Cultivation Online

Chapter 357: Chapter 357 Xi Meili

Sometime later, Yuan and Wang Xiuying followed the Royal Family back into the Dragon Palace.

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"Congratulations, Yuan. You've managed to obtain a treasure that even Immortals would kill for." Xi Meili said to him.

"Immortals? How powerful are Immortals?" Yuan asked.

"Real Immortals are extremely powerful. They're so powerful that even my parents cannot do anything to them despite their cultivation bases." Xi Meili said, and she continued, "By the way, my parents are one realm above Spirit Emperors— Spirit Sovereigns."

"I see… but what can I do with this drop of blood? Can I consume it?" Yuan then asked.

After all, he's already consumed phoenix blood before.

"Yes. You can consume it to increase the grade of your bloodline. And depending on your bloodline, it might increase the grade of your bloodline by more than one grade! Crazy, right? Humans would go to war for this drop of blood." Xi Meili said.

"How lucky, Yuan. You have once again obtained something incredible." Wang Xiuying congratulated him.

And she continued, "I'm beginning to understand how you were able to achieve the things you had achieved."

"It just happens," Yuan said with a smile on his face.

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Sometime later, the Dragon Emperor handed Yuan a spatial ring, "Here, you can use this to store your treasures."

[Dragon Spatial Ring]

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[Grade: Heaven]

[Mental Strength Required: 25,000]

[Description: A pouch that contains its own space. Much larger than normal Spatial Rings. Can hold a few hundred watermelons inside.]

"Thank you." Yuan accepted the ring before storing the Dragon Ancestor's Blood Essence inside.

"Now, regarding your way back to the Lower Heavens… We can try to activate the teleport formation you guys came from, but that will require some time and research since it's been a very long time since we last used it." The Dragon Emperor said to them.

"How long do you think it'll take, Senior Xi?" Wang Xiuying asked him.

"At least a week," he responded.

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"A week, huh… As long as we can get back before the Mystic Realm event ends…" she nodded.

"You can stay here in the meantime. I will assign some servants to you—"

"I will do it!" Xi Meili suddenly interrupted, even volunteering for the job.

"You will?" Her father looked at her with raised eyebrows.

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"You guys don't mind, right? I want to spend as much time as I can with you two before you leave this place. Who knows, maybe this will be my last time seeing humans." Xi Meili said.

"I don't mind," Yuan said.

"Me neither." Wang Xiuying agreed.

"Great! Lunch is about to be served, so we can decide what you want to do afterward. Maybe I can show you around the city or something." Xi Meili suggested.

"That sounds like a great idea." As someone who loves to explore, Yuan agreed with her suggestion.

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Xi Meili then brought them to the guest room, where they drank tea and talked about random things until lunch was prepared.

"What's life like here? You can't leave this place, right? It reminds me of the people inside the Mystic Realm since they also cannot leave that world." Yuan asked Xi Meili.

"It's not that we cannot leave this place. We can leave whenever we want, but nobody really wants to go outside." Xi Meili revealed to him.

"Really? Why? Aren't you bored of staying in this one place for the rest of your life?" Yuan then asked.

"Although I don't know how big the outside world is, I was told that the Ancient Dragon City was comparable to an entire continent outside. And while it does get boring sometimes, at least we're safe in this world."

"I heard from my parents that the outside world is incredibly dangerous with life-threatening existences roaming everywhere. In this world, people rarely die from unnatural causes, and everyone can live for tens of thousands of years without any worries."

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"What an incredible place… It sounds almost like a paradise." Wang Xiuying said, feeling a little envious of their peaceful life.

"Yes!" Xi Meili nodded her head with a bright expression on her face, and she continued to speak, "Furthermore, everyone in this world is from the dragon race, so we don't have to worry about arguing with the other races, which is incredibly common in the outside world from what I heard."

"I see… By the way, what cultivation are you? I cannot sense your cultivation base." Yuan suddenly asked her, as he has been wondering about this for a while now.

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"Me? I'm a Spirit Emperor," she casually said.

"Spirit Emperor?! If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" Wang Xiuying asked her.

"I will be 10,169 years old next month."

"Ten thousand years old?! You don't look that old!" Wang Xiuying said, feeling a little envious of Xi Meili. If only she could be 100 years old and look like she was in her early twenties, much less 10,000 years old— that would be the dream of every female in the real world.

"Old? I'm still very young. My brother is almost 30,000 years old. As for my parents, they're well over 100,000 years old!" Xi Meili said.

"What's the average lifespan for an ordinary dragon?" Yuan asked out of curiosity.

"About 50,000 years, but that number increases drastically with cultivation."

"50,000 years…" Yuan mumbled in a dazed voice.

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"What about you two? How old are you?" Xi Meili asked them next.

"I'm 18 years old." Wang Xiuying said.

"I'm also 18 years old," Yuan said.

"Wait… You're only 18 years old?" Xi Meili looked at Yuan with a gawking expression on her pretty face.

"Yes?" Yuan said in a questioning tone.

"And you're already a Spirit Grandmaster? As expected of someone who managed to release all nine pillars of light… Your talents are truly terrifying." Xi Meili said.

Sometime later, a servant notified them that lunch was prepared.

"Let's go eat for now. We can talk more later." Xi Meili said, escorting them to the dining room shortly after.

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