Side story 33: Misaki and train and a girl.

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Clang clang. (Train sound)

Clang clang.

Today’s weekend, the time is at noon. But there’s only a few people here on this train that passes through the city outskirts from the urban area. Ryuusei’s sitting on the corner seat that lined up along the train’s wall, and next to him is Misaki who’s holding onto the tickets tightly with her eyes shining while looking outside the window.


Half of Misaki’s legs were sitting on the seat, they’re is swinging back and forth as if to show her curiosity.

Seeing that, Ryuusei smiled happily.

“Are you having fun?”


Misaki followed the objects that are passing by one by one with her eyes, sometimes also moves her head along as well.


“Hahaha, you’re right.”

Currently Ryuusei’s heading toward the place called Rumei City seven stations away. There’s a shopping mall near the station, and also a ton of restaurants near that area.

The place called Starina is a new cake shop in that area, and it’s famous for its great cake. I found this place when I was searching for a shop to buy cake for Misaki’s birthday, but apparently it’s a very popular shop so it takes at least two days to receive the cake after ordering it.

……I don’t know just how many people are going to be there, but I should prepare myself to wait at least an hour in the worst case.

Ryuusei muttered in his heart, eyes looking at a somewhere faraway. At that moment, his thigh was tapped.


When he look at her, Misaki immediately points her finger at something. Since it seems like her finger was following something, Ryuusei thought that maybe she has something that she wanted to show him and so he follow his eyes along. However, he noticed it a little too late.


Still having her finger pointing out, Misaki look at Ryuusei, her shoulders dropped in dejection.

“Is there something there?”


It’s already gone. Ryo-kun’s slow.

I’m so sorry Misaki!

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Or so they spoke with their eyes looking at each other and,

“Misaki, do you have any idea where we’re heading to?”


“That’s right. Then, do you know what kind of cake shop it is?”

“What kind?”

Puzzled Misaki.

Isn’t a cake shop just a cake shop?

“Well you see, the cakes over there are a real treat you know.”


Ryuusei tried to get Misaki’s spirit high.

Misaki isn’t very excited about it.

“If normal cakes are an one, then the cakes there are about a hundred. That’s a hundred times more than usual you know, a hundred times!”


“That’s right, hundred times.”

“Mount Fuji?”

With a thud, Ryuusei unintentionally tried to be funny by acting like a manga in Showa era.

“It’s a thousand time!”

A sudden voice.

Both Ryuusei and Misaki turned their eyes toward where the voice came from. And there was a girl about the same age as Misaki’s, and her height is the same as Yui’s, standing there alone.

“……A lost kid?”

“I’m not a lost kid. Mika’s going on an inspection tour of her elementary school.”

Upon hearing the word ‘inspection’, Ryuusei almost burst out a laugh.

“I see, then where’s your dad and mom?”

“Mika is alone.”

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Ryuusei is honestly surprised. She’s quite a mature kid.

“Going to see your elementary school, so you just entered first grade……?”

“Yes, Mika is now a first grader.”

“Ohー, then you’re just like Misaki aren’t you. So you’re going to go to school by train?”

“No, I’ll move when the school starts.”

“Hehー, so where’s your school at?”

“It’s near the mansion where my onee-sama lives…… Hah, very clever of you to tried to lead me with such questions. I almost slipped out my personal information without thinking.”

She wiped her forehead with a sigh, and then the girl sits next to Misaki.

“Your dad, he’s a real deal isn’t he.”


“Ah, your onii-san?”




Neither a dad or a big brother but a Ryo-kun.

Are they relatives?

“Well that aside now it’s about the cake! The cake!”


“Mika has been there many times. They’re so good at they’ll melt your cheeks away.”

Seeing the girl wiggles her hands on her own cheeks, Misaki thought.




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“It doesn’t hurt!”

Misaki holds her cheeks with her trembling hands.

The girl gets desperate and continue to tell her the cake’s appeal.

Ryuusei just watched the scene with heartwarming feeling.

To approach and talk to a complete stranger without being on guard is surely something only young kids can do. However, that’s a very dangerous thing to do in the society of this era. Ryuusei really doubted her parent’s competency as they just let her out here alone.

“The cakes are really goo…… Somehow I felt a gaze on me.”

Suddenly the girl stares sharply at somewhere. Both Misaki and Ryuusei also follow her eyes as well. And over there is a figure of a dangerous person that Ryuusei knew very well.



Ryuusei’s eyes and the lolicon’s met.

The lolicon looked away with vexed expression and then hurriedly stands up. The timing was just right and the train stops, the lolicon ran off swiftly.

“What a suspicious person. Please excuse me while I’m making a report.”

The girl took out her smartphone from the cute bag she had on her shoulder before skilly begins to operate it. In that moment, Ryuusei got a glimpse of what’s inside her bag. In there was something that look like a stun gun, and surely it wasn’t just his imagination.

Ryuusei just did a dogeza to her parents in his heart.

“Reporting complete. Then again! Back to the cake!”

The girl began talking with Misaki again. And although her outward appearance hasn’t changed from earlier, but Ryuusei couldn’t look at the girl the same way again. I see, so apparently the reason she was not on guard with me was because I have a young kid―― Misaki with me.

Elementary schoolers these days are sure scary. And at the same time he thought of that, Ryuusei also thought of teaching Misaki some self-defense arts.

And then, the train has arrived at the next station.

“They beat out a shop from Germany at the sales festival two years ago for the second place―― Hah, I have to get off at this station!”

The girl hurriedly stands up.

“What’s your name!?”


“Misaki-chan! See you again!”

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She quickly spoke, before trotting away.

Misaki and Ryuusei looked at the girl as she walks away, after that the train began to move again, and they just looked at each other without speaking anything.

“……What a strange kid.”


“Oh, yeah right.”

Clang clang. (Train sound)

Clang clang.

“It’d be great if she’s in the same school as yours.”


“Eh, did you two talked about that already?”

Shakes shakes.




“Ahー, so there was the name of a different elementary school written on it huh.”


Misaki with calculating eyes is great too, thought Ryuusei.

“Misaki, do you know what your school name is?”

“Kazaoka Minami?”

That sounds like a person name, thought Ryuusei.

And also at the same time, it’s the first time he knew the name of the Misaki’s school, which is Kazaokaminami. (South Kazaoka)

“You’re really looking forward to it huh.”


With a smile, he vowed in his heart that when he got home he’ll read those documents even if it killed him.

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