Chapter 55: The day I’m not Misaki’s parent anymore.

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Slipping out from my work is very simple. Just by telling that lolicon “I need to do something for Misaki.” he’d reply back with “Alright I got it just go immediately.” and allows me to get out right there.

And thus, currently it’s dusk and I’m waiting for someone right outside the city hall.

The fountain constantly spews fourth a jet of water as it wastes the tax money as usual. I wish it’d at least stop doing that in the winter, but strangely that sound from the fountain calms me down somehow. I’m sure that’s the reason why I’ve no complaints about this fountain or whatsoever, since I’ve been paying my taxes properly for a half a year after all.

Finally, it’s time to confront the problem that I’ve postponed for a long time now.

Normally I should’ve brought Misaki to the police when I first met her. But the reason I didn’t do that is because I knew what’s going to happen next after I did that.

……The police huh.

Just what will happen really.

“Good evening.”

“……Good evening.”

The person I’m waiting for has arrived. she’s wearing a suit, probably on her way home from work.

“Sorry, for you to have to do this for me.”

“Not really, if it’s just this much then it’s not a problem at all.”

Yui said with a somewhat smug expression on her face. I thought she really hated me though…… Wait no, she’s doing this not for me but for Misaki’s sake? Since if Misaki is unhappy that’d indirectly made Yui-chan unhappy as well.

“Ahem, have you properly brought everything I instructed you to?”

If I recall, she did told me that I have to bring The Mother and Child Health Handbook1 and health insurance card and stuffs like those together with me.



“I don’t have those.”

“Are you joking around with me?”

I understand her feelings. Because If the roles are reversed, then I’d probably react in the same way.

……She is probably thinking something like what she should do with this guy.

“Me and Misaki―― we were just stangers.”


“I’m going to tell you right now, all of it.”

I wonder if the word ‘thoroughly’ was appropriate or not for this situation.

In any case, I told her everything about my relationship with Misaki.

One day, an old acquaintance of mine says to me “I’ll give this to you” or something along those line.

And I decided to raise her on a whim.

But as time passes I feel sorry for Misaki.

Surrounded by scumbags who only thinks about themselves, I really pitied her from the bottom of my heart.

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“……I see.”

As she listens to the story, Tosaki Yui replied,

“Then we’d have to contact the mother first. Do you have any ideas on how to do that?”

That was what she said, the expected harsh words are none to be seen.

“Do you hear me? Do you know where Misaki-chan’s mother might be?”

“……Uh, you, don’t you have anything else to say first.”

“There’s none though.”

“What are you saying. You have no need to hold back you know, I don’t mind if you just insult me with harsh words just like usual.”

“You’re such a rude person. That just sounds like I’m always saying harsh things isn’t it.”

That’s right.

“……Good grief, you’re the one who said this word isn’t it. No ill will, that―― and so, I won’t blame you for it.”

“What do you mean by not blaming me?”

“Anyway! Let us contact the police immediately. After that we’ll explain them the situation, and we’ll solve mother-related problems one by one.”


Does that mean Misaki will go back to her former family?

“Our final objective is to have Misaki-chan in our custody. Do you understand?”


“Do you hear me?”

She told me her ideas one after another to me, who was feeling shamefully restless. I always thought that it feels really reassuring whenver I saw a big trouble happens with others but I have no involvement or whatsoever with it.

“What do you mean by having Misaki in our custody?”

“That’s a great question. Do you know what plenary adoption is?”


“Alright, just as I expected. Listen closely, the thing called plenary adoption is――”

She explained the details to me without showing any hint of unsatisfaction.

It is a system that allows kids under six years old to become a part of a family. Of course there are many conditions to it, on contrary if I met all of the conditions, I can truly have Misaki as a part of my family.

However, there’s one thing that bothered me.

“About those conditions that foster parent have to met, how flexible is it?”

“Enough for me to be approved as a foster parent.”

“……Sorry, but I don’t get it.”

“That’s right…… Well if you don’t have any criminal record in the past, then I think there’ll be no problem.”

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After hearing that, inside my head went completely blank.

“What’s the matter?”

I suddenly lost all of my strength, to the point that I couldn’t even stand anymore.

Yui looks at me with worried eyes.

……For fuck sake.

I don’t even have enough strength to reply her with “I’m fine.”

“Umm, are you okay?”

“……Hey, do you know this fact? When you’re being taken care of by the police, first they’ll ask you questions, then they’ll bring you to the idetification room to have your fingerprint on their record.”

“If it’s just that much then it’s common sense.”

“That so huh. Then, do you know that fingerprint pics these days are panoramic shots?”

“……Don’t tell me, you-“

Well, it is what exactly what I want to tell you.

There are sins that I’ve committed in the past. One is a misdemeanor from around the time I left middle school and hang around with my delinquent friends. And also―― around the time I left Akane I’ve made a big mistake, I was hanging out with the guys that are rotten to the core of their heart at that time.

“……So that’s it huh.”

“What’s the matter?”

Yui immediately replied back to my mutter that was not expecting any reply.

But I did not reply her back.

I’m just in my own despair.

A punishment for a sin. Back then I thought of it just as some fantasy.

But never in my wildest dream did I think that it’ll be the very thing to drag my feet down right now.

After I met Misaki, I intended to always look forward.

To become a little more decent of a human, I thought that I was getting closer to the existence called a good parent.

However the past that I’ve already left behind, it comes back to stand in front of me in the most ruthless way possible.

“……I guess I can’t afford to have her enrolled in elementary school.”

“What are you saying.”

“……Well you know, there’s nothing I can do about it now.”

“So does that mean you’re okay with her not going to school?”

“Then what the hell should I do!!”

It’s just me venting my anger on her. No excuses. But I just couldn’t stay calm. It’s because I met Misaki that I have to day, and if…… If Misaki isn’t here anymore then everything I’ve done would be meaningless isn’t it.

“……What is it.”

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Suddenly a shadow appeared in my sight, and when I looked up, I saw her reaching for me.

“For now please stand up first. It is unsightly.”

“……Sod off.”

“Good grief, you’re the one who said this too aren’t you.”

“……What the hell is it.”

She keeps looking straight at me who was completely chickened out.

That appearance of her, strangely enough it was just like her appearance one month ago at that sunset place.

However, her expression is completely different from that day’s.

“Shouldn’t you ask your friend for help when you’re in trouble?”


“What’s with that face of yours. This was the word you said it yourself isn’t it.”

“……I-, I’m friends with you?”


She pulled back the hand that was reaching for me and crossed her arm in a bad mood.

“I’ve had enough with you. In any case just leave it to me.”

“Just what are you planning to do exactly.”

“I’m going to be Misaki-chan’s parent.”


“Just only on family register. And after all the troublesome procedures, well let’s see, I think I’m going to leave her to one of my friend.”

Those are words that you can’t think of it as anything other than just a joke, but she speaks as if they’re a done deal.

“That’s just impossible.”

“It is possible. Just who do you think I am?”

She continues without a break in a relaxed manner.

“Then I’m going to explain what we’re going to do next. First I will――”

And so,

“After I have Misaki-chan in my custody, she’ll have to live at my house for half a year. Failure to do so might ruin everything, so I won’t accept any objections.”

And lastly,

“And after I’m approved as Misaki-chan’s parent legitimately, I’ll return her to you. That’s all.”

Without anytime for me to think about it, she declared the ideal plan. If you think about it objectively it’s just impossible. Weirdly enough however, when I look at her I feel like she really can make something happen.

Wait no, it’s not the time to be doubting her. For me, there’s another thing that bothered me.

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“……Why, why would you go that far just for me.”

She reached out for me again, her eyes are as if she’s telling me ‘That’s such a silly question’

“Well, it’s because you’re going to be my friend aren’t you?”


“You’re the second friend I’ve had in my life. Listen closely okay, even if I look like this I care about friends more than you think.”

What the hell is this guy. Is she really the same person as the one who was all sulky at the puppet show.

“Good grief, how about you express some gratitude to me? I can’t believe it, are you really the same person that stirs up my mind?”

……So you’re thinking the same thing huh.

“Is it really going to go well?”

“Of course. Ah, if it doesn’t go well then please give up on Misaki-chan when the time comes alright.”

“Don’t say such scary things……”

I smiled bitterly, and took her hand.

“……Thank you.”

“Oh my, you’re surprisingly docile.”

As I stand up and give her thanks, she laughed softly.

“I’m gonna owe you one.”

“Let’s settle it for one hundred million yen then.”

“So it’s money huh.”

“Are you not going to play?”

“Alright, I will. If it goes well I’ll pay however much you want.”

“Don’t you ever forget your words just now alright?”

Surely, I’ve become friends with her on this day.

And so――

I am now standing alone in a room with a little more furniture than before, looking around the room left and right.

The room is about six tatami mats wide, the wall are rotten wood.

It has no electricity or gas or water supply, also almost no furnitures.

But this room, it was a happy place just a little while ago.

Misaki is not going to be in this room anymore.

And she won’t be back here for half a year.

And on this day――, I’m not Misaki’s parent anymore.

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