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Xia YuQing pursed her lips: "My ex-boyfriend."

Gu ChenChuan suddenly became interested. He threw the dice in front of Xia YuQing, sat directly on the ground, stretched his legs, put his hands on the sofa, and asked lazily: "What man?"

"It's an ex-boyfriend, someone who's not related." Xia YuQing was a little frustrated. Although her face was not visible, she unconsciously took a sip of the wine in front of her.

Gu ChenChuan smiled: "QingQing, take me next time, I will help you make a scene."

Xia YuQing gave Gu ChenChuan a look: "You don't need to worry about my business."

Gu ChenChuan immediately exaggerated and shouted: "QingQing, how can your business be nothing to me? I am sincere to you now, and sincerely want to be responsible for you."

With his exaggerated acting skills, Xia YuQing almost threw the wine bottle in her hand directly on Gu ChenChuan’s head.

Gu YeTing and Gu ChenChuan are far different.

She took a deep breath: "Oh, what nickname did you have, tell me."

Gu ChenChuan twitched the corners of his mouth and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "That's fine."

Xia YuQing smiled while covering the corners of her mouth. Just about to pick up the dice on the coffee table, the mobile phone on the coffee table rang.

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"Not allowed." Gu ChenChuan said immediately.

Xia YuQing glanced faintly. She did not want to pick it up, but suddenly saw the name Mo TianQing on her phone, and frowned.

"Wait." She smiled apologetically: "I had to take the call."

She just wanted to answer the phone, but the called was cut off. Xia YuQing thought, if it is off, she will call Mo TianQing again tomorrow. However, in the next second, almost after the called was hung up, Mo TianQing’s video call had already come up.

Xia YuQing twitched the corners of her lips stiffly. The must be something serious, as Mo TianQing would not make phone calls with her. Once Mo TianQing made phone calls, it meant that Xia YuQing was in big trouble.

She just wanted to reach out for her mobile phone. Gu ChenChuan had already taken her mobile phone one step ahead of time. He clicked on the video and put on a big grin.

"Xia YuQing! What did you do! You met Qin YuXuan, didn't you? Did he do anything to you?"

For a moment, there was only Mo TianQing’s roaring sound in the entire silent room.

Xia YuQing once again covered in black line.

Gu ChenChuan’s face was stiff, and the words he had not spoken were swallowed up in a panic.

Mo TianQing seems to have finally discovered that this person is not her, and the loud voice came again: "Who are you? Where is YuQing? You kidnapped her? Tell you what, there is no ransom for the kidnapping of Xia YuQing."

Xia YuQing rolled her eyes.

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Gu YeTing’s mouth curves, revealing a smile, looking at Xia YuQing.

Gu ChenChuan touched his nose and said with a pity: "It's a pity, she is right next to me."

Mo TianQing immediately glanced at Gu ChenChuan vigilantly: "Are you Xia YuQing’s new date? Wait... Don't take it away."

She also wanted to look at Gu ChenChuan seriously but Xia YuQing had already taken the phone from Gu ChenChuan’s hand: "TianQing, what happened?"

"The new date you have found isn't very nice." Mo TianQing said, screaming the truth.

With his peach blossom eyes, he looks dishonest at first glance. Xia YuQing looked at Gu ChenChuan with an unbelievable expression, and Gu ChenChuan even thought of getting up to grab the phone.

She could only endure a smile and hid behind Gu YeTing: "That's not my date, but he has always considered himself to be a heartthrob, surprisingly, his charms failed in front of you."

"Don't talk about useless people, Qin YuXuan actually asked me for your contact information just now."

Xia YuQing was quiet for a moment, looked at the two people around her, holding her mobile phone and wanted to go back to her room, suddenly, Gu YeTing grabbed her wrist tightly.

"Since he is already an ex-boyfriend, why do you have to hide?"

"That's right, tell me what's the problem? I'll help you settle it." Gu ChenChuan looked at Xia YuQing thoughtfully.

Feeling the look in Gu ChenChuan’s eyes, Xia YuQing could not help but shudder, always feeling that this guy was making some horrible idea.

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She struggled, but failed to open Gu YeTing’s hand, so she had to face Mo TianQing with a bitter face and said, "Did you give it to him?"

"Am I mentally ill?" Mo TianQing immediately exploded.

Xia YuQing said indifferently: "Do you think you are not ill?"

Mo TianQing gritted her teeth and finally resisted the urge to argue with Xia YuQing: "I won't argue with you, but that man, Qin YuXuan is still a little capable. I am worried that you will be found and unable to cope with it, so I will just go back to China."

"You are crazy, what about the German project?" Xia YuQing looked at Mo TianQing with anger.

Mo TianQing snorted coldly: "We cannot see eye to eye, I'm not cooperating anymore."

Xia YuQing: ….....

Gu YeTing finally raised his head and forced Xia YuQing into his arms. He took the phone from her hand and said lightly: "What about Qin family? You want to touch my employees?"

He faintly looked at Mo TianQing on the screen of the phone. Mo TianQing suddenly silenced and raised a brow slightly: "Who are you?"

Xia YuQing finally blushed and struggled from Gu YeTing’s arms and reached out to grab the phone. However, Gu YeTing took advantage of his height, with long hands and long feet. He lifted the phone slightly, and Xia YuQing was caught by him again. He held her in his arms and could not get the phone at all.

Gu YeTing said lightly: "Gu YeTing."

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Mo TianQing made no sound. Gu YeTing hooked his lips in satisfaction, and threw the phone aside, looking down at Xia YuQing in his arms: "Qin YuXuan is looking for you? Are you in trouble?"

"No." Xia YuQing made a struggle, but Gu YeTing’s arm was like an iron wall. She could not shake it for half a minute, so she could only look at him angrily: "Can President Gu let me go?"

"Don't think too much." Gu YeTing let her go, dusted the place where Xia YuQing had just been, and continued: "I just don't want your business to cause trouble to Xiao Bao."

Xia YuQing completely didn't want to pay attention to Gu YeTing and said in a dull voice: "President Gu, don't worry, I can solve my own troubles. It will not cause any trouble to Xiao Bao, nor will it bring any trouble to Gu's family!"

"Can you solve it yourself?" Gu YeTing sneered.

Gu ChenChuan quietly put his hands on his arms, lying on the sofa with his upper body.

"How does President Gu feel should we solve this? I leave the house? As long as I leave Gu's home, I will have no trouble at all, and Gu family will be able to live in peace and stability."

"No." Gu YeTing paused and continued: "Xiao Bao will definitely not agree."

The light in Xia YuQing’s eyes dimmed in an instant. Gu ChenChuan was smiling happily. Xia YuQing glanced at him, seeming to be able to emit fire.

Gu ChenChuan inexplicably touched his nose, he is also the vice president of the company, how come he being bullied?

"Then what do you think is the best?"

This is neither that nor that, Xia YuQing felt a headache.

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