She wanted to ask what was going on.

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But there was no room for that.


The window was smashed to pieces.

“What? Wasn’t there only a woman?”

Then a strange voice was heard.

“Was she with a man?”

“Did you have fun?”

There were several men who appeared to be assassins. There was the yellow star room. It’s not such an easy place to break through. How the hell did they get in? Was Adler injured? Didn’t he block them? It couldn’t be. She knew what this situation was. It was a situation she had already experienced. What should she do? What should she do to keep Leone safe without becoming a stumbling block?


Leone got down on the floor and got into a quadrupedal position. Judging by the look on his face, he did not appear to have lost his temper in anger. It’s just that he seemed to be in the best position to move.

“Ha! I get it.”


“You there. Find people on the prince’s side and tell them to come this way without wasting anything.”

The man who seemed to be the captain pointed to one person and opened his mouth.


“They said the prince was like a beast. They said he crawls on all fours. I thought it was a joke, but it really is true.”

“Ah, yes. I will bring someone.”

“Yes, hurry up and bring them. We- Ugh!”

Were they confident in their skills, or did they not have much information about Leone, or were they just low-level thugs? Leone jumped between the assassins who were laughing and relaxing. His large hands grabbed the face of the leading assassin and pressed it to the floor. There was a thud. It happened in an instant. The assassin, crushed to the ground, was speechless as if he had lost his mind.


Leone sat down on the man he just killed and said.

“Cheer, cooer…”

So the situation was quickly sorted out. She had no choice but to watch Leone’s one-sided victory on the spot. The beastly fighting style of biting his neck and leaping on all fours to distract his center of gravity remained the same.

“Leone, wait!”

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Leone shouted just as the last one was about to die. Leone stopped his movement and looked at her.


Counting the last man Leone was holding, only five assassins had fallen in this room.

‘What did they believe in, and brought such a small number of people while attacking the imperial castle?’

She was puzzled.

‘What? Wasn’t the woman alone?’

‘Did they know that I was in this room?’

No woman in the imperial castle would be able to stay alone in a room like this. The former Emperor and his wife, the Empress, had long since died, and the Emperor had no other siblings. In addition, the number of guests who came separately was few and far between. If that’s the case, wouldn’t they know of her existence and aim for it on purpose? There was no way that the Grand Duke would not know what was going on inside the imperial castle. He was a human who endlessly sent assassins to the prince, claiming that he was aiming for the throne.

“You. You know me?”

She approached the assassin whom Leone rode on and subdued.


“Answer me.”


Leone lightly twisted the assassin’s wrist. The word ‘light’ meant that what’s inside must be bones, but she was also a little scared that the shape of the twist looked so easy.

“Did you ask me to catch you?”

She asked more directly.

“I guess I’ll say- ah!”

It looked difficult to answer as his face was sunk to the floor, but surprisingly he seemed to speak well.

“Humans are very interested in torture.”

Leone murmured softly. A low voice sounded ghastly and terrifying.

“Leone. Have you read such a book?”

“Because I read this and that.”

Torture…! Leone replied as if it was nothing, but he didn’t think it was a good topic to read. In the first place, why would the imperial family have to torture themselves?

“The way I saw it there, a lot.”

She felt the unspoken pressure of ‘quickly blowing before he told her everything he saw in the book. 

The assassin, crushed beneath him, let out a painful breath.

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“Ugh, ugh!”

Leone’s long arm moved toward the assassin’s leg. At the same time, the assassin screamed.

“No, I will tell you. I will speak! So ugh, please, please!”

“Until you tell us, I won’t go down.”

“I was ordered to kidnap a short woman with curly red hair! Kut.”


“I, cof, do not know the client. I was just introduced, and I did as I was told from above.”

There was no need to ask who it was. The evil mind must be the Archduke. It was a question she asked to make sure she was exposed to the information guild. So she didn’t ask any more.

“Knapped Trixie…”

Leone pondered the words with a serious face.

“Leone? I’m done asking him now.”

“Ah… this human. How will we do it, Trixie?”

“What, what? I answered you, I did, save-”

“As Leone wants to do.”

For him, who works under the Archduke, even if they let him live, he would live doing this again. She read the murderous intent in Leone’s eyes and turned around without saying a word. Soon, a gasping sound was heard.

‘I suppose you sleep in my room in preparation for this situation.’

“Trixie. Let’s go.”

She felt Leone approaching her. There was a fishy smell of blood. She turned around and faced Leone. There was blood on his arms, around his mouth, and all over his white shirt, but he still had friendly eyes. And strangely, it wasn’t as scary as before.

“Thank you. Did you sleep in my room because you thought these people would come?”

“…huh. It smelled like the sound of a knight catching these things every night.”

So he asked Adler if this wasn’t the first time an assassin had come. When he said something about not being able to sleep because of the sound and smell… She had vaguely thought that Leone’s senses as a beast would have blunted as he reached the end of his human life. If not, how was he enduring this place? Indeed he was. Leone still thought the place was noisy, and he’s sensitive to other people’s smells. Because he said he couldn’t sleep because he heard a sound he hadn’t even heard. But why was he holding on here like this? It was strange when she thought about it.

He could run away because he hated the human world. Until now, she thought it was the behavior of a dog with separation anxiety, and she didn’t think it was a big deal… She was a bit puzzled now that Leone clearly has something in his heart.

She realized that she had never wondered why he was working hard or what his ‘goal’ was.


“Sorry. If I talk about it, I think it would be scary.”

“Leone. Why are you working hard?”

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“Don’t you hate humans?”

“Like before, I don’t hate it.”

“But it’s not good enough to work this hard.”

Leone looked at her blankly. Seeing Leone glowing transparently under the moonlight seemed like a long time ago.

“Trixie, I…”

He stopped talking and looked back at the window. And in an instant, his expression turned cold.

“What’s wrong, Leone?”

“Come behind me.”

Leone grabbed her arm and hid her behind him. It was really hidden because of the difference in their body size.

“Somehow, hide.”

To hide again…?

“You were here, Prince.”

“I had a bit of a hard time trying to find you.”

Really, here they were again.

“Trixie, over there.”

Leone muttered and hit her. If she went behind the curtains drawn by the bed, it seemed that she would be able to hide her body somehow. She slipped behind the curtains to be as inconspicuous as possible. Then, the landscape in the room became dimly visible.

“However. I guess there are no women. I walked through several rooms.”

Several times as many assassins as before were entering her room through the window. Was he going to fight with that many people? Of course, it was Leone who was fine even after fighting 15 assassins. But many said there was no way he could win. Leone must have known that running away with that many people at his back was suicidal, so he wouldn’t move even if she tried to tell him to run away.

“Hmm. It’s okay. They said killing the prince would be the best thing.”

So they had to get out of there. She had to ask someone for support. It only needed to be delivered to the Imperial Knights somehow. While she was rolling her head, she heard a sound as if a fight had begun.


“What, what!”

“This, what a monstrous bastard!”

There was an angry sound, a bloody sound of a sword cutting through the air, and a small scream.

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In the meantime, the only sound Leone produced was a low growl.

‘Hmm. Was I worrying for nothing?’

She decided to curl up and stay still. It’s a law to not ruin other people’s fight for nothing.

“What kind of madman is that?! They never said anything like that.”

“Shit. The woman! We have to find the woman first!”

“She must have been in this room. Find the correct room first!”

Shouts were heard from everywhere. A few assassins ran out of the room, and a few started searching the room. Even so, there were enough people left to deal with Leone.

“Deal with me first!”

Leone’s voice stuck behind the words exchanged by the assassins. It was a voice she had never heard before.

“Don’t look away. Come to me, kill me- me!”


“Look at me.”

There was excitement in Leone’s voice. She felt a lot of shaking emotions until here.

‘It’ll be fine, it’ll be fine.’

“Yes, I will get rid of you first!”


She heard Leone’s moaning, which she had never heard before. Leone… he was hurt. He was dangerous. But why did the bed behind her back shake? As if someone had come up.

“Here you are, lady.”

Upon realizing it, a thick, rough hand grabbed her arm.

“Huh, ugh…!”

“I am like a dog. In particular, when looking for the scent of young ladies.”

A large man grabbed her. Her eyes naturally turned to Leone.

Leone, who had fallen to the floor, was already up and running toward her. The swords that were about to stab him in the back rose upward. She was sure he would try to protect her as he had done so far. Just like he always followed her. Like that…

“Leone, don’t come! Look behind you!”

Like that, she didn’t want him to get hurt.

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