[Not Sure yet]

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The little bun immediately put on a pitiful, unearthly expression: "Auntie, are you leaving?"

Xia YuQing immediately couldn't help it when she saw the little bun about to cry, and she bit her lip lightly, feeling a soft mess in her heart.

"Not sure yet." She lowered her head and stroked Little Bun’s hair and said seriously.

This is really no way to go, the rumors of her and Gu YeTing in the company are getting more and more fierce. If she continues to live here and is seen by someone, wouldn't it be true that she and Gu YeTing’s have an affair.

Although there was no harm to Gu YeTing, the President, but it was completely different to herself.

Xiao Baozi immediately took out the cheque and said, "Auntie, don't go to work at my dad's company. I will take care of you."

As soon as Xia YuQing saw the cheque book in Little Bun's hand, she immediately covered his hand: "No, Auntie can't be supported by you for a lifetime."

"Of course you can." The little bun raised his head proudly: "I have money."

"Your money is mine, and this house is mine." Gu YeTing said in silence, interrupting Xiao Baozi.

Xia YuQing: ............

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This person, even his own son....

Xiao Bao turned his face horizontally and put his hands on his waist and said: "You only have me as a son, and they will be mine in the future. Don't be so stingy. Aunt Xia is here anyway. I will give it to her sooner or later!"

Gu MingRui curled his lips, as if thinking of Gu YeTing’s coercion, his voice grew louder, but in the end, it was nothing but a mutter.

Gu YeTing glanced at Xia YuQing expressionlessly, looked at Xiao Bao's pitiful appearance, and had no choice but to say: "Tomorrow, I will talk to the director of the design department."

What is there to talk about!

Xia YuQing looked at Gu YeTing hopelessly, gritted her teeth and said, "President Gu, are you still did not know about the rumors about you and me in the company recently?"

Gu YeTing raised his eyebrows: "What if it's clear?”

"You talked to Director Er, and then what? I became an exception to the design department. Didn't that just tell everyone in the company that I was your lover?" Xia YuQing glared at Gu YeTing, if she could, she really wants to strangle this person.

Suddenly, Gu YeTing chuckled, "Does it have anything to do with me? I only care about my son."

You can handle your own affairs. All Gu YeTing’s words became like this in Xia YuQing’s ears.

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As a result, Xia YuQing, who had just been persuaded by Xiao Baozi, turned into a bad mood, took a deep look at Gu YeTing, and said to Xiao Baozi, "Sleep by yourself tonight. Auntie will accompany you tomorrow. Auntie promises not to leave Gu's house for the time being."

As long as she doesn't leave, Xiao Baozi will take her words temporarily, and returns to his room with the cheque book. Gu YeTing raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the door closed tightly by Xia YuQing with a calm face.

This is the first time Gu YeTing met a woman who couldn't be expelled. Director Er had the final say in the design department. Even if he wanted to demote Xia YuQing, he had to have a reason.

Besides, there is Xiao Bao's guarantee at home. If he drives Xia YuQing away, Xiao Bao will be able to fight him desperately in the next second. There is no more time to be more aggrieved than now. Gu YeTing sullenly walked back into the room, and his feeling towards the design department became even worse.

Overtime? Forget it.

On the next day, Xia YuQing arrived at the company and heard another piece of good news. President Gu finally decided to take the design department to the trip to SanYa. The eyes of the design department looking at Xia YuQing changed.

Zhe XiaoZhen walked over with a smile, and gave Xia YuQing a pack of instant soy milk, whispering: "Deputy Director, what did you say to President Gu? He changed his mind again."

Xia YuQing sullenly looked at Zhe XiaoZhen. If she said nothing, would she believe it?

Zhe XiaoZhen continued to laugh, with a pleased look on her face this time: "Deputy Director, you and President Gu have a good relationship. Since I joined the company, I haven't heard of President Gu's scandal."

"No." Xia YuQing sighed: "President Gu and I have a simple relationship between superiors and subordinates."

Zhe XiaoZhen smiled and looked at Xia YuQing with a look that 'I understand you': "Deputy Director, if you don't want to say it, I won't ask too much. No matter what you do, its personal freedom, don't care about others."

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Gee. Xia YuQing looked at Zhe XiaoZhen, smiled politely, and didn't say much. Zhe XiaoZhen can’t be regarded as a friend if he sees other people’s order dishes [1].

When the rumors about her and Gu YeTing appeared before, although she didn't say anything in front of Xia YuQing, the contempt in Zhe XiaoZhen’ eyes was real. Probably in everyone's eyes, when she was bullied by the people in the design department, but Gu YeTing did not show up, which meant she was not favored.

Now, it's completely different. The people in the design department guessed that she had said something to Gu YeTing that would make Gu YeTing change his mind and take the design department out to the trip. Xia YuQing couldn't laugh or cry, and didn't explain any further. No one would believe it anyway.

Lu YiChun snorted coldly behind the two of them, and said in a strange way: "What's the use of being strong at pillow talk? To gain a foothold in the Gu family, the most important thing is ability."

Gu YeTing took care of the Gu family very well because Gu YeTing rarely had selfish reasons, so the Gu family he governed was mostly based on ability. Therefore, Gu family can develop into the world's first place.

Xia YuQing didn't even give Lu YiChun a look. Compared to Xia YueYue, Lu YiChun's methods were simply children playing house. When she came back this time, the only things she wanted to deal with were Xia YueYue and Qin YuXuan from beginning to end. Watching Xia YueYue apologize to her, and watching Qin YuXuan feel guilty and regretful, then she can calm down the anger in her heart.

Zhe XiaoZhen is belongs to a group of people that have two-face. She has always been accustomed to not support of both sides, so she laughed twice: "YiChun is right. Those who can enter the Gu family are all capable."

Lu YiChun continued: "Yes, some people are not on the right track."

Xia YuQing glared at Lu YiChun. She had always regarded Lu YiChun as non-existent, which didn't mean that she wouldn't be angry.

Zhe XiaoZhen pretended to be a tortoise [2] this time and stopped talking. Instead, Xia YuQing glared at Lu YiChun and said coldly: "Chief Lu, next time if you want to talk, make sure you have evidence. When you go to work, to gossip about your boss, is your work too smooth?"

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After all, Xia YuQing was Lu YiChun's boss, and she was pressured to death by a senior official like Xia YuQing, she had no reason not to use this right. Lu YiChun's face turned very ugly, and she gave Xia YuQing a cold snort, and then dropping the words: "Let's see."

People who take advantage of nepotism will go down sooner or later, and the position of deputy director will be hers sooner or later.


When Gu YeTing took everyone from the design department on the road, everyone was hiding their thoughts.

Director Er is excited in traveling, but she is not well. In the end, Director Er didn't go, and the whole design department was dispatched. Of course, there were two more extra editors.

A long-planned tour started with a group of people. The most surprising thing was that Gu YeTing, who was rarely dressed in casual clothes, was sitting at the front of the bus, and there was a little bun beside him with a look and cuteness.

The people in the design department started to chatter and looked at Gu YeTing and Xia YuQing with ambiguous eyes. If it were not for Xia YuQing, how could the president have the time to ride the bus with everyone?


[1] 看人下菜碟儿 - treating people differently from person to person.


[2] 缩头乌龟 - person who refuses to face reality or confront a problem.

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