Healing Semen Chapter 8

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June 29, 2016 by Nymphriel

Shota-sized chapter.


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The situation afterwards (No ero

Reeking of male semen odor,
the fragrance of sexual excitement drifted from the naked bodies of the two beauties so I turned the sickroom’s ventilation system on.
Then I drank the soft drink prepared by Sylvie-san to replenish my body.

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Then the tired Fuemi returned to the sickroom after the prolonged inspection.

「Fumyu~、Onii-chan」 (TN: You’ll understand the strange word after reading next line)

Fuemi clung to me and buried her face into my chest.

Is the smell of Kayari-san and Sylvie-san still around,

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would the thing I put into my pocket get exposed, thinking about such things my heart raced.

「Fufu、you are really close」

Putting her hand on her somewhat glossy-skinned face, Kayari-san smiled.
Sylvie-san offered Fuemi a hot drink without changing her facial expression.

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After that, I had fun chatting non-stop with the three girls until the end of visiting hours.
I was worried because Fuemi strangely showed skinship in front of people right after I had an ejaculation.


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