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Before she could finish her words, Xia YuQing saw Xiao Baozi starting to take out the check from his arms again, and the corner of her eyes twitched again. Xia YuQing drew out a hand to stop Xiao Baozi: "Well, I promise you, you won't be allowed to take a check out anytime you move."

How did this kid being teach? It is a problem.

Gu ChenChuan blew a whistle and said to the little bun: "Okay, Rui’er, how did you get the girl so soon?"

Gu MingRui snorted and turned his head very proudly: "Second Uncle, do you think I am you? Not only is it useless, but the aptitude of the girl who hooks up is also terribly poor."

"I..." Gu ChenChuan almost wanted to take care of Gu MingRui.

"Let's go in."

At this moment, Gu YeTing suddenly spoke, and his voice rang in Xia YuQing’s ears. Xia YuQing was immediately taken aback and almost dropped the little bun in her arms. Not only was Gu MingRui not afraid, but he felt a little exciting and wanted to play again. But Gu YeTing glanced at Xia YuQing strangely.

Xia YuQing felt that she was ashamed and lost her home, but she is not to blame at all, Mr. Gu, your aura is all open, do you know? Suddenly standing next to her talking, she feels very oppressive.

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"En." Xia YuQing bit her scalp and responded, and immediately stepped aside, walking towards the villa anxiously. From now on, Gu YeTing must be more than two meters away, because the aura is too big, and things are easy to happen.

"Brother, you have successfully taken it down." Gu ChenChuan leaps in, hits his left hand on Gu YeTing’s shoulder, and laughs.

Gu YeTing glanced coldly at Gu ChenChuan hand on his shoulder, his eyes sinking slightly: "Take it away!"

Hearing Gu YeTing’s slightly threatening tone, Gu ChenChuan immediately seemed to be electrocuted, jumped away for the first time, bared his teeth and said, “Brother, you hate contact with women, and now you have upgraded to hate men?"

"I only hate you." Gu YeTing swept his shoulder with his hand.

Gu ChenChuan was hit hard.

When she walked in, Xia YuQing was unpacking her stuff under Gu MingRui's command. Gu YeTing glanced briefly and frowned suddenly.

"This is Xiao Bao's room."

"Huh?" Xia YuQing was stunned immediately, her face was a little embarrassed, and the action of packing things stopped: "Then...where do I stay?"

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"Guest room, next door." Gu YeTing said simply.

Gu MingRui immediately expressed his dissatisfaction: "No, I want my aunt to sleep with me!" As he said, he ran over to hold Xia YuQing and didn't let go. Xia YuQing looked at Gu YeTing awkwardly, her head getting bigger.

She really is...

Looking at Xia YuQing, Gu YeTing suddenly felt a little familiar. When Gu ChenChuan entered the door, what he saw was his brother, who had never been close to a woman since he was a child, standing aside and watching Xia YuQing quietly.

He walked over, just about to move his hands and feet, suddenly remembered Gu YeTing’s illness, and sighed, "Dear brother, are you tempted?"

Gu ChenChuan said this sentence in a low voice, and there was a bit of teasing in his voice. Gu YeTing’s expression loosened a bit, and he looked back at Xia YuQing: "After you arrange Xiao Bao, you will go back to your own room."

When Gu MingRui had a temper, Gu YeTing couldn't control it either, so he could only let him go first. After saying this, Gu Yeting directly took Gu ChenChuan hand and walked in the direction of the study.

"Ouch? What's the matter?" Gu ChenChuan was dragged away for a few steps, and he couldn't stop talking about it for a moment. Xia YuQing glanced at the two of them. Under the sun, Gu YeTing was calm, and Gu ChenChuan showed a sense of sunshine that was unique to a young man.

It's weird. It's just......

Xia YuQing shook her head for how big her brain was. After Gu YeTing pulled Gu ChenChuan into the study, he directly closed the door of the study. Gu ChenChuan raised his eyebrows and looked at Gu YeTing in confusion. Gu YeTing bypassed Gu ChenChuan and sat behind the desk, bending his index finger and tapping on the desk.

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"Brother, don't you know how to chase Ms. Xia and want my help?" Gu ChenChuan smiled and leaned in front of Gu YeTing, picked up the Rubik's Cube on the table, and threw it at once: "In fact, it's not a difficult thing. "

"Xia YuQing is familiar." Gu YeTing obviously didn't listen to Gu ChenChuan words, supporting his chin with both hands.

Gu ChenChuan was stunned for a moment. He also knew a little bit about the events of the year, but only after knowing that he had a nephew did he know the whole story. The woman who gave birth to Xiao Bao, he heard that there was a car accident, and then disappeared.

"No." Gu ChenChuan jaw dropped when he thought of this possibility. There is no such coincidence in the world. Gu YeTing didn't answer him either, but he was still pensive, pursing his thin lips.

"You should check this matter." After a long time, Gu YeTing spoke and added: "By the way, check the car accident that year."

Gu ChenChuan face immediately became bitter, frowning: "Ah, it's such a troublesome thing again."

"I will help you with the actress you recently chased." Gu YeTing threw out an olive branch.

"Ensure that the investigation is clear and that no trace is revealed." Gu ChenChuan immediately changed his face and smiled and leaned in front of Gu YeTing: "Brother, haven't you seen that woman?"

Gu YeTing pulled out a book from the bookshelf behind him and said lightly: "I passed by while working, so I don’t take a long look."

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"Oh." Gu ChenChuan looked like he wanted to say something.

"I didn't see the front face. I just saw her side face from a distance." Gu YeTing’s eyes dropped, his expression calm.

"After all, how that woman got pregnant with my child back then, this matter still needs to be found out."

"Isn't she calculating you?" Gu ChenChuan walked to the window and yawned lazily.

Gu YeTing’s eyes sank, remembering that he heard the news of the woman's car accident, and when he sent someone to look for it, only some of her belongings were found, and there were no other traces.

If someone who had passed by before knew the woman from that year, knew that she lived in the villa arranged by Gu YeTing, and went to the villa specially to find someone, the woman might have disappeared without any news.

Gu YeTing frowned.

Gu ChenChuan shrugged his shoulders: "Brother, in fact, this matter is over. What else can be found. If it wasn't because that woman planned all this, how could she be pregnant with your child? And, if you find her in the end, you will let Xiao Bao knew she was just a materialistic woman, and he would be disappointed too."

"Check first." Gu YeTing was silent for a few seconds, and finally said truthfully. This matter, after five years, is a bit strange.

For example, the woman did not come to him the first time after she was pregnant with Xiao Bao, and she never asked to see him, let alone any other excessive demands. At that time, Gu YeTing was almost intoxicated because it was being planned by a woman, and he never thought of the levels in it, and because of this, he even had a special dislike for this woman.

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