[Re-encounter People from the Past]

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"This is the place you are talking about?"

Gu YeTing looked at the barbecue stall in front of him, and his sharp eyebrows could not stop frowning.

Xia YuQing smiled: "Don't always be like this, come on, it's really good."

With that said, she took the lead to sit down, without the slightest hint of dislike.

"You..." Gu YeTing frowned, "How do you know such a place?"

Xia YuQing smiled, and stood on the barbecue stand to choose dishes: "I basically spent my college living expenses here."

"Why?" And Gu YeTing was still standing aside: "Where are your parents?"

"I was adopted." Xia YuQing’s tone was as light as discussing the weather.

Gu YeTing remembered that the information that Gu ChenChuan gave him did mention these: "They won't give you money?"

Xia YuQing shook her head. It was not that they did not give it. Xia's father and Xia's mother treated her well, but she just tried not to use it.

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Because Xia YueYue always talks to her classmates in private, and, in places where Xia’s father and Xia’s mother cannot see, she will always arrogantly say to Xia YuQing: "Xia YuQing, you are the dog raised by our Xia family. You have been our Xia family's dog all your life."

Because of this, Xia YuQing gradually stopped accepting everything the Xia family gave, and will never depend on the Xia family for her own survival. Therefore, when she first fell in love with Qin YuXuan, Qin YuXuan did not know that she was the adopted daughter of the Xia family, nor did he know that she knew Xia YueYue.


Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded behind Xia YuQing.

Xia YuQing’s figure paused, and the movements on her hands froze for a moment.

The man walked over immediately, looking a little excited: "QingQing, it's really you? Where did you go? I have been looking for you for a long time, and I haven't heard from you."

The man walked over and took Xia YuQing’s hand.

Xia YuQing heart pumped vigorously, but did not draw her hand out: "Qin YuXuan, we are no longer related, what else do you want from me?"

"QingQing, what happened back then was my fault..." Qin YuXuan said in a low voice: "I just hope you can live well..."

Xia YuQing took a deep breath and said amusedly: "Qin YuXuan, you are already with YueYue, what else do you want me to do? You still want to apologize; don't you think it is funny?

Gu YeTing’s expression was already unsightly. Before Qin YuXuan could speak, he stepped forward and grabbed Qin YuXuan's wrist, and separated the two abruptly.

"You are?" Qin YuXuan seemed to notice Gu YeTing at this time.

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Gu YeTing calmly said nothing.

"He is..." Xia YuQing hesitated and said directly: "My boyfriend."

Qin YuXuan seemed to be shocked, and couldn't say anything clearly: " already have a boyfriend?"

"Otherwise?" Xia YuQing sneered: "Do I still have to watch you for a lifetime? Watching you and YueYue together, and then I am destined to be lonely forever?"

"I didn't mean that." Qin YuXuan wanted to explain: "But why didn't you tell the family when you came back?"

"I have nothing to do with the Xia family and you anymore." Xia YuQing said with a cold face.

Although she felt sorry for Xia's father and Xia's mother, she will not go back again. After escaping from the dead, Xia YuQing has decided to live for herself. Xia YuQing threw away the vegetables in her hand, holding Gu YeTing in her arms and said: "Ting, I suddenly don't want to eat, let's go."

Even though he knew that she is using him, Gu YeTing still bends the corner of his mouth without leaving a trace.

Qin YuXuan chased after him: "QingQing, what happened back then was my fault. I do not know why I was with YueYue... I was drunk at the time, but I can't let her down."

Xia YuQing’s eyes were already cold: "That's your business, it has nothing to do with me."

"QingQing." Qin YuXuan looked hurt: "Uncle and aunt miss you very much, always thinking that something happened to you, and always worried about you. Even if you hate me and YueYue, I hope you can go back and see your uncle and aunt."

"Thank you, tell them that I'm doing well, don't worry about me." Xia YuQing turned her back to Qin YuXuan, her voice trembling.

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It was not until she got back to the car that Gu YeTing realized that Xia YuQing was crying.

Gu YeTing had the air of questioning: "Is that your ex-boyfriend?"

"En." Xia YuQing’s mood was not very good, and then a little tear was quickly wiped away.

Back then, she and Qin YuXuan met at school. At first, she thought Qin YuXuan was just an ordinary person, but she did not expect him to be the son of the Qin clan. She always worked in different places, and occasionally when she returned late, she liked to buy some barbecue for night snack. She also took Qin YuXuan there once or twice, but Qin YuXuan did not like that kind of place, and after that, she did not go with Qin YuXuan again.

Gu YeTing nodded faintly, and suddenly got out of the car without saying a word.

It was not until long after Gu YeTing came back with the bag of the barbecue booth in his hand. Gu YeTing handed the things in his hand to Xia YuQing: "Eat, don't embarrass yourself."

Back then, in order to get himself out of the influence of being insignificant, he always said this to himself.

Xia YuQing looked at the things in Gu YeTing’s hands, suddenly felt warm in her heart, and smiled: "President Gu, you are not as annoying as it seems on the surface."

"You hate me?" Gu YeTing raised an eyebrow, seemingly dissatisfied with Xia YuQing’s statement.

Xia YuQing looked away with a guilty conscience: "No."

It is just a little arrogant, he always feels that the whole world belongs to him.

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Taking over the barbecue in Gu YeTing’s hand, Xia YuQing weighed it up: "It seems a bit too much, I can't finish it."

"Don't worry, there is still a foodie at home." Gu YeTing started the car and spoke.

Gu ChenChuan, who was playing a game, sneezed inexplicably, and the little bun was sleeping, turned around, and fell asleep again.

Xia YuQing smiled and said nothing.

Looking at the city at midnight and retreating in the window of the car, she suddenly felt a power rise in her heart. She was no longer afraid, nor would she be afraid. Everything has passed, and she has a new beginning.

She has new friends, she becomes stronger, and she will no longer worry about being lost tomorrow, and she will not worry that no one will like her. She was not born to be liked by everyone.

When they returned to the hotel, Gu ChenChuan hadn't slept yet, and Gu YeTing without hesitation kicked him.

Xia YuQing looked at Gu YeTing and Gu ChenChuan, suddenly a little envious. She also has a younger sister, even if she is not her own, she once hoped to be able to love her and support each other for the rest of her life, and no one will dislike anyone.

Gu ChenChuan smiled happily at Xia YuQing and said, "QingQing, did you bring me something delicious?"

Xia YuQing looked at Gu ChenChuan dumbfounded, and said with a smile: "Sometimes, I really suspect that you and Gu YeTing are not brothers."

Gu ChenChuan took out a grilled skewers with a solemn expression: "I also doubt it."

"Don't doubt it." Gu YeTing sat down in front of the two of them and said dully: "I watched your birth with my own eyes."

Just as Gu ChenChuan wanted to express, Gu YeTing suddenly said, "Although it is ugly and useless, but I accepted it reluctantly."

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