Chapter 2

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Perhaps because he’d encountered the first snow as soon as he’d arrived, Chen Qi had not discovered that there were many different creatures in these plains. Just this morning, he’d seen a herd of hundreds of elephants and antelopes passing by. He’d also come across a python thicker than his wrists, hiding in the grass to ambush him, but Aze had cut off its neck and thrown it aside. In the next instant, it’d been quickly snatched up by two coyotes who’d been hiding nearby for who knows how long.

Chen Qi had broken out in a sweat and his hair had stood up from fright. He could only rebuild his psyche with mental preparations so that his legs would not turn soft.

But in fact, with Aze by his side, even if they encountered a whole pride of lions on these Dora Plains, they could make it out just fine. Most creatures on the Dora Plains would run away from beastmen. They knew that beastmen were more dangerous than lions.

For the beastmen, the real danger came from Loya Forest.

The creatures on the Dora Plains alone were insufficient to meet the survival needs of the beastmen. Although they appeared on the Dora Plains throughout the year, after the first snow, all the large creatures, including lions and wolves, would follow their migration patterns all the way south. No one knew where they migrated to, but it was likely a long journey to a destination very far away since they did not return to the Dora Plains during the next summer. Instead, they would only reappear on the Dora Plains in the summer of the following year with their newly born children.

Therefore, the Dora Plains could only be used as a food source for the beastmen every other year, and they had to alternate their hunting grounds and venture into Loya Forest.

Chen Qi didn’t know if the timing of his arrival should be considered lucky or unlucky. Fortunately, he still had one month to prepare enough food. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t be able to hunt animals in the Dora Plains until the following year.

Of course, for Chen Qi, who couldn’t even manage to hunt in the Dora Plains, let alone Loya Forest, it was like the stark difference between novice mode and hell mode.

After eventually getting used to it, Chen Qi found that besides the snakes, which would attack people on their own initiative, the other animals would not come near the two of them. Not long ago, he’d seen a cheetah notice them coming and promptly pull its two little cheetahs away into the tall grass nearby.

This feeling was quite novel, just like visiting a safari at close range. If it weren’t for the vines and thorny plants that grew out from who knows where, Chen Qi could’ve treated this segment of his travels as a leisurely outing.

In the Dora Plains, the plants were far more dangerous than the animals.

After the nth time of tripping over a vine that tried to pull him away, Chen Qi got fired up. After Aze tore the vine that had tied up his feet into two pieces, Chen Qi grabbed a stone and smashed the still moving vine parts into bits. Then, he pulled out a lighter from his pocket and burned the vine to ashes.

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This was Aze’s first time seeing such a fiery male. Seeing the male staring at the extinguished ashes, Aze couldn’t help but suggest, “This is the territory of the cannibal vines. They are used to hiding in the grass to ambush their prey. If you don’t mind, I can carry you on my back. I am very fast.”

“Why don’t they attack you?” Chen Qi asked indignantly.

“They can tell apart the scent of a female. Cannibal vines can only count their losses at the hands of us females, so they usually only ambush the weak creatures.”

. . . . . . Weak? Fine, he was just an ordinary person. Chen Qi’s shoulders slumped over and he comforted himself silently.

And what is this about a “scent”? How come he couldn’t smell any particular scent coming from Aze? Chen Qi couldn’t help but twitch his nose and sniff.

Seeing Chen Qi’s doubts, Aze cocked his head and raised his eyebrows slightly. “The scent is just a scent, I don’t know how to describe it. It’s just like how I can smell the unique scent of a male coming from you.”

Chen Qi raised his arm and sniffed it. He couldn’t smell anything besides the faint smell of sweat.

Aze comforted him. “A male’s sense of smell is not as sensitive as a female’s. Not being able to smell anything is normal.”

Chen Qi sighed. “Forget it, break time is about over. Let’s continue on our way.”

Aze paused. “Do you want me to carry you?”

Chen Qi looked at the large bundle of animal skins on the man’s back and waved his hand. “Thank you, I can still hold on.”

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Aze nodded, somewhat disappointed.

The two of them quietly continued on their way. Chen Qi paid more attention to their surroundings. Aze also cocked up his ears and followed Chen Qi closely, guarding him against further danger. Aze even cut off the tentacles of the cannibal vines in advance and threw them out of both their sights. The remainder of the journey was surprisingly smooth for Chen Qi.

Walking in the grass for a long time was an extremely physically demanding thing. Chen Qi had to stop to rest for a bit every two hours or so. Seeing that Aze’s breathing was normal, not even a little winded, Chen Qi felt a little envious as well as embarrassed. He had become a burden and was dragging him down.

“Chen Qi does not need to force himself. We do not need to rush.” Seeing Chen Qi sweating profusely yet still gritting his teeth, Aze worriedly comforted him.

The body that has not exercised for a long time will become sore and weak once it stops. Chen Qi propped up his knee to calm his breathing. “Sorry, it’s been a long time since I’ve walked so much.”

Aze shook his head. “It’s almost evening now. Let’s find a place to rest today and continue our journey tomorrow.” He raised his head and looked around. Suddenly his eyes fixed in a certain direction. He frowned and murmured in a low voice, “How is a locust dragon here?”

“What’s the matter?”

Aze pointed to a place not far ahead. “There is an acacia tree over there, and there seems to be a locust dragon not far from it. We can rest on that acacia tree tonight.”

“Locust dragon?” Aren’t all the dragons supposed to live in Loya Forest? How could it have appeared here?

Aze thought Chen Qi was worried, so he smiled and comforted him. “Chen Qi, don’t worry. Locust dragons are herbivores and won’t attack beastmen. Besides, it is generally safer where the locust dragon is.”

“Well, let’s go over and have a look.”


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While it was a locust dragon, in fact, it was actually the long-dead corpse of a locust dragon. The body had completely rotted away clean, leaving only the skeleton and an intact hide.

A locust dragon had six eyes, was two to three times the size of an elephant, and looked a bit like a locust.

The two men walked over to the locust dragon’s body. Aze repeatedly confirmed that there was no danger around before Chen Qi was allowed to approach. Chen Qi circled the creature that looked like a prehistoric behemoth he’d never seen before. He couldn’t help poking his finger at the green hide of the locust dragon, which had a fine decorative pattern. Unexpectedly, he just barely touched it and a large chunk of the hide cracked off like broken glass.

“Aside from the hyena-drakes, the skins of other dragons will become very fragile after death and can shatter with a slight touch.”

“It’s amazing,” Chen Qi exclaimed.

Aze pointed to the locust dragon’s eyes. “The only thing that remains unchanged after it dies is that its eyes are still extremely hard. Even I can’t break them easily.”

Following Aze’s words, Chen Qi looked at the locust dragon’s eyes. They had long been corroded clean, leaving only a layer of transparent film. He reached out his hand and knocked at one. It made a clear, crisp sound, a bit like glass.

Aze walked to the acacia tree nearby and grabbed the thick trunk. In two or three quick movements and no time at all, he agilely climbed up to the first branch, set down the animal skins from his back, and jumped back down. “Chen Qi, come onto the tree and get some rest. With the locust dragon corpse here, other large predators will not come near.”

Chen Qi walked over to Aze and asked, “Are you going hunting?” The remaining half of the roast lamb from the morning had already been finished by noon.

Aze nodded and squatted down, offering his back to Chen Qi. “I’ll carry you up the tree.”

Chen Qi was not unreasonable. He had never climbed any trees before. After he climbed onto Aze’s back, Aze stood up and, using all of his limbs, nimbly ascended to the thickest branch at the top. This acacia tree was very tall. Chen Qi couldn’t figure out how trees that were tens of meters high could grow on the grasslands.

Aze told Chen Qi a few words, then turned around and jumped down into the tall grass nearby.

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Chen Qi’s branch was at least ten meters above the ground. Sitting cross-legged on the bough, Chen Qi was just glad that he was not afraid of heights.

The sun was setting and fiery-looking clouds dyed half of the sky red. The breeze blew through, making the yellow grass undulate like waves, and in the distance, vague silhouettes of unknown creatures could be seen nimbly weaving through the grass.

Chen Qi sighed, and his eyes lingered for a while on the rocky mountain where he could still see the dim shadow of a cave entrance. That was the cave he had stayed in that morning. He slumped over, a little depressed. After a hard day’s journey, disappointingly he’d only gone this far?

A little later, Aze came back carrying a small warthog. As they were out in the wild and because he was worried about Chen Qi’s safety, Aze did not wait to handle the prey before returning.

“Chen Qi, stay up the tree for a while. I will finish preparing the food and then you can come down.” Aze stood under the tree with his head tilted back, looking at Chen Qi as he spoke.

“Okay. Can I help you?”

“No need, Chen Qi just needs to wait.” Aze smiled. Chen Qi found that, aside from when they had first met, Aze had always maintained a sullen look. But now, a faint smile hung on the corner of his lips.

Aze took out a few delicate and charming blue flowers, which looked a little bit like peonies. He clenched them in his hands and the flowers rapidly deformed, oozing out a little bit of blue and white liquid, which dripped down to the ground along his fingertips. Aze took the peony-like flowers and squeezed out the sap while circling around the acacia tree.

Chen Qi leaned over the bough and looked curiously as Aze busied about. “Aze, what are you doing with that flower?”

The last drop of flower sap dripped to the ground. Aze picked up a clean piece of animal hide and wiped his hands. He explained, “This is the flower of the ghost needle tree. Its smell can repel insects. Sprinkle the sap around, and the insects will not come near here.”

Chen Qi understood and nodded.

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