Cultivation Online

Chapter 1336: 1336

Chapter 1336 Golden Immortal Physique

"Get out of my way, you idiots! I am in a hurry!" Princess Meiya shouted at the guards as she beat them.

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However, no matter how much the guards were beaten, they refused to let her enter the Royal Treasury, sacrificing their bodies to block her.

"Please calm down, Princess! If you're troubled, you should speak with your father!"

"I don't have the time for that!"

Eventually, Princess Meiya managed to overpower the guards and reached the door to the Royal Treasury.

Just as she prepared to kick down the door, a calm voice resounded behind her, "What do you think you are doing?"

Princess Meiya didn't need to look behind to see who was standing behind her and said, "Father, this is an emergency, please let me enter the Royal Treasury."

Giant Emperor Kulas was taken aback by his daughter's calm demeanor, indicating that she was of sound mind and not acting recklessly.

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"Then answer this question. What are you trying to acquire from the treasury?" Giant Emperor Kulas asked.


Hearing his question, Princess Meiya answered without hesitation, "I'm going to get the Golden Droplet."

Giant Emperor Kulas frowned upon hearing this, and he continued to inquire, "Why do you need the Golden Droplet?"

"I thought I only needed to answer one question, Father. If you keep delaying me, it'll be your fault if the Golden Immortal Physique fails to be born," Princess Meiya asserted.

"The Golden Immortal Physique?!" The expression on Giant Emperor Kulas' face became filled with shock, as though he was grappling with the incredibility of what he had just heard.

"Don't tell me Yuan is—!"

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Giant Emperor Kulas immediately used his divine sense to find Yuan.

Upon seeing Yuan submerged in a cauldron filled with gold-colored water and his body adorned with the semi-transparent golden armor, Giant Emperor Kulas was overcome with excitement, his entire being trembling with awe.

Then, without hesitation, Giant Emperor Kulas kicked down the door to the Royal Treasury, shocking the guards there.

"Your Majesty?!" The guards couldn't believe what they were witnessing.

"I'll do this myself." Giant Emperor Kulas rushed into the treasury before Princess Meiya and grabbed a specific bottle resting on a shelf.

This bottle contained a solitary drop of golden liquid that appeared to be entirely solid, taking on the form of a tear-shaped drop.

Princess Meiya smiled after seeing her father's reaction, but she wasn't surprised.

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After acquiring what he needed, Giant Emperor Kulas rushed out of the treasury and said to the guards as he disappeared toward the direction of Yuan's room, "If anything leaves that treasury, I will have all of your heads!"

"Y-Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Sorry about the trouble!" Princess Meiya gave them a quick apology before following Giant Emperor Kulas to Yuan's room.

Upon reaching their destination, Giant Emperor Kulas entered Yuan's room and shrunk his size to that of a human's size.

He then flew to the cauldron with Yuan, who was still completely immersed in his tempering.

"Y-You're the Emperor!? W-Why are you here?!" Huang Xiao Li was startled by his sudden appearance.

However, Giant Emperor Kulas did not respond to her, as he was too wholly engrossed in observing Yuan to hear her.

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'It's truly the Golden Immortal Physique! I can't believe I'm witnessing its birth with my own eyes!' Giant Emperor Kulas swallowed nervously.

"What are you waiting for, father?! Hurry up and throw in the Golden Droplet!" Princess Meiya slapped him in the back, snapping him out of his daze.

Giant Emperor Kulas immediately opened the bottle and poured the Golden Droplet into Yuan's cauldron.

As the Golden Droplet touched the surface of the water, it promptly melted, transforming the diluted gold water into pure gold, mirroring the appearance of molten gold.

At the same time, Yuan experienced an intense craving sensation throughout his body, as if his entire being was starving for energy, and it suddenly became much easier to absorb the treasure.

'What is this sensation? It's so comfortable…'

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