Chapter 207


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The sound of people’s footsteps in the distance could be heard. The oncoming people encircled Yongno’s house along the outside fence; there were also others stationed at his front gate. Overall, the atmosphere was a little tense, and the number of people gathered was considerable.


Then, the doorbell rang. Yongno’s home was surrounded and seemingly under siege; a young, handsome man in a business suit stood at the front door.

“Who are you?”

“I’m from the Korean NIS (National Intelligence Service). Are you Yoon Yongno?”

“What’s this about?”

Yongno’s voice had a hint of annoyance. Yongno expected that the Korean government would try to coax him to join their side. Of course, whatever offer they could muster would inevitably fall short of that of the United States. In terms of financial and political power, Korea and the United States weren’t comparable.

However, the fact that an NIS employee came to his house, along with a large number of troops with firearms, showed that the thoughts of the Korean government’s ‘upper decision-making branch’ were in a completely different direction from Yongno’s.

‘Are they planning on containing me? They’re banking on the fact that I can’t manifest 24/7, huh?’

Regardless of Yongno’s wariness, the NIS employee tried to reassure Yongno and alleviate his concerns.

“We didn’t come because you did something wrong, so you don’t have to worry. I came to extend a Blue House invitation to all Masters within Korea. I came to escort you to the Blue House myself.”

However, seeing that the NIS employee brought a hefty number of troops, it meant that he, and the government by extension, was somewhat afraid of Masters. Since Korea had more than 60 million DIO users, there was no way that people involved in the government weren’t aware of DIO and the power level of Masters. Even Level 5-9 users could wield considerable power, so Masters, who were the pinnacle of power amongst the users, would undoubtedly strike fear for the government.

‘They’re really stupid. If they were planning on playing nice, they shouldn’t have brought their troops in the first place, but if they’re going to bring them, they should have brought their entire army. Do they really think they can subdue a Master with this pitiful number of troops?’

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In Korea, two-thirds of the entire population were DIO users, but even so, it was almost impossible for ordinary users to meet Master level users and understand their true powers.

For example, there were only 12 Master level users in Korea. In other words, there were only 12 out of 60 million people, so the existence of a Master was essentially 1 in every 5 million people. In terms of percentage of the population, Master level users made up only 0.00002% of the entire Korean population. Masters appeared on TV and shot commercials, so people were used to seeing their images, but the fact was that Master level users were extremely rare existences, and their skills and abilities weren’t fully understood.

‘Well, I guess Masters have become more rare after Scorpion’s death.’

In other words, even though a Master was strong, the extent to which general users knew about Master was only to the extent that they ‘must be strong’. If one knew the true extent of how powerful Masters were, one wouldn’t have taken the foolhardy approach of bringing troops, equipped with firearms, to confront a Master. Moreover, Yongno was a Heaven above the Heavens member; shouldn’t they know that he was overwhelmingly stronger than traditional Masters?

“Would you please wait a minute?”

“Of course.”

The NIS employee spoke in a tone that seemed to convey that he wanted Yongno to know that he was relaxed. After listening to the NIS employee’s cheerful response, Yongno went down to his basement. Once there, he crossed a wall and entered his laboratory through teleportation.

He had recently installed a new instrument in his laboratory. It was an object similar in shape and size to a refrigerator. It was divided into two compartments, an upper and lower compartment. The lower compartment’s outer façade was filled with grain-sized letters, and a small 1 carat jewel was placed in the upper compartment.

“Argh! Human!! Human bastard!! Let me out from here!! I’m sick of this place! Why are you torturing me… Ah!!”

From the new instrument, a hellishly hot furnace that Yongno called Pathway to Hell, a frenzied cry was constantly yelling out. The Pathway to Hell, a power plant of sorts that was made using the other world evil spirit that Yongno had previously captured, exerted spiritual pressure on the high-ranking evil spirit, turning the evil karma the evil spirit possessed into energy.

Yongno had accidently stumbled upon the idea of creating Pathway to Hell. Since Earth didn’t possess spiritual pathways, Yongno had been struggling to figure out a way to develop his spiritual abilities, but at that difficult moment, like a prayer being answered by the heavens, an evil spirit from another world showed up in front of him.

All the means that Yongno had previously deployed to gather energy had failed. He tried everything to reproduce the Seal of Heaven that Mary had carved on his forehead, but he found it impossible to recreate. The Seal of Heaven that Mary had placed on him was of such a lofty technical level that it was literally incomprehensible for Yongno; it may have been possible to reproduce if one reached the transcendent level and became a great mage, but otherwise, it was impossible to imitate.

At that time, Yongno fell into thought. Was it impossible to control mana in a world where spiritual pathways didn’t exist? Although spiritual pathways didn’t exist, humans on Earth certainly possessed souls. Yongno, who possessed the Seal of Heaven, was able to use his superpowers. Earth was a place where it should have been impossible to use one’s supernatural powers, but it was not a world where mana didn’t exist. If it was possible to produce spiritual energy, which could be converted to mana or internal energy, that could be used to actuate his supernatural powers, it would become possible to use magic or martial arts sufficiently in the real world.

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“Argh!! Ugh!! Human!! You worm-like human!! I’ll kill you!!”

Within Pathway to Hell, a continuous scream erupted out. It was a blood curdling voice that would have made any normal people lose sleep at night, but Yongno remained calm.

“Good. Make sure you keep up with that attitude. The more stubborn you are and the more malice you bring out, the more helpful it will be for me.”

At present, the evil spirit was being constantly tormented in Pathway to Hell. The level of pain was more intense than burning one’s whole body with fire; how painful must that feeling be if it continued 24 hours a day without break?

However, Yongno didn’t feel sorry for the evil spirit. This was because, while operating Pathway to Hell, Yongno realized that the evil spirit possessed an abundance of evil karma, beyond what one could imagine. How many vicious things did the evil spirit do to other beings during its lifetime? How was the evil spirit able to accumulate so much evil karma? The evil karma possessed by the evil spirit was so bountiful that Yongno suspected that the evil spirit must have killed hundreds of thousands of innocent lives to accumulate so much evil karma.

“Well, whatever, I’m glad it’s working. It seems to be running smoothly. If I had more time, I would have been able to gather enough energy to… huh?”

Yongno, who was examining the 1-carat jewel in the upper compartment of the Pathway to Hell, made an expression of surprise. Unexpectedly, the jewel he had placed into the compartment was full of energy, specifically, in the form of mana.

“Wow, this is much more effective than I thought. The efficiency rate of Pathway to Hell is really good.”

Yongno didn’t know the full story.

What Yongno had stumbled upon was one of the top secrets of the Nether World, called Hell’s Mechanism.

If a transcendent being somewhere in the universe had seen this sight, that transcendent would have fainted. If Tan, who was currently running DIO, had known, he would have used all sorts of coercive means to force Yongno to complete the Pathway to Hell properly; Tan wouldn’t have cared whether or not Yongno became a transcendent.

Of course, due to technical problems, it was impossible for Yongno to recreate hell, but even so, the small-scale hell he created could be said to be a higher level of technology than the magic stone production that Leighann, the ruler of the Magic Tower of Babel, admired and even obtained a patent for.

“Hmm, since this is the case…”

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We are bit.ly/3iBfjkV, find us on google.

Clink! Clink! Clink!

After taking the jewel filled with mana out of the upper compartment, Yongno took out a bunch of jewels, which he had purchased in advance, and arranged them in the upper compartment. It had cost him a lot to obtain the jewels, but he was able to afford the jewels because of the money he was making lately.

“Keep that spitefulness up.”

Yongno spoke encouragingly to the evil spirit, but the evil spirit couldn’t hear anything. The evil spirit struggled in the blazing fire, so it was unable to access any information from the outside. The pain, loneliness, and anxiety the evil spirit suffered allowed Pathway to Hell to extract and output energy.


Disregarding the screams, Yongno moved upstairs. Eunhye was waiting for him in the living room with a serious expression across her face.

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to go with them. Things should be fine.”

“Then I’ll also go…”

Seeing Eunhye take a step forward, Yongno shook his head.

“No. No one knows that you’re a Master level user in Korea, so you should continue hiding here and accumulate more gem points. As for Youngmin… tell him to get to Level 10 as soon as possible. It probably won’t take him long.”

It was a reasonable, rational decision, but Eunhye seemed dissatisfied.

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“But it’ll be dangerous for you.”

“Have you forgotten who I am? I am Merlin Emrys.”

Yongno laughed confidently, but Yongno also knew that he couldn’t ensure that he’d be completely safe. If someone got lucky and somehow managed to land a critical blow on him, no matter how powerful Yongno was presently, he’d still perish after sustaining one lucky blow. Of course, currently, Yongno could use martial arts and magic, but he wasn’t completely free from the threat of firearms because he had too little energy to work with.

“Then promise me that, if anything goes wrong, that you’ll wreak havoc and destroy everything. Honestly… I don’t trust them.”

Eunhye, who entered a top-secret US organization to seek revenge on behalf of Yongno, who had been subjected to experimentation by a mysterious shadow organization when he was young, strongly distrusted state agencies. In her eyes, national governments and their organizations were shameless, evil, and unconscionable.

“Okay. You should be careful, too. Understand? Collect gem points whenever you have time.”

“… Alright.”

Yongno left the uneasy-looking Eunhye and came out from his house. At least, as soon as he came out the door, the armed men didn’t make any attempt to rush in and arrest Yongno. It seemed that the armed forces were put on standby as a precaution, as the NIS employee and Korean government hoped to peacefully bring in the Masters.

‘Along with the troops around my property’s boundary, snipers have been deployed. Their presence is so obvious that it’s hard to pretend I don’t see them.’

Yongno muttered these comments as he strode out from his house. And at the same time, he circulated his internal energy.


He was utilizing No Thoughts Gold Strong Technique. It was something he learned while tinkering with the martial art principles he was teaching Eunhye, and now, Yongno was using it to strengthen his body.

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