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Posted on April 6, 2022by UntamedS

The fog cleared and the sun shone clearly at the bottom of the valley.


Everyone’s scalp went numb.


The narrow Rift Valley was about 200 meters long and more than 10 meters deep. The rocks were thick black.


In addition to the mountains of corpses, there were faces that couldn’t be seen clearly. These living people put their heads back, as if they were trying to absorb the sun.


They let out bursts of sobs and shrieks, echoing at the bottom of the valley, like ghosts crying.


“This is the big pit…” Rong Yue said in a deep voice.


Led by Yue Dong and his wife, it took a day for them to arrive.




From a distance, it could be called a fairyland – an open grassland, an endless forest within sight, and a large lake hundreds of meters away.




The lake was as blue as fairy crystal, reflecting the warm sunshine. Two beautiful female deers were watching them warily by the lake.




Even the clouds in the sky floated gently, rippling with the breeze, as if rushing would destroy the grand scene.





Rift valley was like an ugly scar.





But Rong Yue was very satisfied.





“There are a lot of people, what a big place!” He clapped his hands as if he had dismissed the unhappiness brought by the scene in front of him. He asked Tian Yang, “Can this place belong to us?”




Li Shui looked at the bottom of the valley and asked, “How many small tribes are near here?”




Yue Dong: “There were some, but I don’t know whether they moved after the disaster.”




Tian Yang made a quiet sound and answered Rong Yue, “Then it’s ours.”




Rong Yue laughed out loud: “It’d still be ours even if they hadn’t moved away. Yes, since they all treat this place as a garbage disposal plant, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind us using it. “




He looked down again, “After we get the people up, let’s build a baking workshop below!”




Yue Dong: “Bake… What?”



Rong Yue: “Baking is baking bread, baking cake, baking meat…”



In the major cities of Xingyue continent, there were life skills areas. Although Rong Yue didn’t do it, it depended on the players’ operation.




One of the baking workshops was built in the middle of the city. The rising steam was like sweet icing that enveloped the whole workshop.




Although Yue Dong didn’t know what bread and cake were, he knew barbecued meat… He looked at the pile of corpses below and got goosebumps: “Do you still want barbecue?”




Rong Yue: “It won’t always be like this. Let’s talk about it later. Save the living first.”




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At a height of more than ten meters, Tian Yang and Yue Dong could jump down directly without injury, but according to the steepness of the cliff, it would be too difficult to climb back up.




There was some dried meat in their luggage, but they didn’t dare to throw it directly, for fear of causing chaos.




Tian Yang discussed with Yue Dong and decided that they would go to the forest and see if they could find strong vines to climb up and down temporarily.




Rong Yue waved his hand and refused participate in their physical labor. After thinking for a while, he turned to them, “If you can, get more meat, just in case we don’t have enough.”




The little ball volunteered to go too, so everyone left except him and Li Shui.




Li Shui went to camp in the open space on one side, and Rong Yue squatted on the edge of the rift valley to look below, surrounded by three holy light balls.




He couldn’t leave this spot. Once the light disappeared, the people crying below may experience a blow, from hope to despair, which would be worse than if he never appeared.




The echo in the rift valley was so serious that he couldn’t hear what they were all saying so he simply didn’t listen. He was content to remain as still as a sculpture.




Soon, the cries faded, and finally a clear female voice penetrated the crowd, and the words clearly rang in Rong Yue’s ears——




“Are you a god –!”




Rong Yue was surprised, he quickly stood up and shouted down, “I’m not –“




The female voice screamed, “ah, god spoke!!”




Rong Yue: “…” isn’t it that you don’t care to listen to me?




Rong Yue was still weak. He couldn’t support the lights for too long. But maybe he gave the people at the bottom of the valley a sense of reality after talking. When the holy light went out, they weren’t too affected.




Li Shui propped up the simple animal skin tent, built the fire, put other tools aside then she moved to Rong Yue’s side with a dissatisfied expression.




“Can you weave?”




Rong Yue: “No.”




Li Shui looked to the other side: “Then you must know how to weave rope.”





Forgive Rong Yue’s incompetence: “I can’t do that either.”




Li Shui looked at him in surprise: “Then are you good at cooking? I heard that people in the salt department are good at handling food. The things they make are very fragrant and have a different taste…”




Rong Yue thought about it. There was a recipe given to him by a player in his package. He also heard of the three delicacies of fish, flavored shredded pork and Kung Pao diced chicken, but he hadn’t tried to make it, so he told the truth: “I’m not sure.”




Li Shui was shocked then she revealed a pitying expression: “How can Tian Yang like you!”


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Looking at the round faced girl, Rong Yue wanted to tease her: “Guess?”




Li Shui:????




On the other end, Yue Dong followed Tian Yang with the little ball and finally reached the edge of the forest.




This forest was full of trees and traces of animals. It was obviously an excellent hunting ground. The little ball was released to pick fruits. 




They picked up some vines and began to cut them with stone knives.




After cutting a few, Yue Dong finally couldn’t hold back his curiosity: “What’s going on with Yue, Tian Yang?”




Tian Yang tore the stem strips that stuck to the skin on his hand: “Worried?”




Yue Dong hissed: “It’s not like that, but it’s a little weird. Although I haven’t had much contact with him before, is he like the rumors?”




A little sacrificial priest who hid in the leader’s house and stayed indoors and acted like a doll.




What was the use of being beautiful? Yue Dong didn’t think much of Yue.




After he came back from Xingye mountain, he listened to Li Shui’s report. On the one hand, he was extremely dissatisfied with the situation, on the other hand, he felt disdain for Yue.




  However, his disdain disappeared after he found that Yue and Tian Yang disappeared together.




In any case, according to Tian Yang’s weak body, Yue still accompanied him, which showed  his loyalty.



But he never thought that the Yue he met was completely different from what he heard.



It even made him wonder if he was the same person.




Tian Yang seemed to know what he was thinking and smiled, “You’re right.”




Yue Dong’s hand shook to the point that he almost cut his hand: “Wait, what do you mean!?”




Tian Yang: “I don’t know the details, but Yue is now the soul of a person from another world, he admitted it himself.”




“My brother!” Yue Dong stumbled and grabbed a thorn head: “Then you’ll live with him like this!? If he is an evil spirit that possessed…”




“No.” Tian Yang whispered.




He piled up the cut vines and threw them at an open space: “His energy is very warm.”




He experienced it and knew how fascinating the vigorous power gushing to his heart was. It was like a gentle hope, as if it could wash away the darkness and violence in his bones.


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Tian Yang still remembered the light he saw through his eyelids.



When he recovered from the serious injury, the first thing he saw after he regained his life was Rong Yue’s pale but confident, beautiful face.




His whole body was wet with sweat, but he still wore a casual smile. He clearly performed a miracle, but it seemed as if he had just done a trivial thing.



Yue Dong was speechless.




But he always followed Tian Yang’s lead, “Oh, forget it… What’s his name? Is he also called Yue?”



Tian Yang suddenly realized that he hadn’t asked Yue’s real name.



But… there was no hurry.




He didn’t answer. He looked into the distance. A ferocious looking stag was hiding behind a tree and secretly watching them.




… it looked delicious. He would like it.




Tian Yang stood up straight, gearing up for three seconds, and then he ran out like an arrow off the string!




He threw the bone knife and cut the hind leg of the buck, then he quickly used the knife to end its life.



Yue Dong came over and looked: “What good luck! Can you take it back?”




Tian Yang held his aching chest, “Cut some more firewood.”




They were busy for a while. Fortunately, they caught a fat animal, they called back the little ball, and went back with the firewoods and vines.




The sky was now completely dark. From a distance, they could see the fire and the holy light ball floating around Yue.




Rong Yue stood up, “You’re back.”




Tian Yang smiled at him, “Are you hungry?”




Rong Yue: “You can barbecue it first, Li Shui will teach me how to weave the rope.”




This kind of vine had a smooth surface and wasn’t long enough to go down to the bottom of the valley. If it was tied together, it would loosen. On this continent, the default was to weave vines with special techniques and then connect them into ropes.




There was only four people and a small child, so Rong Yue had to help.




As for whether he could or not, he was sure he could learn.




The holy light was like a bright lamp. Even if the sky was dark, Li Shui could still see his hand movements as she taught Rong Yue step by step.




As Rong Yue worked, he didn’t forget the situation below the valley, “The situation below is not very good. Later, take some food and feed everyone. Don’t die”

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Why did this sound strange? Yue Dong nodded, then he remembered, “If we’re going down, who’ll pull the rope on it?”




Tian Yang looked around and pointed to the lake: “There’s a big stone over there. Go and move it. Then we can tie the rope to the stone.”




Yue Dong followed Tian Yang’s finger and saw a boulder high enough to tower over him.




Yue Dong: “…..”




He went with a resigned sigh.




Ergou helped Tian Yang lift the stick and break the branches. She didn’t talk much.




Rong Yue looked at her: “Wasn’t it fun in the forest? Why aren’t you lively?”




Ergou pouted in disappointment: “I didn’t find the fairy flower today…”





Rong Yue clumsily bent the vine in one direction. He did it according to Li Shui’s instructions: “Is the fairy flower beautiful?”




Ergou: “It’s beautiful!”




Rong Yue: “So many people want it?”




Ergou frowned: “It should be. Grandma Xue Qi wants it, and everyone I used to know wants it.”




Rong Yue struggled with the rattan in his hand, but he still raised his eyes and asked, “So it’s beautiful and many people want it, but it can’t be owned by everyone – it means it’s precious.”




Ergou subconsciously picked the branch on her hand and looked at him stupidly.




Rong Yue smiled softly: “If you can get it easily, it’s not precious.”




The last sunset sank.




Rong Yue looked up and looked at the stars in the sky.




 “Life is precious, freedom is precious, and feelings are precious. Your fairy flowers are more beautiful because they are precious. If you can’t find them in one day, you’ll find them in ten days. If you can’t find them in ten days, you’ll find them in a hundred days.”




Rong Yue made the last knot and finally breathed out: “Precious things are not so easy to have, you have to find them slowly.”




Ergou nodded vaguely: “Lord Yue, the rope you made is really ugly.”




Rong Yue: “……”



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