott spoke, first lieutenant Qiang te who was next to him nodded.

“F * ck, you’re lying through your teeth. You’re not lying, but you’re really good at acting, aren’t you?” Yousufu put down her teacup gloomily and glared at Sisay.

“Don’t be like this, brothers!” “Female Miao, you’re such a sly old fox!” Sisay said to Miao kun, feeling ashamed. How did you know that I’m a double agent?”

“Hmph!” “I was just guessing …” Miao kun said, glaring at him.

“Alright, since it’s no longer a secret, there’s no need to beat around the bush!” Scott pointed at Sisay and said,”Sisay, you have always been one of us!”

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“That’s right,” Sisay said awkwardly.”My country has stopped paying me a salary for a long time. Therefore, please believe that there is no conspiracy or terrorist in this!”

“Yeah,” Qiang te said with a smile.”If our entire organization is infiltrated by terrorists, wouldn’t it be a joke?”

“Everyone, I can be the witness.” Sisay pointed at the restaurant in the distance.”Those so-called ‘exclusive’ products are all fake! It’s the same as me playing dead, it’s just to speed up the pace!”

“Dogshit! It’s really F * cking dogsh * t!” Upon hearing Sisay’s words, sai wanbach angrily slammed the table and cursed,”sh * t Englishman! You guys are just like Grimm …”

“It is! What’s with this?” She crossed her arms and pointed at Sisay, saying,”I saw you die just now, and I was so sad that I cried for you! Didn’t you guys see? I’m showing my true feelings …”

“Hmph!” “How can your little tricks escape my sharp eyes?” Miao kun said.

“Actually … I already guessed that you were acting, but I just didn’t say it!

“Here,” he pointed at Sisay,”your death is too fake, and the blood on the ground isn’t real either …

“Also … If you’re really dead, wouldn’t it be more intimidating to leave a corpse beside us? But you guys quickly took the corpse away, there’s clearly something fishy!”

“Tsk!” Jecka retorted,”you’re only good at belattling others! If you could really tell, would you have been electrocuted to that state?”

Hearing this, Zhao Yu was confused. He really didn’t understand how a translator could translate it so well.

“Alright, everyone!” Scott stopped the crowd’s discussion and said seriously,”let’s talk about business. Two hours have passed. Have you cracked the diamond Code?”

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