Since Nicolette acted as if nothing happened, no one realized it, but she was actually pretty tired. The monastery where she was raised caught on fire, and she was visited by the Duke of Raihenbahha, so her shock has been piling up. Wolfgang hasn’t even realized that he was wrong.

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After putting her to bed, Wolfgang returned to his government affairs. Nicolette woke up at dinner time and ate dinner like she always does. By the way, today's dish was bird simmered in cream, which has been recently confirmed to be one of Nicolette's favorite dishes. By the way, her most favorite dish is white meat fish in sauce. (TL Note: White meat fish are fish that live in the river)


Since she ended up sleeping in the afternoon, Nicolette was still wide awake even when night came. She was sitting on the bed, and Wolfgang was laying down on it while gazing at her. He already thought about this since a long time ago, but Nicolette's reading posture was mysterious.

Even though she continuously read a book for hours, she strangely still looked comfortable. The book that Nicolette was reading right now is an ancient language book.


"...Is it fun?"

"Hmm. I am at the part where I don't really understand the content, so it makes my head hurt. There are a lot of technical words in this part."


Nicolette closed the book while making a wry smile. Putting the book on the side table, she stretched her body while muttering  'Gu~h'

"Are you still not sleepy?"

"Yeah... Wolf-sama, you can sleep before me you know. You must be tired, right?"

Nicolette said that while smiling. Wolfgang said in response, "Is that so?" while looking at her take out a whole different book. Then, he put his head on top of Nicolette's lap.

"Waah... what happened?"

"Not allowed?"

" I didn't hate it, but..."

Then it's okay, or so Wolfgang judged. He made Nicolette's lap his pillow while taking her right hand.


"Do you want to hear the story about my past?"

"Uh, sure."

"...It's the story about my wife before you."


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Even Nicolette fell into silence. What kind of people would even want to hear a story about their husband's ex-wife? However, Nicolette just smiled and said,

"It's fine. If it can make Wolf-sama feel at ease, I will hear your story."

"Is that so?"


Wolfgang smiled at Nicolette's kindness. It somehow seemed like Nicolette has seriously learned psychology and philosophy.

"...My first wife's name was Rizoretta."


Since she was taken into Wolfgang's family when he was a prince, calling her the 'First Empress' wouldn't be correct. It would make more sense to call her his 'First Wife'.


The person who married the twenty-third-year-old crown prince Wolfgang was the eighteen-year-old Rizoretta, who was the daughter of the Duke. Though it wasn't officially announced, Rizoretta was the daughter of Duke Raihenbahha's concubine.

Rizoretta was a reserved woman. She didn't meddle with him too much and she was the type of girl who would always follow behind Wolfgang when he walked.

Though their characteristics are different, Nicolette and Rizoretta were kind of similar. When he talked to her, she would smile, and she would happily eat the snacks that she received. Wolfgang felt at peace while selling his experience with Rizoretta.


When she became his wife, the war between the Empire and the surrounding country became intense. Wolfgang inevitably had to bring victory to the war, so his talent bloomed.


Rizoretta became scared of Wolfgang because of this. She tried to conceal it, but Wolfgang realized she was.

Two years into their marriage, Wolfgang's Father, the Emperor at the time, suddenly died of illness. Wolfgang then held all of the power in the Imperial Castle since that moment.


Perhaps it's because of that. Duke Raihenbahha was kept in silence ever since Rizoretta's marriage to him, so finally started to make a move. His very first move was to assassinate the newly inducted Emperor Wolfgang.

At the time, there was no one to become the successor of the Hainzel Empire except Wolfgang. Wolfgang actually had a little brother, but at that time, he already died in the war with a foreign country.

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If Wolfgang was assassinated, who would have the rights to the throne? It would perhaps go to his Father's blood-related Sister, so Duke Raihenbahha might have tried to control her from behind the scenes.


Leaving aside the fact of whether Duke Raihenbahha had the wits, it was still an issue that the newly inducted Wolfgang had to consider. He ended up trying to his own Daughter to perform Wolfgang's assassination for him.  


'Him trying' means he failed. Rizoretta wasn't able to defy her Father's orders, but she didn't want to hurt another person. At dinner that day, Rizoretta was pouring wine into Wolfgang's glass while her hand was trembling. At the time, it was proven that Duke Raihenbahha ordered her to kill Wolfgang with poison.

"He's my Father... I can't defy him."


Wolfgang asked her reason for why she acted that way, and she answered him with a trembling voice. Wolfgang felt a great impact from her words.

For Rizoretta, Wolfgang was someone that came right after her Father. Her Father, Duke Raihenbahha, was first in her heart, not Wolfgang. She might have felt like she owed a debt to him for raising her, no matter how violent he treated her.


When he realized that, Wolfgang already slew Rizoretta. (TL Note: Damn, yandere at it's finest) (ED: True, does no one here know about imprisonment?)

He wasn't able to remember what happened until he slew her, he may have been in a frenzy. Wolfgang realized, in that moment, he really loved Rizoretta, so he felt very betrayed.


In the end, they couldn't find any concrete proof that Duke Raihenbahha ordered Rizoretta to assassinate him, so the Duke was punished to five years of house arrest in his territory.

"I think my nickname 'Cruel Emperor' was spread by Duke Raihenbahha. It would be easier for him if the Emperor is infamous for his cruelty when he starts a coup d'état someday, right?"


Wolfgang finished talking about his history with Rizoretta, which made Nicolette shake her head slowly.

"Wolf-sama is not cruel. There is also no ability that Duke Raihenbahha posses that will let him be able to raise a rebellion. He will fail for sure if he ever tries."

Nicolette calmly declared that with a voice full of conviction. As he looked at her face from below, Nicolette made a wry laugh.


"Duke Raihenbahha is rather similar to my own father. Though I have only met him once, I know he is a person that tries to keep scary things to himself. At the same time though, they don't have the courage do that. I think my Grandfather once said, 'No underling will follow a superior that doesn't sully their own hands'."

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"...That seems plausible."


Wolfgang ended up agreeing with Nicolette's reasoning. Those words might be from her Grandfather's Mother's bloodline, which is the Britania's Crown Prince's words, or so Wolfgang thought.

"Since Wolf-sama didn't even do the unpleasant thing by himself, people follow you."


Nicolette made a sweet smile on her face. She smiled under the dim light and her behavior didn't change even though her husband just confessed his love to one of his past wives in front of his current one.  Wolfgang stretched his hand, and toucher her cheeks.

"I'm sorry... even though it's not a story that you're supposed to hear."

"It's okay, don't worry about it."

Nicolette moved her head causing Wolfgang's big hand to stroke her cheek. It was rare for her to do something like that.


"Of course, it's not like I didn't have any thoughts about Rizoretta-sama. I already promised to hear Wolf-sama's story after all. Besides, Wolf-sama's Wife right now is not Rizoretta-sama, but me."

"...Aren't you afraid of me?"


If she rejected him right now, he might end up killing Nicolette too.  Even when he thought that, Wolfgang still asked that question. In response, Nicolette asked, "Why did you ask that?", just like her usual self.


"Wolfgang-sama can have a normal conversation with me just like this. I won't be scared of someone I can communicate with. Besides... "

Nicolette took a moment, then answered after taking a deep breath,

"Even if Wolf-sama still loves Rizoretta-sama, I, lo, love wolf-sama, and want to be by your side."


Hearing Nicolette's soft spoken words Wolfgang opened his eyes wide, then raised his body. He looked at Nicolette with a surprised expression.


"I won't say it again!"

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He then kissed Nicolette while she was shouting. Nicolette was able to keep her sitting posture, but the kiss gradually became more passionate, so her body lost its power. Wolfgang pushed her limp body to the bed and as he let go of her lips, their eyes met while Nicolette was breathing heavily with a flushed red face.


He became happy knowing that she loved him because she didn't know the difference between 'love' and 'like'.


Since Rizoretta's time, it has been only one-way affection for him, so this is something he has always wished for.

He wanted to blame someone else for why he ended up killing Rizoretta, but it might actually go well with his Fourth Wife Nicolette.


Nicolette is different from Rizoretta. He tried to identify similarities between them, it was one of his worse qualities.

Just like what Nicolette said, he becomes reminiscent if he talks about it. Wolfgang might just want someone to hear his story so he could feel at ease.


He will not easily forget about the wives he's killed. He will never forget, or else he would be a ruthless human. If he ever forgets about them, then he will become the 'Cruel Emperor' for real.


Even if he hasn't forgotten, he felt like he could take a step forward if Nicolette was beside him. Whenever Wolfgang strayed from his path, Nicolette will be there to grasp his hand. On the other hand, if Nicolette were to stray from her path, Wolfgang will be by her side.


He wasn't able to create such a relationship with his past wife. He was able to create one now thanks to Nicolette's bright personality, carefreeness, and her mental strength.

Most importantly, she yearned for Wolfgang.

"I also love you, Nicola."

"...Eh, yeah..."


As he whispered into her ear, Nicolette gasped and made a small nod.

Wolfgang smiled, then kissed the nape of her neck.

He really did love her, which is why he wished that she wouldn't reject him.


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