[Still ignorance]

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In terms of intercourse, Xia YuQing is actually still an ignorant girl. She did not know who she was with for that night when she went out, and she had no more experience at all. And especially the things back then are hard to remember, so she rarely talks about these things with her friends.

Mo TianQing has made a few boyfriends, and occasionally babbles in Xia YuQing's ear, but she stops when she saw Xia YuQing’s flushing face every time.

At this time, Xia YuQing still seemed a little baffled.

"But who was the person with you before?" Qin YuXuan was puzzled. If Gu ChenChuan is Xia YuQing’s current husband, who was the person with Xia YuQing before?

"Boyfriend." Gu YeTing walked in with a dark face, slapped Gu ChenChuan’s hand away, and introduced to Qin YuXuan with a cold face, "This is my brother."

Gu ChenChuan hugged his hands and jumped away, silently accusing Gu YeTing: "Brother, you are really too cruel."

At this time, he was shrewd enough to follow Gu YeTing’s words and say: "I won't take advantage of my sister-in-law, I have a sense of propriety."

Gu YeTing snorted coldly at Gu ChenChuan.

Xia YuQing's mind still did not come to sense, and Qin YuXuan spoke again before she understood what was going on.

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"Hello, President Gu."

Gu YeTing responded coldly, saying hello.

If it is Qin’s current master, Gu YeTing might still give him a face and a few words of greeting, but today’s Qin YuXuan, who is essentially a junior in the business world, compared to Gu YeTing who started the business life way early.

Qin YuXuan didn't care about Gu YeTing’s indifferent attitude, smiled, and said to Xia YuQing, "This is your child?"

He looked at Gu MingRui, who looked at him with a vigilant expression. Xia YuQing looked at Xiao Bao with a wary face, as if someone were going to snatch his toys.

"No, this is President Gu's child."

Qin YuXuan took a serious look at Gu MingRui, and immediately understood, smiling, and politely saying to Gu YeTing: "I always knew that President Gu had a child, but I didn't expect to be exactly the same as you."

"Of course, he looks like him, he is my brother's child, does he have to look like you?" Gu ChenChuan saw that his own Gu Da was very hostile to Qin YuXuan, so he spoke in an angry tone.

Qin YuXuan frowned immediately, looking a little distressed.

In five years, she thought that she had completely lost feelings for Qin YuXuan, but when he appeared in front of her, the past appeared in her mind like a movie. Her heart began to ache densely, and Xia YuQing felt that her body temperature began to rise gradually.

"Since President Gu already has a child, it doesn't seem appropriate to be with QingQing." Qin YuXuan seems to have regarded himself as Xia YuQing’s family. This role can be said after he was engaged to Xia YueYue.

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Xia YuQing frowned immediately: "I have nothing to do with you."

"YueYue and I are already engaged." Qin YuXuan still said in a warm voice, "Since you are YueYue’s sister, of course you are also my family."

Xia YuQing sneered: "I have nothing to do with the Xia family anymore."

"QingQing, what happened back then has passed. Uncle Xia and Aunt Xia have been looking for you for five years. You cannot say that it does not matter to you. Uncle Xia and Aunt Xia will be sad." Qin YuXuan disapprovingly at Xia YuQing.

Looking for her?

She told Mo TianQing the location of her home more than once and asked Mo TianQing more than once to tell Xia YueYue that she was here with Mo TianQing.

But? All she got was disappointment again and again.

Xia YuQing said coldly: "What else do you want me to do this time? Are you that eager to get me back?"

"Why did you think that?" Qin YuXuan frowned slightly, and said quietly: "QingQing, Uncle Xia and Aunt Xia have really been looking for you for a long time, and there has been no news."

"No news?" Xia YuQing frowned, "Impossible!"

Gu ChenChuan’s eyebrows twitched, and he immediately said, "Mr. Qin, since QingQing does not welcome you, please leave early. Is there anything else?" He tilted his head, with a stubborn smile on his lips.

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Gu YeTing sat silently on the side, looking at Xia YuQing’s body, and then turned to Qin YuXuan who was aside. Finally stood up, helped Xia YuQing lie down, and said coldly: "Mr. Qin, please go back, my girlfriend is going to rest."

Xia YuQing had not figured out what went wrong, but was agitated by Gu YeTing’s words, and then gave Gu YeTing a glare.

A strange smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Gu YeTing’s mouth: "QingQing, she is always so easy to get angry."

He is rare to be gentle, but for Xia YuQing, it is particularly thrilling to hear. She closed her eyes quietly and did not speak any more.

Qin YuXuan refused to give up: "President Gu, you and QingQing are still just boyfriend and girlfriend. It is not appropriate for QingQing to be taken care of by you. I will take her back. Moreover, QingQing's parents also want to see QingQing."

"No!" Gu MingRui suddenly said under Gu ChenChuan’s gesture: "I want my mother to accompany me."

The eyes that Xia YuQing had just closed almost opened again, but Gu YeTing’s palms covered Xia YuQing’s eyes, and said warmly, "Xiao Bao, don't talk nonsense!"

Qin YuXuan glanced at Gu YeTing, then suddenly smiled, "What does President Gu want me to misunderstand?"

Gu YeTing did not speak, and with the other hand, he held Xia YuQing’s hand, and gently squeezed Xia YuQing’s fingertips.

Xia YuQing felt unwell, she wanted to struggle but was held tighter.

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"What did Mr. Qin misunderstand? What does it have to do with me?"

"As I know, President Gu's son seems to have no mother from birth, and QingQing, five years ago..."

"If Mr. Qin thinks this way, it's okay. After all, there are so many coincidences that we wouldn't consider them coincidences."

Xia YuQing was even more baffled when she heard this sentence, and she had no idea why the conversation between the two people had reached such a level.

Five years ago, Xia YuQing was pregnant and did not know whose child it was. About a year later, Gu YeTing of the Gu family had a son and did not know who her biological mother was.

That year, Qin YuXuan still had some news about Xia YuQing, but all he knew was that Xia YuQing had a very good life.

Five years later, Xia YuQing suddenly appeared. The person next to her was President Gu of the Gu family and a child who called her 'mother'.

Everything seems normal, but if it is normal, why does Gu YeTing say QingQing is his girlfriend?

"QingQing should rest, Mr. Qin, I will send you away."

When Qin YuXuan appeared to be asking for something else, Gu YeTing suddenly opened his mouth. Gu ChenChuan glanced out the window, pretending that he did not know anything.

"Okay." Qin YuXuan paused, knowing that Gu YeTing had something to say by himself.

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