Daddy's cub is three and half years old: chapter 6.1

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  Capital, Boyanghou Mansion.


    "Weiwei, child, your father just left Beijing and went back to your maternal grandfather's house." Mrs. Boyanghou complained, with a smile on her face, "I know my child is the most sensible. With your grandfather and grandmother, when your father comes back, your mother will take you to your grandfather’s house for a small stay."


    He is not my father!


    Song Xuewei almost blurted out, this dad won't be back, and soon she will receive news that her dad has passed away, and then her mother becomes a widow, and her family lives at her grandfather's home.


    Everything is good at my grandfather's house, everyone pampers her, but her aunt doesn't like her.

 Song Xuewei knew since she was young that she was very lucky, even if she didn't do anything, everyone would love her subconsciously.


    In the previous life, her first father, Boyanghou, died, and her mother stayed as a widow. But soon after, her future father Jiang Zhile got the top prize and was appointed by the emperor. Later, her life experience was discovered and she became Jing Chenghou fiance. A father who is a  teacher and friend with the prince is way better than a father who is a knight.


    I only hate the former grandfather’s lax actions. He killed Jiang Ranran, but did not clean up the clues. Later, when she was about to marry the prince, father discovered the truth and hated her, and the officialdom kept attacking the grandfather’s family. 


    In this life, she must act first.


    "Weiwei, what's the matter? Don't scare your mother." Mrs. Boyanghou suddenly felt that the way her daughter frowned and thought was a bit strange. Thinking about it, she was wrong. Her daughter was only four years old, so how could she have such a cold expression?


    Song Xuewei smiled sweetly at her mother, and Mrs. Boyanghou instantly forgot about it.


    After Song Xuewei was reborn, she didn't really wanted to see her mother. The main reason was that her mother was not clever. If it weren't for her slipping about ranrans death father would not be able to investigate it thoroughly.


    However, the caregiver has to protect her. For her marriage to go smoothly and to become the most noble person in the future, she must get the support of her mother, grandfather, and father.




    In the bottom of her heart, she didn't have any feelings for her first father. She was four years old when her father left. The only use is probably to make her have a better father.


    I wanted to stop tilting my head and smile, acting like a baby to my mother, "Mother, you promise me, promise me. Mother, you are the best."


    Madam Boyanghou couldn't resist her daughter's pleading, and smiled helplessly, "No matter, I will let the maid clean up, and I will return to your grandfather's house tomorrow."




    A strange event happened in Daozi Village these past two days, and Jiang Zhile, who has always been obsessed with reading, started tossing the wasteland!


    Did he give up the imperial examination and start farming?


    At this time, Jiang Zhile had a dark face, holding a hoe to cultivate in the wasteland.

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    On that day, he discussed with Ran Ran, “Is It not good for the yard to be like this. There are only two people in the family.”


    Ran Ran's eyes were bright, and she smiled very cutely, "Don't worry, Daddy, Ranran will work hard to find a way! Daddy only needs to work."


    He tried to reason with Ran Ran, "Your father doesn't know how to farm. The farmer grows poorer and poorer. Don't talk about meat buns every day, you can only drink rice soup."


    Ran Ran patted her chest, "Daddy, don't worry! Ran Ran will accompany you to drink soup!"


    Jiang Zhile's temper was twisted, and he would not take back what he said. Just like Jiang Zhian wants to divide him, no matter what, Jiang Zhian wants to divide him, he will leave, and he will not go back to that life.


    After he agreed to Ran Ran's wish, Jiang Zhile couldn't back off now.


    Not to mention Ran Ran is his daughter, As a dad he must have dignity!


    So as soon as his temper came up, Jiang Zhile carried his hoe to open the ground.


    Ran Ran shook her fist happily, and started the live broadcast when she was happy.


    Look! immortal! This is the land of Ran Ran's home! This is a good dad who works hard to become rich!


    Ran Ran saw Jiang Zhile plowing the ground with a hoe to clean up the stones and weeds in the wasteland. She followed her father, picking up the scattered small stones, and digging out the weeds that her father hadn't noticed.


    Jiang Zhile turned over the ground and turned out of anger. Most commonly, he would go to the mountains to chop wood to make wood carvings. He had never done this kind of work before. It didn't take long for the palms of the hands to become hot.


    Ran Ran's small steps are slow, unable to keep up with Jiang Zhile, and fall far behind. She was not in a hurry, picking up the stones carefully one by one, seeing the uncleaned weeds, holding the leaves in both hands, leaning back, and pulling out the radish as if she had to pull out.


    The little face was exposed to the air, and soon her face was flushed from the sun.


    [Ran Ran is actually farming! ]


    [Xiao Ranran, take a break and leave the scumbag alone! ]


    [Too bitter, did farming in ancient times be so bitter? I love robots! ]


Daddy's cub is three and half years old: chapter 6.2




    After pulling out a piece of grass, Ran Ran put the grass in her own small basket.


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    Before coming, Ran Ran took out the things in the basket and put them at home, and the two copper plates were also hidden. Now the empty basket is just right for the picked stones and the pulled weeds.


    After putting it in, Ran Ran's eyes crooked after seeing the results inside.


    She licked her lips, she was a little thirsty, did not bring water, Ran Ran hadn't drank much water for a few days, and swallowed.


    Once you feel thirsty, other discomforts in your body follow.


    Her legs are a bit sore, and hands are a little bit sore, her neck is a little bit sore, and a bit hot. Take a look at the ground in front of her. It's still not done. When will I finish it?


    slowly! Don't be afraid!


    Ran Ran let out a "ha" to cheer herself up.


    Daddy is still in front, Daddy must be more tired!


    To be a good dad, we must work hard together!




    After finishing her breath, Ranran, who wanted to lie down as a salted fish, immediately became a live fish again, and actively started picking up rocks and digging for rocks, but the live fish is still a fry, how much strength can it have?


    Jiang Zhile felt hungry, looked at the vast ten acres of wasteland, gritted his teeth and headed back home with a hoe.


    Going back along the original road, walking, and met a short radish?


    The white, short radish turned into a red radish that was molting quickly, and it lost its moisture. It bounced and rested on the ground, searching for things on the ground.


    "Ran Ran, why are you here?" Jiang Zhile felt a puff of dry air in his heart, "So come out to become a dry radish in a hot day?"


    Seeing Daddy, Ranran couldn't walk steadily. He shook and stuck to him, "Daddy, Ran Ran has no radishes, Ran Ran has small rocks and grass."


    Jiang Zhile glanced at the small basket that was left aside, about half as tall as it was, and a small amount of weeds and stones piled up inside.


    Only such a small distance, so many pick up?


    Jiang Zhile couldn't help clenching his back molars. He picked it up and then changed his posture again, holding the little girl's hand, carrying bamboo basket, and carrying a hoe in his other hand.




    Ma's cold pot and stove, crying loudly.

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    Ma Ping glared with disgust at his wife who was holding his two children and crying, and sneered, "Wan Niang has entered this door, you don't want to go back to your mother's house by yourself, but you still want to do it for the sake of the two children. ?"


    After speaking, he spit, and went out to breathe.


    Wandering outside, he ran into Jiang Zhile carrying a mud hoe on the road.


    He smiled maliciously, "The little child prodigy in Daozi Village will not leave? I will stay in Daozi Village in the future. It is not good to plant the land, so that people in Daozi Village will not worry about the outside."


    Jiang Zhile had no expression on his face, and his tone was cold: "Fuck off, want a beating?"


    Ma Ping was a few years older than Jiang Zhile. He hadn't dealt with him since he was a child, but he was beaten every time. Now Jiang Zhile is out of luck and has no talents.


    As a result, Jiang Zhile took a light look, his bones ached, and he couldn't help but shrink his neck. Looking back again, Jiang Zhile has already swaggered away, with a hint of resentment on his face.


    Jiang Zhile was even more upset when he encountered a silly fork. Had it not been for a dwarf radish, Ma ping would have been beaten.


    Thinking of the short radish, Jiang Zhile suddenly realized that Ran Ran had not spoken.




    "Daddy." Ran Ran was a little weak. Being caught by daddy, it's too awkward.


    Ran Ran can't live up to her dad's love, happy in heart.


    This is the first time that Daddy is walking with her. Daddy always goes out early and returns late. Sometimes he reads by himself and has no time to take care of her. Although he is not very comfortable now, Ran Ran is very satisfied.


    When Jiang Zhile heard the voice, he felt something was wrong, and quickly stopped. The little girl couldn't stand firmly on her feet and was about to fall. Jiang Zhile caught the person.


    Ran Ran's face was red, and her lips were dry. A pear vortex in the corner of the mouth is especially obvious, uncomfortable and smiling.




    Jiang Zhile did not hold her.


    Ran Ran saw Daddy's stretched hand, he rubbed the top of her head with satisfaction, and then whispered and said with a guilty conscience: "Daddy, can Daddy hold Ranran?"


    hold? When he thought of Ran Ran lying on his arms, Jiang Zhile's expression was immediately wrong, neither was it angry, nor was it embarrassing.


    He hugged this little guy, wouldn't he break it?


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    If someone sees him, a big man holding a girl...


    The nineteen-year-old Jiang Zhile is still a little bit motivated and impulsive, unwilling to lose face. When the situation is unclear and the border news is lagging behind, he is a crazy gambler by simply giving up a scientific examination.


    In his bones, he was born with apostasy.


    In the face of this soft little girl, Jiang Zhile softened a bit, still firmly defending his dignity and refused, "Ran Ran, you are sitting in the basket."


    The stones and weeds in the basket were cleared out before, and when she looked at the basket shorter than her, Jiang Zhile pulled her into the basket before she could react.


    A few minutes later jiang Zhile walked back quickly with the basket on his back.


    Ran shrinking in the basket, blinking in hindsight, her eyes covered with a layer of mist.


    Does Dad don't want to hug her?


    Does Dad hate her?


    Is daddy going to become a bad daddy?


    Ran tilting her head to look at the sky, and clutching her deflated belly, she poked the screen in her head.


    A rabbit jumped out of the screen.


    Ran Ran asked, "mister Rabbit, why hasn't Daddy become a good Daddy?"


    The rabbit said: "Ran Ran is cute, your dad is not rich enough, not good enough, he can only become a good dad if he works harder and works harder, does Ran Ran understand?"


   The scumbag deserves it!


    The rabbit disappeared on the screen after speaking, Ran Ran was a little disappointed, she hadn't had time to thank Rabbit Fairy.


    "Uncle System." Ran Ran's voice was a little frustrated.


    The heart of the system is about to soften: [Ran Ran, everyone likes Ran Ran, today’s live broadcast time is up, see Ran Ran tomorrow]


    The system uncle disappeared, and the screen disappeared.


    Ran Ran was encouraged, not today, there is still tomorrow.


    Daddy is a good dad, and it's definitely not his fault to go bad, she will try to help Daddy!

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