Cruel Romance

Chapter 5.1

“Er Ye, this matter is too strange, we should send someone to investigate.” Shao Hui said to Zuo Zhen who was sitting comfortably, “Our previous secret dealings have been unsuccessful, problems always cropping up in the details, luckily we managed to handle them in time, so it has just been near misses. But it’s ridiculous this time, when the goods reached Peking, it actually alerted the Peking commissioner and police department, and were pursued by so many troops, forcibly confiscating our goods. Logically, unless they received a tip off, if not they would take this so seriously.”

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“Didn’t I already inform you to change cars at the last minute?” Zuo Zhen used one hand to support his forehead, his gaze falling towards the paper and pen on the table, Shao Hui was his right hand man, the second most important person in Qing Gang, fighting beside him with his life all these years, instead of subordinate, it would be more appropriate to call him his brother.

With regards to Qing Gang’s secret dealings, all along Zuo Zhen and Shao Hui have been personally attending to them, not easily letting them fall into the hands of others. As for the above board businesses, such as the docks, warehouses and casinos, most of the tasks were handed over to Shi Hao, Uncle Jian, Ma Zi Liu and the others. Shi Hao took care of the ships, Uncle Jian the accounts, Ma Zi Liu the people, only some particularly huge deals, Zuo Zhen saw to them personally.

Previous years, the amount the smuggled was huge, from gold, jewels, steel, kerosene, wood, even firearms, all had their involvement, whether by trains or ships, they all had their secret arrangements, except for opium, they dealt in all goods that were difficult to come by. On one hand it was because of the situation, the government was lax, and did not impose the laws stringently, on the other hand it was because Xiang Han Chuan had invested in Hua Long Bank and needed huge amounts of funds for backing.

In recent years, Chang San Pier’s business was getting better day by day, Hua Long Bank had also expanded smoothly, operating legally, and the risks for smuggling had increased, Qing Gang had already cut down on the quantity smuggled, they also stopped using the railway and focused on smuggling by sea, their resources were also more focused, the risk of something going wrong had been reduced to the lowest.

Shao Hui was the expert, with him managing this, there should not have been any problems. But news got out about consecutive batches of goods, recently this batch which was sent to Peking for a trade had drawn people from the commissioner’s department, the fact that someone was making trouble was undeniable. But, the enemy was in the shadows and he was in the light, his every move was in the hands of the enemy, it meant that there was something wrong with his underlings.

Shao Hui saw Zuo Zhen’s expression and felt guilty. “Sorry Er Ye, I’ve been too negligent this time. If not for your orders to change cars at the last minute, I’m afraid, the goods and our brothers would be in trouble. But how did you know that things would go wrong?”

Zuo Zhen gently replied, “You’re not to be blamed. I haven’t been careful enough lately, perhaps too used to peacefulness, and have forgotten the smell of blood. If I didn’t guess wrongly, our opponent this time, had planned this for a long time and with much attention to detail, he also had dealings with the police and the underworld. They have already made their move, and we have only just realized.”

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Shao Hui expression tightened. If not for Er Ye’s diligence, constant wariness, he feared that they would have already suffered huge losses, and fallen into enemy hands. “If it’s like this, right now we’re on the defense.”

“This month, stop all secret dealings, start investigating from all those involved in the past few trades, from the beginning till the end, don’t miss out on any single person.” Zuo Zhen closed the accounts and files on the table, through his calm voice, it revealed his determination.

“Yes, Er Ye.” Hui straightened up, “I will investigate thoroughly!”

Zuo Zhen stood up, “Do this for me, I’ll make a trip to Bai Le Men. On Ying Dong’s side, it hasn’t been peaceful of late, I’ll go and take a look.”

Shao Hui was surprised, “There are problems on Ying Dong’s side? Is it a coincidence?”

Zuo Zhen let out a trace of a smile, “Coincidence, what do you think?”

Shao Hui sighed. They had barely enjoyed a few days of peace, now it seemed that another wave of wind and rain were about to mess things up. He could already hear the thunder in the distance. Looking at Zuo Zhen’s back, he couldn’t help but feel relieved, no matter how severe the matter, Er Ye’s carefulness, stability and calmness would always save the day. Sometimes he really suspected, under Er Ye’s calm and gentle appearance, what was the extent of his hidden schemes and responsibility?

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Walking out from Ying Dong’s place, down the stairs into the dance hall, Zuo Zhen couldn’t help but stop his gaze sweeping through the entire area. Where had Jin Xiu gone? Since the last time he saw her being bullied, every time when he visited Bai Le Men, he would instinctively look out for her before leaving. The good thing was after the last incident, no one dared to make trouble again.

Tang Hai stopped along with him, baffled as he asked, “What’s wrong Er Ye?”

Zuo Zhen said to himself, “She didn’t come today?”

“Who?” Tang Hai was completely at a loss, only reacting after a while, “Er Ye must be talking about Miss Jin Xiu, just now I just saw her drinking with guests. With just a blink of an eye, she disappeared?”

“Forget it, let’s go.” Zuo Zhen turned and walked out the main door, only to see Jin Xiu at the entrance. She was hugging the lamppost, what was she up to?

“Jin Xiu?” Zuo Zhen tried calling her from behind. Seeing that there was no reacting, he reached out and turned her around, “What happened to you?”

“Wa,” with that sound, she sprayed his entire body with filth. The alcohol stench piercing his senses. Zuo Zhen could not believe, she was drunk? And vomited on him?

Tang Hai rushed up frazzled, took out a handkerchief to wipe Zuo Zhen down, but the dripping vomit, piercing stench almost caused him to be sick too, what a waste of this expensive blazer! Miss Jin Xiu was also too much, of all places to vomit, she had to do it on Er Ye, look what happened now!

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“No need.” Zuo Zhen shrugged him off, tore off the blazer, with a rip, the buttons flew off onto the ground and threw it on the ground, “This can’t be worn anymore.”

Tang Hai looked at that unlucky piece of clothing with regret, when he came to his senses, he saw that Zuo Zhen had already carried Jin Xiu to the car.

“Er Ye, where to first? Lion Grove?” Tang Hai asked carefully on the car.

Zuo Zhen mused, Jin Xiu was in such a drunk state, who would take care of her if she went back? “Let’s go to Ning Yuan Dao.” He had a place in Ning Yuan Dao. When he was not at Chang San Pier, he would often spend the night there.


He never expected that diminutive Jin Xiu would be so heavy when drunk. Zuo Zhen found it funny as he carried her up the stairs, behind him, Auntie Wang was flabbergasted as she asked Tang Hai, “This…where did this lady come from?” Er Ye had never taken any woman home to spend the night before, even if he wanted one, he would do it outside. What’s with him today?”

Tang Hai replied frustrated, “Don’t ask so much, hurry go and help before you get scolded.”

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Auntie Wang nagged as she closed the door, “What happen, how much did she drink?” Look at that lady, obviously drunk, already like mud, what did he bring her back for?

“Please Auntie Wang, hurry help Er Ye find clean clothes, bathing water, brew a pot of hangover tea.” Tang Hai could not help but cover his ears. He really did not understand how such a picky, strict person like Er Ye would come to hire such a slow and naggy person like Auntie Wang.

“Oh, so disgusting…” Jin Xiu struggled in Zuo Zhen’s embrace, dry heaving several times, earlier she seemed to have even vomited bile, vomiting the whole drive back, even if she wanted to now, there was probably nothing left in her. Zuo Zhen creased his forehead, placed her on the bed and turned on the lamp.

How much did she drink? Her face was frighteningly white, forehead covered in sweat, as though she was in pain. Did she not know her limits? To think she fearlessly challenged the customers with alcohol.

Zuo Zhen took a hot towel, gently wiping her face and unbuttoning her collar. While taking off her shoes, he swore on his conscience, he never had any improper thoughts. But when those slender feet were in his hands, he could not stop that tingling feeling from coming over him.

“Er Ye!” Thankfully Auntie Wang came at the right time, “Aiya, let me handle such menial tasks, hurry go rest. Your bath and clothes have already been prepared, have you eaten, would you like some supper…”

“I know.” Zuo Zhen interrupted, “I’ll be next door, treat Jin Xiu with care, call for me if you need help.”


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