Misaki Side story 35

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Side story 35: Yui has become an elementary school student.

“Welcome back!!” (Yui)

“Yes, I’m back.” (Yui)

Eight o’clock in the evening. When Yui opened the door to her room, Yui ran up to her with all her might and jumped to Yui as usual.

“Listen mama! At the school you see! At the school, it’s that! An elementary schooler now!”

Said Yui with a proud look. Of course Yui doesn’t understand what she’s trying to say at all, but instead she saw a beautiful color in her. A dazzling bright color full of joy. Only just looking at it made Yui forgot that she’s exhausted from work in the first place.

“I’m glad then. Did you make any friends?”


Yui quickly pulled herself away from Yui, then spread her small arms as wide as she could. Yui gave her a satisfied look, then crouch down to match her eyes’ level with Yui’s.

“That’s very wonderful. Make sure you treasure them well.”


Yui raised her hand cheerfully.

Yui pats on her head, then narrowed her eyes with a fuu.

“Please make sure you make lots of friend alright.”

“Yes! I’ll do my best until I have the same amount of friends as mama’s!”

Said Yui with a big smile on her face.

Upon hearing her daughter’s words, mu, Yui frowned.

“That’s quite a small goal don’t you think so. Let’s make a lot more friends than mama’s alright.”


That’s impossible isn’t it!? Yui made a face as if saying so.

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“Yui, let’s have a match with mama alright.”


“If you can make more friends than mama, it’s your win.”

“W-, why is it suddenly the last boss fight……”

Yui hug her own shoulders with pale face.

Yui raised the corner of her mouth, puffing her chest out mightily with her hands on her hip.

“Fuhahahaha, the great demon lord has appeared. Are you ready to fight to protect this world?”


“That’s right, the world.”

The fire in Yui’s eyes lit up with a sense of duty.

“I’m going to fight!”

And thus a young hero was born.

Confronted by the hero, the great demon lord fearlessly smiled and nodded.

“Then, you’ll have to chant the name of your friends. Everytime you chant one, my HP will decrease. As for the amount of HP I have, it’s the same amount as the number of friends I made when I’m still an elementary schooler.”


Menacing menacing. (Jojo’s sfx)

The tension runs high between the two.

“Tosaki Misaki!”

“That’s too bad, your sister doesn’t count.”


This is going to be a tough fight. Yui takes a deep breath.

“Nanamori Rumi!”

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“Hohou, what kind of girl is she?”

“An Idol!”

“Very well. Is there anyone else?”

Seeing Yui still having a relaxed expression on her face, Yui goes “You’re not fazed at all!?” with surprised look. However, she can’t give up just yet because she has to protect this world!

“Itou Shizuru!”

“Guhah-, the great demon lord has been defeated. Victory goes to the hero Yui.”


Uuugh, Yui kneels down on the floor, holding her chest as if in she’s in pain. Actually, she only ever had one friend. And even more so, only for a short period of time at that. Yui who had no way of knowing this, has a dumbfounded look on her face, her eyes rounded up in surprise and her mouth open wide.

“Bon appetit!” (Yui)

“Yes, bon appetit.” (Yui)

Time passes, and now it’s time for the meal. The two are sitting facing each other, and on the table are Curry Rice and Karaage, and then a plate of cabbage-based salad. Of course, all the food’s size on Yui’s side of the table are made to fit her stomach.


Yui loves Karaage. She stabs one of them with a fork—bite-sized— and stares at it in ecstasy. After that she opens wide her little mouth, and then eats it in one go.

“Please take your time eating it, there’s still plenty left.”


But it was too late. Yui has already put a lot of Karaage in her mouth that her cheeks puffed out just like a hamster’s. Yui scolded her daughter for her bad manners, but at the same time she also felt happy seeing her daughter eating the food she prepared so deliciously.

“Gulp. Mama!”

“Yes, what is it?”

“Don’t you think the demon lord is too weak?”

Her nonchalant words pierced straight through Yui‘s heart!

“Yui, how was your elementary school?”


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Yui stood up with the fork still in her hand.

Not even noticing that the subject has been changed within a moment.

“You see! The gymnasium, lots of people! Really really lots! Just like the festival! And also, we did the self-introduction thing! And I nailed it! Nailed! Ah, my sensei you see! She’s called Rei-sensei! And then――”

Yui didn’t stop talking at all. Looking at her sparkly eyes and her colors, Yui happily chatted with her daughter. Apparently her daughter is the complete opposite from herself. That is supposed to be something to be happy about, but everytime she thinks of that, Yui felt a little down because it reminded her of him.

I wonder where is he and what he’s doing right now.


What’s wrong? Those worried eyes looked at her, and Yui finally comes to her senses.

“……I apologize. I was just reminisicing a bit about my friend.”


“No not him. A different person.”

“Is it the person I know?”

“No, you don’t know that person Yui.”

“So what’s that person like!?”

“That person is a very, very wonderful person.”

“Wonderful person!”

Yui leaned forward with her hands on the table.

“Is that person a first-class lady?”

“No, that person is a man.”

“Ahー! Mama you’re cheating!”


Yui tilted her head in confusion at the unexpected words. Yui continued speaking without pause.

“Even though you married Ryo-kun already! I’m disappointed in you!”

“No I’m not married to him.”

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“Ehー!? But, Misaki’s already my sister isn’t she!”

“There’s a deeper reason for that.”

“What kind of reason is it I wanna know!?”

Yui becomes very curious. When Misaki told her that she’s going to be her little sister, Yui didn’t ask her how or why. And Yui assumed that maybe the fact that Yui now have a little sister of her own might already too much for her and she probably isn’t that interested in the difficult circumstances behind it so she never told her, but apparently that has caused a big misunderstanding.

Me, married to him……?

“Yui, the curry’s getting cold you know.”

“Ha!? Didn’t noticed it at all!”

Yui who hadn’t taken a single bite yet, hurriedly plunged her spoon into the curry. And immediately after she put the sweet curry in her mouth, her expression becomes mild. At the same time, the talk about marriage think has already disappeared from her head.

Yui spectacularly changed the subject. However the person herself couldn’t get Yui’s words off of her mind.

Sure his color is similar to that person, but they’re definitely not the same person. And if you asked her what she thinks of him individually, she’d say he’s just the worst. Aside from his face that looks exactly like a girl, Yui doesn’t like Ryuusei’s personality at all.

He often thinks about rude things, often doesn’t think things through which is kind of annoying, but he still properly listen to other’s opinion and read the atmosphere to some degree so I think I might be able to forgive him a bit, but I personally hates his personality of saying things that are difficult to say without any hesitation, and although I don’t want him to talk about my work and stuff but it turned out that he solved one of my problem, and even though if he’s not there at that puppet show things might not have gone so well, if you asked me if all of those things helped to improve my opinion of him or not…… Well that aside, I was so stunned when I learned about Misaki-chan’s situation, not only he’s unreliable as a parent, but also disgraceful and unsightly, apart from that’s just how a human is so he’s not so ba――

Ahhh geez! Why is my rating of him slowly getting higher and higher every single time!? Isn’t this too weird!?

Yui furiously frowned, then throws the adult-sized Karaage into her mouth. She knew that it was a bad table manner but still kept doing it, chewing the food rudely.

Yui‘s in a very bad mood no matter how you look at it.

Seeing her mother like this, Yui however, mufufun put on an unchildlike expression on her face.

“Yui, I have to mention that there’s some tomatoes left in the fridge. Please wait for a bit I’m going to add them into your salad.”

“There’s no salad here!”

Yui quickly hides the salad under the table.

But you cannot hide things from Yui. Yui’s thoughts are already completely deciphered.

Talking about that person is a no-no, Yui said grimly.

When I talks about Ryo-kun mama becomes really funny and interesting, Yui reconfimed this fact.

The night of Yui’s first day of becoming an elementary schooler.

In this Tosaki household, such conversations are being unfolded.

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