Episode 4: Misaki and milk.

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It’s already Misaki’s second spring ever since she met Ryuusei. A lot of things has changed, but some still remain the same. And one of such thing is, the bath time.

Since in the shabby apartment that they had been living provided them with only a place to sleep and nothing else, so naturally they’d have to go outside to take a bath. Fortunately though there’s a public bathhouse nearby that even with Misaki’s stride, she can walks there in just twenty minutes.

“Somehow, I feel like this Rumi-chan that you mentioned, sooner or later is going to talk about her coming from a planet called Rumimin or something for sure.” (Ryuusei)

“Un, Rumimin.”

“So she already said it huh, seriously.” (Ryuusei)

The time is a little past six o’clock in the evening.

“Fuhihi, seems like an interesting classroom isn’t it.”

“Yeah. But I’m worried that it might have a bad influence on Misaki……”

Mayumi chuckles while Ryuusei’s having a sullen look on his face.

Misaki trotted along, looking at the two alternately.

Under the sky that’s gradually getting darker, Misaki has to looked up so high that it seems to hurt her neck a little just to look at the two’s faces. Although at a glimpse her posture looks like she can fall anytime, but in actuality her steps are steady.

The three are walking on a narrow road with private houses on the left and right. It’s just barely wide enough for one car to pass, but there’s no one-way sign to be seen. So the locals just simply avoid using this road. As for the cars that came from far away they usually use the bigger road near this one, so cars rarely pass through here.

It’s a very quiet road.

The only thing you can hear are faint sound of footsteps and a happy conversation.

“Going to school in groups, leaving school in groups huh……” 1

“Fuhihi, it’s so nostalgic isn’t it. I’m quite popular too at that time…… Ah, it’s nothing please forget about it.”

The reason Ryuusei muttered those words is because it’s the first time he has ever heard of it. When he was still in elementary school, there’d always be a car to send him off at school and pick him up. He felt a little sentimental remembering that, but upon hearing Mayumi’s wrong guess at his feeling who had no way to know his circumstance, he lightly smiled.

“Kohinata-san, thanks for always taking care of Misaki.”

“You’re welcome, you can count on me anytime.”

“Thank you once again, really. Hey Misaki, you should give her your thanks too.”


“No not that, I mean just simply saying thanks.” (Ryuusei)

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Misaki obediently nods.

Misaki stopped walking, and the two followed suit.

“Thank you.”

“……T-, this, it feels somehow ticklish isn’t it. Hihi”

Mayumi with embarrassed look, and Ryuusei’s gentle expression. Misaki feels happy watching the two of them like this.

“Oh by the way, Misaki and Kohinata-san what were you two doing earlier?”

Mayumi’s shoulders shiver in fear.

If the topic about manga is brought up then there’s the possibility of……

Mayumi looked at Misaki, taking in a deep breath while also gulp down her saliva.

Her hands drenched in sweat.

“……A lot?”

“I see, a lot huh.”

Fuuu, Mayumi breath a sigh of relief. Although she said that a lot happened, but actually they were just drawing the entire time, but if Misaki-chan says so then Mayumi has no objections.

“So you played with Kohinata-san?”


Misaki nodded after a small pause to think.

Actually, Misaki was trying to keep the fact that she’s practicing drawing a secret. As for the reason why she did that, it’s because Yui kept telling her “It’s for surprise!” all the time.

“I see, that’s good then. ……Kohinata-san, she’s not interrupting your work is she?

“No not at all, I also have fun playing with Misaki-chan too, yes.”

“If you said so then I’m glad. But, if you want any help then just give me the book you want me to…… you know. Wait no, not the book please. Maybe five years later, no, give me ten years.”

“I have safe-for-work books too you know! Also, there’s no way I’ll let Misaki-chan see those books!”

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What are you two talking about? Misaki tilted her head.

Naturally, Misaki who’s still just six years old doesn’t understand what safe-for-work books meant at all. But seeing the two talking about it so happily, Misaki starts to get a little curious about this “Safe-for-work books” that they mentioned.

After they’ve arrived at the public bathhouse, the three of them split into two groups as usual. Since from the October of last year until April of this year Misaki had been in Tosaki’s house all this time, so it’s only recently that she takes a bath together with Mayumi again. However, it seems like the experience of something people did together for some time won’t disappear that easily, so the two take the bath together in their usual manner just like half a year ago.

After taking a bath. Usually Ryuusei would be the one to comes out of the bath faster than her, but today she can’t see Ryuusei at his usual place, so Mayumi thought that maybe he hasn’t take a bath yet, and sits on a nearby chair waiting for him.

Both Mayumi and Misaki are sitting idly with Misaki on her lap, but then suddenly, Misaki pulled on Mayumi’s cloth.

“Hmm? What’s the matter?”


Misaki raise her finger up, pointing to somewhere. When Mayumi look into that direction, what she saw is a pair of parent and a child drinking milk from bottles.

“That’s milk you know~”


“Ohー, you’re very clever.”

Mayumi applaused.


“It sure is~, Misaki-chan you like milk?”


“You never drink one before?”


“Eh, they didn’t serve milk together with lunch in the pre-school?”

Misaki nodded. Mayumi goes “Hoheー” and made a silly sound.

Long time ago it was common for pre-schools to serve lunch together with milk, but in recent years there had been complaints about health damage from drinking milk, so there are some pre-school that didn’t serve luch with milk. And the Ponpoko Nursery school that Misaki used to attened was one of them.

That aside, Misaki’s very interested in this unknown delicacy. And although Mayumi couldn’t see Misaki’s expression from her point of view, but she fully understood what Misaki’s thinking from the atmosphere she’s radiating.

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“You wanna drink?”


Misaki nodded then hops onto the floor. Hurry up hurry up, her eyes seems to be saying so.

“Fuhihi, you’re so cute.”


“It’s nothing you knowー”

Heave-ho, Mayumi got up while saying so. She then walks toward the store, with Misaki following behind her.

“Sure thing, here you go.”

She bought two bottles of milk, opened one’s cap and hand it over to Misaki. Misaki grabbed the bottle with two hands, staring at it with curiosity.


“Un, it’s really white isn’t itー”

Sniff sniff.


“Fuhihi, make sure you don’t spill it okayー”

Said Mayumi, before proceeding to drink her milk bottle in one go.

“Puhaaa, drinking white cloudy liquid after a bath is sure great! Ah, no I didn’t mean it in any indecent meaning no not at all, rather it’s just my natural reflex, or should I say my occupational disease…… But who am I excusing myself to again, silly me.”

As she slowly look down, her eyes met with Misaki’s.

Those eyes are so innocent that it’s harsh on her mind, Mayumi has to looked away.


“……U-, un. It sure isー”

That sounds like a lie, Misaki thought. There’s no way this smelly drink is delicious, a little suspicious.

Somehow I’m not being doubted!? Panicked Mayumi, for now she decided to do some PR for the milk.

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“Ummm, you see, milk is very rich in nutrition you knowー”


“Yup. There’s a lot of calcium, so it make your body grows tall.”

“Thank you for the drink.” (Itadakimasu)

“Aheh!? Amazing, what a respond.”

Misaki’s very reactive to the word ‘grows tall’. It’s not like she’s having an inferior complex from short stature or anything, it’s only just that she wants to be taller. For example it’s a little hard for her current self to open the door to her house, or that when she walks with Ryo-kun she for some reason felt some distance between she and him, or that she thought she has to grows taller so that she could hold hands with Ryo-kun or else it’s going to be difficult to do so, for Misaki her current short stature is a matter of life and death to her.


Misaki who had performed a splendid chug of milk, looked bitter and keep the milk bottle away from her face. After that she moves her shoulder up and down while also rearranging her breath. As for why Mayumi’s cheeks reddened from seeing Misaki like that, it’s better if you don’t know the reason behind it.

Mayumi shakes her head.

“So umm, Misaki-chan, you want to be taller?”


Misaki strongly nodded, then suddenly she stretched her hand out and hand over the milk bottle to Mayumi. One more! That’s what she meant.

It is very rare for Misaki to express her desire so strongly, and thus Mayumi tried to buy the second bottle of milk without hesitation. However at the last minute she decided not to, she then lower herself to match with Misaki’s eyes height and raise up one finger.

“Milk is drank only once per day.”


“Right, once.”


Misaki nodded with a seemingly relieved expression. Looks like the taste of milk isn’t quite to Misaki’s liking. However, not drinking it is never an option in Misaki’s heart.

“Tomorrow too.” (Misaki)

“Un, let’s drink it again tomorrow.”

And so, Misaki’s milk life (temporary) has begun. Her goal is of course, about the same height as Ryo-kun.

※Misaki-chan is a completely healthy girl with no allergies whatsoever.

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