Cultivation Online

Chapter 20: 20

After half an hour of running, Yuan and Xiao Hua could finally see the city walls.

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"This place seems to be called Spirit City," said Yuan after reading the system notification.

"Spirit City is one of the four Great Cities within the Eastern Continent, and it's ranked third in terms of influence." Xiao Hua quickly explained.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Yuan and Xiao Hua approached the city gate.

"What are they doing?"

As they approached, Yuan noticed the crystal ball in one of the guards' grasp.

"It's to inspect the visitors. Unless Brother Yuan is a wanted criminal, you don't have to worry about it."

Yuan nodded.

A few minutes later, they reached the guards at the gates.

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"Entrance fee is 1 silver for each individual," said the guard once they got close enough.

"Uh… Xiao Hua, do you have any money?" Yuan, who was penniless, looked at her with an awkward expression, feeling slightly embarrassed to be asking such a little girl for money.

But alas, Xiao Hua shook her little head.

"What the hell. Do you want to enter this place without money? Where did such beggars come from?" The guards sneered inwardly when they realized that they were dealing with penniless people.

"If you have no money, then I cannot allow you inside," said one of the guards. "Get out of the way already! There are people behind waiting for you!"

Yuan sighed and prepared to leave.

However, before he could even take a step, the person standing behind him spoke, "If you want, I can pay for your entrance fee."

Yuan turned to look at the person who just spoke; it was a pretty young lady wearing a pair of fine robes.

"If you don't mind…" Yuan spoke with an embarrassed face.

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"Young Lady, we shouldn't bother ourselves with these two beggars…"

The old man standing beside the young lady suddenly mumbled into her ears, unaware that his words were heard by Yuan, who has enhanced senses.


However, Yuan decided to ignore the old man's disrespectful remarks.

"As the young lady of the Xuan Family, how could I ignore people in need of help? And it's just two silvers."

The young lady shook her head at the old man, looking disappointed by his words.

"Excuse me, this will account for their entrance fee, too."

The young lady then handed four pieces of silver coins to the guards.

After a quick glance, the guard nodded and retrieved the crystal ball.

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"Place your hands on it," said the guard.

Yuan placed his hands on the globe.

A few seconds later, it glowed a green light.

"You may pass."

The guard then turned to Xiao Hua, who also passed with a green light.

A few moments later, once they have passed the inspection and entered the city, Yuan bowed to the pretty young lady.

"Thank you. Although it's not much, please accept this as my gratitude."

Yuan pulled out a Monster Core and placed it in front of the young lady, who immediately covered her mouth in surprise.

"B-Blood Ape Monster Core! This is simply too much for two mere silvers! I cannot accept this!" The young lady quickly refused.

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Most Blood Apes are around the Eighth Level Spirit Apprentice Realm, and their monster cores would usually fetch at least 100 gold coins in the market place! If she accepted this monster core, it would make her feel guilty for taking advantage of Yuan.

"Don't worry, I have no more use for this quality of monster core, and it's only something I picked up during my travel here." Yuan understood the reason for the young lady's hesitation but continued to urge her to accept it.

The pretty young lady looked at Yuan's honest face and the shiny monster core in his hands and forcefully swallowed.

"Since you insist, I will accept it…" she accepted the Blood Ape Monster Core with trembling hands.

Once the monster core was off his hands, Yuan said to Xiao Hua, "Let's go."

"W-Wait! What's your name? I am called Xuan Wuhan!"

"You can call me Yuan," he responded.

"Thank you, Yuan! If you need help with anything, you can find my Xuan Family in Spring City!" Xuan Wuhan then handed Yuan a medallion made of metal and imprinted with the word 'Xuan'.

Yuan casually accepted the medallion without thinking too much about it.

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