Chapter 23 – The Prophecy’s Result

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11 minutes


In early summer, as the weather grew warmer, the Imperial Army returned to the palace. Although the situation was not completely resolved, the fact that they had successfully apprehended King Laurier was significant.

Upon his return, Wolfgang first listened to Hainz and the others’ reports before heading to Nicolette’s place.

“Oh, Wolf-sama! Welcome back!” -Nicolette

With a slightly livelier voice than usual, Nicolette exclaimed. Having been playing with Ferdinand, she stood up and ran towards Wolfgang. Then, she gently clung to him.

“It’s really you! Are you okay? Did you get hurt?” -Nicolette

Even as a mother, Nicolette hadn’t changed. Wolfgang couldn’t help but smile wryly, feeling relieved.

“I’m fine. It seems like you had a tough time too.” -Wolfgang

While saying so, as Wolfgang tried to embrace her in return, a carefree voice came back, saying, “Don’t squeeze me too hard.” So he held her gently.

“What’s the matter?” -Wolfgang

When he asked, Nicolette giggled.

“I’m expecting our second child. It’s been three months now…” -Nicolette

“Four months.” -Wolfgang

“…Well.” -Nicolette

The correction from Helma was indescribable. Wolfgang grabbed Nicolette’s shoulders and peered into her face. She didn’t seem to be lying. In fact, Nicolette rarely told lies.

“I hope it’s a girl this time.” -Nicolette

Nicolette said it in her usual carefree tone. Wolfgang suddenly felt a surge of joy.

“Yeah… Thank you, Nicola.” -Wolfgang

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He embraced her once more, making sure not to put too much pressure on her belly. As he pressed his cheek against her hair, he was asked, “By the way, what happened in the war?” He wanted to savor the moment a little longer, but…

Wolfgang sat Nicolette down on the sofa for now.

“…We captured King Laurier.” -Wolfgang

He wanted to deliver the news to her carefully, but the words came out bluntly. Nicolette blinked a few times and nodded, saying, “I see.”

“So, the prophecy really came true.” -Nicolette

She said so, but she still didn’t know. Nicolette’s prophecy was “This child will bring about the downfall of the father.” Wolfgang had only captured him; he hadn’t dealt the final blow yet.

“Will… you meet King Laurier?” -Wolfgang

He was the one who had imprisoned Wolfgang in the monastery, but he was still Nicolette’s father. He asked with that in mind, but she simply shook her head without hesitation.

“No, it’s fine. You can decide his fate as you see fit.” -Nicolette

“…I understand. I’m sorry…” -Wolfgang

“No need to apologize. Either way, I don’t know what to do.” -Nicolette

Nicolette laughed lightly and said so. Wolfgang smiled in response. Lately, he felt like he was being deliberately treated as usual, as if she was being considerate of him.

“By the way, it seems like you had a tough time too.” -Wolfgang

“Oh, yeah. But not as much as you, Wolf-sama. Duke Vogel took care of everything.” -Nicolette

Nicolette seemed to have a particularly bad chemistry with Duke Reichenbach. She was generally friendly to everyone, but she said she didn’t “like him very much” when it came to Duke Reichenbach. It was understandable. He intended to impose severe punishment on him.

Apparently, Duke Reichenbach had finally aimed his gun at the Empress. It seemed wrong to point a gun at Nicolette, who had a fondness for guns, but naturally, even she was somewhat afraid.

“I was really surprised. Ah, I realized how powerless I am.” -Nicolette

“It’s alright. I’ll protect you.” -Wolfgang

“I think it would be better if you protected Fer more than me.” -Nicolette

Nicolette said so with her usual tone, and Wolfgang couldn’t help but smile. That might be true. Ferdinand was the Crown Prince, and if anything were to happen to him, Nicolette, as his mother, would do everything in her power to protect him. Nicolette was a mother, after all.

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“By the way, Fer has started to stand on his own. He’s cute, but a bit clumsy. I still think he looks like you, Wolf-sama.” -Nicolette

As she happily talked about their son, it was clear that she was indeed a mother. Was he doing well as a father? Wolfgang pondered.

Upon hearing Nicolette’s words, “in a way that suits Wolf-sama,” Wolfgang decided to take advantage of those words.

“King Laurier. I request your abdication. Pass the throne to your son. After all, you are technically my father-in-law. Consider it an act of mercy.” -Wolfganf

Wolfgang found himself in a chamber of the Hainzel Palace, confined and under the watchful eyes of numerous soldiers. King Laurier, who was now much older than Wolfgang remembered, sat before him. Being Nicolette’s father made him Wolfgang’s father-in-law. Wolfgang refrained from killing him out of his own sense of mercy.

King Laurier raised his blue eyes and chuckled as if mocking Wolfgang. He had golden hair but bore no resemblance to Nicolette. She truly took after her mother.

“Mercy, you say? Mercy is unnecessary. Since I’ve been captured, you could just kill me. That way, her ‘prophecy’ would be fulfilled.” – Laurier

King Laurier laughed, his smile filled with madness. Seeing that deranged smile, Wolfgang truly felt the fear King Laurier harbored for the prophecy.

“Nicola has no interest in you. However, if you were to die, she would grieve. I have no intention of causing her such sorrow.” -Wolfgang

Despite what he said, Nicolette was concerned about her prophecy. The prophecy of patricide. Even if she had no intention of carrying it out, she couldn’t help but worry about what would happen if her father died because of that prophecy. Wolfgang could sense that underlying concern.

A prophecy was a prophecy. It was said to never fail because those who believed in it would act accordingly. In other words, Nicolette’s prophecy began when King Laurier imprisoned her.

However, if she hadn’t married Wolfgang, Nicolette’s prophecy would never have come true. King Laurier had brought about his own downfall.

To bring about that downfall, there were various methods. Killing was one, but there was also the option of bringing about ruin. Just as his wife had been confined, Wolfgang decided to bring about the downfall of King Laurier through confinement.

“I… I… she was terrifying. That girl.” -Laurier

King Laurier spoke of his own daughter as if talking about someone else. He said to Wolfgang,

“Emperor, are you not terrified? That girl who holds the prophecy. The one who resembles the ‘Harbinger of Revolution.’” -Wolfgang

“…” -Laurier

Aren’t you terrified…? That was also a question Wolfgang had asked Nicolette. She smiled and said, “If we can communicate, there’s nothing to fear.” How nostalgic.

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The ‘Harbinger of Revolution’ referred to Prince Nicholas of Dalmor, Nicolette’s maternal grandfather. Since Nicolette was born after his passing, she had never met him. Wolfgang hadn’t either.

It seemed that Nicolette resembled her grandfather greatly. Wolfgang understood why King Laurier feared her, as Prince Nicholas had displayed overwhelming strength in battle and had been instrumental in changing the world’s norms. But was Nicolette truly frightening just because she resembled him?

“I cannot comprehend your feelings. For me, Nicola is someone to be cherished, not feared.” -Wolfgang

“You’re quite eccentric.” -Laurier

“I believe she’s as adorable as can be.” -Wolfgang

In place of the love King Laurier had failed to give, Wolfgang resolved to love Nicolette with all his heart.

“Three days from now, I will send you back to Laurier. Once you’re gone, the alliance will crumble automatically… so make sure to abdicate. If you defy me, this time, I will attack and destroy the Kingdom of Laurier.” -Wolfgang

“…” -Laurier

King Laurier didn’t respond. Wolfgang hadn’t expected him to. If he didn’t abdicate in favor of his son, they would simply destroy the kingdom.

Without King Laurier, the Allied forces would collapse. Many countries had joined the alliance due to King Laurier’s persuasion, and they had no desire to make an enemy out of Wolfgang.

“Also, it seems Nicola won’t come to see you.” -Wolfgang

As Wolfgang was leaving, he spoke those words and exited the room. He gave a few orders to the guarding soldiers and returned to his office.

King Laurier returned to the kingdom and abdicated the throne in favor of his son. Wolfgang heard this news about a month after his return. When he informed Nicolette of this information, she responded with a disinterested nod.

“So, that means the alliance forces will collapse,” she said indifferently while playing with Ferdinand and building blocks. Wolfgang observed Nicolette from the sofa with an intrigued expression.

“You don’t seem to have much of a reaction.” -Wolfgang

“For me, whether the King of Laurier is my father or my brother doesn’t matter. As long as I don’t get divorced from you, Wolfgang, it’s fine,” she replied, flashing a smile at him. Wolfgang chuckled and knelt beside Nicolette, picking up one of the blocks.

“The alliance forces will indeed collapse. After all, their reasons for attacking the empire were weak to begin with. There aren’t many who would want to rebel against us, the ones who defeated the leading nation, Laurier,” he explained.

“Ah, so if we defeat the commander, the war will end,” Nicolette responded, nodding in agreement. Then, while affectionately watching Ferdinand clumsily stack the blocks, she muttered softly.

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“In the end, I wonder if the prophecy was true.” -Nicolette

『’This child will bring ruin upon their father.’』

Was the prophecy bestowed upon Nicolette indeed true…? It might depend on how it was interpreted.

With Nicolette’s father stepping down from the throne, one could argue that the prophecy was indeed true. However, since he was still alive, one could also argue that he hadn’t been “ruined” yet.

“…For me, it’s just a story that doesn’t matter. Whether your prophecy is true or false, I can interpret it either way. What do you think?” Wolfgang asked.

“…I think it was true. Regardless of the methods, my father abdicated the throne because I married into the empire,” Nicolette replied.

Nicolette squinted her eyes slightly, indicating that she had mixed feelings about her father stepping down from the throne. Wolfgang embraced her.

“If you say so, then it’s probably true… As long as I have you and our children, I don’t care about the truth of prophecies,” he said, gently stroking Nicolette’s belly where new life was growing. He held her delicate body close, as always. With her and the children here, prophecies didn’t matter. Thus, the truth or falsehood of the prophecy was left to Nicolette’s judgment.

Nicolette closed her eyes and touched Wolfgang’s arm.

“Yes… Maybe it doesn’t matter to me either. Regardless of prophecies, there’s only reality before us,” she said, speaking in a practical tone. Her words resonated with Wolfgang, who couldn’t help but smile.

“Will you make the prophecy your subject of study?” -Wolfgang

“I could give it a try, but it seems difficult to verify due to the scarcity of examples. Maybe I can analyze it like history. Besides, I’m pregnant and can’t move around much…”

Wolfgang had only casually mentioned it, but Nicolette seemed genuinely interested in conducting research, or rather, analysis.

“Well, do as you please. I won’t stop you as long as it doesn’t go against ethics,” Wolfgang said.

“…As long as it doesn’t go against humanity, right?” -Nicolette

“Hmm?” -Wolfgang

“You said that before.” -Nicolette

“Oh, you have a good memory,” he chuckled.

Watching Nicolette conduct her research beside him, Wolfgang felt incredibly happy.

Was the prophecy true or not? That was left for his own judgment. However, he believed that this happiness he was experiencing was real.

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