Cruel Romance

Chapter 4.3


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After getting on the car, Zuo Zhen descended into silence.

Jin Xiu placed her hands on her knees, holding on to them tightly, and said nervously,” Thank you.” She was cautious and sensitive, aware that Zuo Zhen wasn’t in a good mood. She had not seen him for more than ten days now, how could it be so coincidental, that he would stumble upon that scene. But thankfully he did, or else she didn’t dare imagine what would happen next.

Jin Xiu didn’t know that Zuo Zhen had intentionally avoided her the past few days. Just now, after coming back from the shipyard, he didn’t plan on going to Bai Le Men, but for some strange reason, when the car passed by Hong Kou road, he changed his mind at the last minute. Zuo Zhen closed his eyes, his throat feeling dry, just now the scene he witnessed at Bai Le Men, left him fuming! If Jin Xiu had not pulled him back and for the fact that the place belonged to Ying Dong, he didn’t deserve the surname Zuo if he had not chopped that dog’s hand off.

But, a voice inside kept asking, “Zuo Zhen, what spell are you under? Getting so angry over a woman, was it necessary?”

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They soon reached Lion Grove, Jin Xiu got down the car, walked to the door and couldn’t help but turn to take a look. Zuo Zhen’s car had already driven far away, leaving behind a trail of exhaust gases, floating away. What happened was just like a nightmare.

He came, thankfully he came.


A month later, it was already November, the weather was cold, but though it was cold Lion Grove and Bai Le Men’s business got even better. In a few days time, Bai Le Men would be holding a banquet, organized by the French consulate.

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Jin Xiu had danced a few dances and was perspiring, so she pulled the guest beside her to the table to drink. She couldn’t really drink hence spoke more than she drank. After being at Bai Le Men for such a long time, she had already learnt some tips and tricks, although she wouldn’t be taken advantage of, she was still far away from being the most popular.

Ying Shao got to know her better and would occasionally chat and joke with her. Jin Xiu was satisfied as long as she could see him every day. Seeing him in good spirits, no matter where he appeared he was always the centre of attention, just looking at him like this was an enjoyment in itself.

On the other hand Zuo Zhen rarely visited. Only appearing every three to five days, leaving before barely saying anything. With regards to this, Jin Xiu felt wistful, although Zuo Zhen was a difficult person to get close to, but she didn’t know why, she felt that he was warmer than the others. Perhaps because he was always reaching out to help the past few times, or perhaps he looked especially kind and warm, making one feel at ease.

Sometimes, without his guidance, Jin Xiu was really confused about the complicated network of relationships. Also, when she faced Ying Dong along, she was always especially nervous, afterwards always regretting that she didn’t speak appropriately or not dealing with certain matters properly. With Zuo Zhen around, he seemed to have the ability to resolve all these and leave Jin Xiu feeling relaxed.

So, when sending a guest out, seeing Zuo Zhen and Ying Dong walk in together, there was a burst of joy in her heart.

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“Ying Shao, Er Ye, it has been long since you visited together.” Jin Xiu smiled so widely that her eyes were like crescents.

“We only met yesterday, could it be that you’re missing me already?” Xiang Ying Dong joked, “Or do you miss Er Ye?”

Jin Xiu blushed. “What are you saying, I’ve not even thought about it. Ying Shao why do you make fun of Er Ye and me?”

Xiang Ying Dong laughed, “Your  thoughts are so obvious, everyone knows.”

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Jin Xiu didn’t know to be angry or worried, her heart beat quickened—these words he said, what did they mean? Could it be that he already could tell how she felt towards him? But she didn’t express it in any way.

Zuo Zhen took off his coat and scarf and passed them to Tang Hai who was standing behind, “The weather is too cold, let’s drink to warm ourselves. Jin Xiu, join us too.”

A row of people walked up the stairs, towards the private room that Zuo Zhen usually occupied. Because he visited often, Xiang Ying Dong ordered that it would be reserved for him, even if he did not come, this room would be left vacant.

Jin Xiu busied herself with lighting up the charcoal, warming up the liquor and ordering dishes. Zuo Zhen leaned back in his chair watching her pour water, hand out napkins, use hot water to rinse the cups, adding ginger and cinnamon to the pot of liquor. Her sleeves were a light apricot colour, rolled up, they revealed snow white wrists, adorned by a thin engraved bangle. For some reason, although it was something simple like serving water and warming liquor, when it was by Jin Xiu there was a certain elegance and demureness about it. Every move she made was like floating clouds and flowing water, giving one an inexplicable sense of comfort.

So, even though she had been at Bai Le Men for so long, in Zuo Zhen’s eyes, the way she treated guests was tender and indulging, and he never felt like she was a hostess.

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