Zhou Huaishan was like a mad dog, not only punching and kicking, he even started biting.

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Mrs. Wang intended to help, but looking at Zhou Huaishan’s situation, she shrank her neck and dared not move. Zhou Qing beat her, and her whole body was black and blue.


The clan elder was dumbfounded.


Huaishan was known as one of the most honest people in the village.


Now ……


Looking at Zhou Huaishan’s madness tearing Zhou Huaihai, the clan elder sighed internally: Look how an honest man is forced.


“Well, I say Bingde, you understand clearly? I know Huaishan’s nature, and look at this ……”


Old Zhou remembered how Zhou Huaishan bawled yesterday morning.


He knew the temperament of this son of his best.


Now, to be angry like this ……


Old Zhou doubted Zhou Huaihai’s words as well.


However, he could not just let the second one kill the eldest.


Then he looked at Zhou Huailin, the one who was playing favorites.


Old Zhou ……


How much did the Second and Third Houses hate the First House?


Slapping the table, Old Zhou roared, “All right, stop!”


Unlike Old Zhou’s slapping the table, Mrs. Sun was very direct. Seeing her eldest son being beaten, Mrs. Sun immediately struck Zhou Huaishan.


“Stop, does what I say matter?!” Old Zhou stood up and roared.


The scene was finally under control.


Old Zhou sat back down angrily.


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The clan elder sighed, “This is your family matter. I shouldn’t interfere. But today, since Huaihai invited me to come, I will ask one more question.”


The clan elder’s voice trailed off, and no one spoke up.


The clan elder then said to Zhou Qing, “Did you get the opportunity from the bookstore for your father to copy books?”


Zhou Qing nodded, “Yes.”


Mrs. Sun was about to fire her scolding immediately, but the clan elder shot back a glare.


“Then, tell Third Master how did you get this opportunity.”


Zhou Qing took Zhou Huaishan’s characters from her bosom and handed them to the clan elder.


Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors.


“Although my father has not yet entered the academy, and his learning is not high, the shop owner saw my father’s writing.”


When Zhou Huaihai heard this, he barfed a cold laugh.


“Your father farmed for more than twenty years. What kind of golden phoenix could write to get the eye of others.”


Zhou Qing then sneered, “I heard Uncle’s meaning. Were you rejected back then? You can’t do it yourself; don’t think others can’t.”


“I’m not good at it. If you say it’s because of something else, it would be fine if the bookstore accepted your father’s writing. By saying it’s because your father is a good writer, who are you kidding?”


Mrs. Wang immediately said, “Make an excuse and find a good one! Your uncle’s handwriting is many times better than your father’s. Your uncle couldn’t even ask for the opportunity, but your father got it?”


In the excitement, Mrs. Wang sold Zhou Huaihai.


Zhou Huaihai ……


“Father, I think there must be something fishy in this.” Zhou Huaihai was sure of himself.


He glared at Zhou Huaishan hatefully, ” Seeing that you are usually simple and honest, I did not expect you to let Qing do that kind of thing. How did I have a brother like you? What a misfortune for the family.”


The clan elder gave Zhou Huaihai a meaningful look.


Then he handed Zhou Huaishan’s characters to Zhou Bingde, “Bingde, take a look.”


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Old Zhou accepted the handwriting and was immediately surprised and looked at Zhou Huaishan.


“Did you write this?”


Zhou Huaishan nodded.


Old Zhou’s heart instantly had mixed feelings.


Did he make a mistake when he chose the eldest and gave up the second?


The eldest had spent the whole family’s efforts, and his writing could have been better than the second’s, which was practiced with a tree stick.


Seeing this expression on Old Zhou’s face, Zhou Huaihai immediately stepped forward and saw the characters on the paper with one glance, “Impossible, this could never have been written by you!”


“Why can’t my father write it? Is it because you spent all the money in the family, and my father didn’t spend a single penny?”


Zhou Huaihai glared at Zhou Huaishan with a green face.


He looked like he wanted to eat people, “Do you dare to write it again on the spot?”


Zhou Huaishan …… “If you write it too, I will write it.”


Zhou Qing ……


It wasn’t frightening to bump into each other; whoever was ugly was embarrassed.


The paper and pencil were in place.


Zhou Huaishan directed Zhou Huaihai, saying, “Do it. What you write, I will follow.”


Seeing Zhou Huaishan as if he was not flustered, Zhou Huaihai had a little fear.


Could the second write that kind of word?


In no way possible.


With a cold snort, Zhou Huaishan wrote: Eldest brother is like a father.


Zhou Huaishan glanced at the stroke of the pen: Eldest brother is like a father.


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After writing, he continued: Favoring one over the other.


Old Zhou’s expression turned ugly at once.


But Zhou Huaihai’s face was even uglier.


Zhou Huaishan’s writing was more than a hundred times better than his.


He invited the clan elder to force Zhou Qing to say what tactics she used.


It would be better if he could splash Zhou Qing with dirty water to block the way for the second to study and pinch the Second House to death.


Even if not, he could also get Zhou Qing to get him the opportunity to copy books too.


At least, Zhou Qing could not argue. If the county bookstore were involved, it would not want its reputation to be affected and would take back the opportunity directly.


Never thought ……


Zhou Huaishan was a little light-headed for a while.


Looking at the powerful aura, the clan elder patted Old Zhou’s shoulder and left.


Walking beside Zhou Huaishan, he patted him on the shoulder and encouraged, “Use your energy well.”


Old Zhou felt nothing but pain in his spine.


Mrs. Sun immediately went to beat Zhou Huaishan as soon as the clan elder left.


She didn’t care whose handwriting was excellent or terrible, but she knew the second had beaten the eldest.


Old Zhou grabbed the teapot and smashed it at Mrs. Sun’s feet, stopping her.


“Let’s go!”


“Let’s go what? I’ve been scolded for being shameless and selling meat, and how will I just let it go? Grandfather, I am your granddaughter, right!”


Old Zhou felt his face burning.


Particularly those words written by Zhou Huaishan, he did not even dare to look at them.

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But how could he not leave?


Did he expect the eldest and the eldest daughter-in-law to apologize to the younger generation?


The eldest was a candidate.


“Your father beat your Eldest Uncle too, and you beat your Eldest Aunt. Besides, your Eldest Uncle he …… also fears you will go astray. He means well.”


Zhou Qing strained her neck and stared at Old Zhou, “Good intentions? If this happens to big brother tomorrow, will you also handle it this way?”


Zhou Qing laughed coldly as she spoke.


“In the future, whoever likes to do the work at home, the Second House will not do it. I won’t pay anything for hiring people to farm the land. I’ll leave my share untouched from now on. The Second House will never give a coin to the First House! You expect us to raise his family of wolves, dream on.”


After saying that, Zhou Qing pulled Zhou Huaishan and left, “Father, let’s go!”


Zhou Huailin followed and said, “Since the Second House’s land is deserted, I will only plant the Third House’s land. It doesn’t make sense to plant the whole family alone.”


Old Zhou was dizzy with anger and slapped the table, “You want me to die of anger before you are willing to do so? As long as I am here, I will never split the family.”


Zhou Qing and Zhou Huaishan ignored the old man, and the two went back to their house.


Zhou Huailin, however, stayed behind.


“What does Father intend to do if we don’t split up the family?” Zhou Huailin stared straight at Old Zhou.


Old Zhou ……


If the Second House would not pay for hiring people, he could not let Lao San’s entire family plot the land.


But ……


Old Zhou looked at Zhou Huaihai, “What are you still standing there doing? Still not going to apologize to your Second Brother.”


Zhou Huaihai looked surprised.


“Father, after I let my Second Brother beat me up like this, you want me to apologize to him?”


Zhou Huailin said, “Why did the Second Brother hit you?”

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