“Grandma, you are so excited to eat chicken early in the morning! You guys eat. I’ve finished eating. I’m going out first.”

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She sent her father’s share to the house early.


After saying that, Zhou Qing smiled without waiting for Mrs. Sun’s reaction and slyly left.


Yesterday, she clarified that she did not want to argue with the Zhou family if she did not need to.


After all, anger made people old, and poverty made people unable to care for themselves.


“Where are you running to? You are not allowed to go out wild. You and your Third Uncle will go to the field later!”


Mrs. Sun was so angry that she jumped to her feet and roared. When she saw that Zhou Qing was about to run out of the courtyard, she couldn’t care less about the chicken.


Standing in front of the courtyard, Zhou Qing smiled from afar and said, “I’m going to the county to buy ink, paper, and inkstone for my father! Don’t worry. I borrowed the silver from Cheng Wu earlier!”


After saying that, Zhou Qing turned and ran away.


Mrs. Sun ……


It was very early in the morning to welcome a three-punch combo!


“This little brat is determined not to let me live!” Slapping her thigh, Mrs. Sun howled and cursed, “What kind of bad luck has befallen the old Zhou family that I have to suffer such hardships? My children and grandchildren are unfilial, my children and grandchildren are unfilial!”


Old Zhou returned from the toilet and saw this scene.


He said with a dark face, “What’s wrong with getting up early in the morning?”


Mrs. Sun cried and said what Zhou Qing had just said, “She killed the chicken for what? She might as well kill me. I don’t want to live anymore!”


After hearing this, Old Zhou’s face turned black to charcoal.


However, the perpetrator had already run away.


The wood had already been burned, and the chicken had been served in a pot.


A while later ……

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The pen, ink, paper, and inkstone would be purchased back too!


Old Zhou’s dark face turned to Zhou Huaishan’s house.


Mrs. Sun quickly followed, and Mrs. Wang’s eyes flickered as well, pulling Huaihai alongside her as she walked. 


Mrs. Zhao looked over towards Zhou Huailin, “Shall we go?”


Zhou Huailin shook his head, “Mother’s voice, we can hear it even if we don’t go.”


With that, Zhou Huailin scooped up a few pieces of meat from the pot and gave them to Zhou Ping, “You eat first.”


Zhou Ping wanted to thank his father, but all the saliva leaked out when he opened his mouth.




Zhou Huaishan was lying on the bed when he heard the sound of footsteps approaching from outside. He took a deep breath.


The time had come to test this marquis’ skills!


When Old Zhou entered the door, he saw Zhou Huaishan staring at the roof beam overhead with wide-open eyes.


“Awake?” With a dark face, Old Zhou sat on the bed.


Zhou Huaishan didn’t say anything. His eyes stared straight at the ceiling, and his honest look showed a desperate desire to die.


In the past, when he lost a cricket fight, he often used this expression, and it was very well taken.


After seeing Zhou Hauishan didn’t say anything, Mrs. Sun slapped him on the head, “Your father is talking to you. The d*mn girl is unfilial, and you are also unfilial?”


When she thought of the chicken in the pot and of Zhou Qing saying that she had borrowed money from Cheng Wu to buy pens, ink, paper, and inkstone, Mrs. Sun’s heart ached, and she could not breathe.


A slap fell on Zhou Huaishan’s head. In pain, Zhou Huaishan did not rise.


The character, the character, the character.

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Repeat the important thing three times.


Zhou Huaishan still stared at the ceiling blankly, with a look of any sort of gust of wind from the southeast to the northwest, my heart was dead to ashes and immobile like a bell.


“Son, what do you want in the end? Father and Mother have come to see you. You can talk about it.” Zhou Huaihai looked like he could not help it and sighed, “You just let Qing’er make such a mess. It’s not good for her reputation either.”


Zhou Huaishan stared at the ceiling. He did not move, but tears began to flow from the corners of his eyes.


Anyone who looked at him could see that he was extremely aggrieved.


Old Zhou’s heart trembled a little.


In the end, it was his son.


“You blame Father?”


Zhou Huaishan did not say anything and cried even more.


Mrs. Sun’s exasperated, “What are you crying about? Your daughter killed the family’s chicken in the morning. She borrowed from Cheng Wu to buy ink, paper, and inkstones, and I’m still mad at you for crying!”


When Mrs. Sun’s voice ended, Zhou Huaishan cried at the top of his lungs. The bawling kind, crying while huffing and puffing, his nose blowing out a bubble now and then.


Mrs. Sun and Old Zhou were completely confused.


The second son had never cried from the time he was three years old until now.


This ……


Mrs. Wang originally wanted to say a few words, but seeing someone crying like this was not good to intervene. She only tugged Zhou Huaihai a little.


Zhou Huaihai sighed, “What are your grievances? Say it.”


Zhou Huaishan howled louder.


The family ……

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Regardless of what others said, Zhou Huaishan was crying loudly. The crying was so shocking and heartbreaking that if you didn’t know, you would think someone had died in the family.


There was no way to communicate. They could only leave.


Old Zhou went to the kitchen with a dark face.


Zhou Huaihai followed to the side and sighed, “Father, as I see it, I am afraid he is determined to study, or else ……”


Mrs. Sun scolded, “Study what? The family has no money.”


Mrs. Wang said, “But Qing’er has borrowed money from Cheng Wu.”


The mention of money made Mrs. Sun’s heart ached.


“She borrowed the money to buy ink, paper, and inkstone. It’s hard to believe that Cheng Wu loaned the money for him to study!”


Mrs. Wang opened her mouth and was about to speak but remembered the incident. She glanced at Zhou Huaihai, who shook his head, so she shut up.


The old couple and the main house ate a lavish breakfast with dark faces while Mrs. Sun cursed.


Never before had eating chicken hurt so much inside.


When the third house finished eating, they went to the field after wiping their mouths.


Carrying the hoe with her, Mrs. Zhao asked Zhou Huailin, “What do you think the second brother is crying about?”


Zhou Huailin did not answer Zhao’s words but said, “Maybe, this time, we can really separate from the family.”


He really wanted to separate the family!


If the family separated, he could save a dowry for his daughter and pay for his son’s education.


But the old couple and the main house did not agree, so he and Zhou Huaishan had no say in the matter.


Once she heard about the family division, Mrs. Zhao’s eyes lit up, “Really?”

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Zhou Huailin smiled, “It’s not far off!”


On this side, the two members of the third house talked about their exciting thoughts about the future.


On the other side, Mrs. Wang cleaned the kitchen and approached Mrs. Sun’s house.


“Mother, I have something to tell you. My nephew wants to marry our family and asked me for your opinion.”


Mrs. Sun, who had a terrible headache from being angry at Zhou Huaishan and Zhou Qing, sat on the bed and said, “Isn’t your mother’s nephew a cripple?”


Mrs. Wang smiled and said, “Mother, he is a bit lame, but nothing else is wrong with him. Moreover, my brother and sister-in-law have this one son, and the gifts are well prepared.” 


When hearing the gift money, Mrs. Sun’s anger faded slightly, “How much?”


Mrs. Wang stretched out her hand and opened her five fingers.


“All the other gifts are not less, plus another five taels of silver.” Mrs. Wang sighed, “Mother, Qing’s temper. If my nephew hadn’t fallen in love with her, how would other families be willing to pay for such a good gift.”


Raising a daughter was to get more bride price when she got married.


Mrs. Sun breathed, “I’ll talk to the second child about this.”


“Aye!” Mrs. Wang replied, “Mother, the second brother still listens to you no matter what. If you agree, I will go back to my mother’s house and tell my brother and sister-in-law, so they can come to the house to propose marriage.”


Mrs. Sun ……


In the past, the second son listened to her on everything.


But now ……


Thinking of how the second son howled that way, Mrs. Sun’s heart suffocated with grievances.


This was a matter that she had to ponder over.


Zhou Qing, who had been allowed to marry, sat on a large mule cart. She followed Cheng Wu, who was from the same village, into the county.

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