“Is Tang Jin really so petty? I couldn’t tell. The envy is almost pouring out of the screen hahaha.”

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“I feel so bad for Tang Jin! Even though they worked together so many times, isn’t Ye Fan going to give her any face?”

“Who’s the real liar here, can’t you tell? Tang Jin said herself she was on good terms with Li Qiong, but Ye Fan is the one walking the red carpet with her. That’s a slap in her face!”

“Ye Fan and Tang Jin fans, are you going to tear this post apart with your fight?”

The bickering of the fans would go on till tomorrow on the gossip forum.

Especially Tang Jin and Ye Fan. They were like fire and water. The fans may never know who was wrong on the red carpet.

On the other end.

A light was on in the room and a college student sat in front of his laptop.

Ye Li was staring at the computer without looking away, her fingers speedily pressing one key after the other.

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She had already been battling online for a long time. Not only were her fingers tired, her throat was getting a little dry too.

Ye Li subconsciously picked up the cup on the table and she took a sip.

However, the cup was long empty. She cursed and stood up.

When Ye Li was pouring herself a cup of water, she saw light pouring through the cracks of the door. The light in the living room was still on.

She walked out of the room and found that Nie Weiru was still awake.

“Mom.” Ye Li casually complained, “Why doesn’t Ye Fan ever come back?”

Just thinking about her allowance made her angry.

Since Ye Fan no longer meddled in the family’s finances, Nie Weiru could only scrape off a bit of her own savings to give to Ye Li.

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After all, Nie Weiru squeezed quite a bit of money out of the original Ye Fan previously.

Since childhood, Nie Weiru had always instilled the idea that a mother was most important to the original Ye Fan, but Ye Fan wouldn’t even come home now.

Just thinking about what Ye Fan said previously made her worry for Tang Jin.

Tang Jin and Ye Fan were both in the entertainment industry and have been in frequent contact recently. Will Tang Jin’s identity be revealed one day?

Nie Weiru scolded Ye Li. “Why are you so insensible?”

“Your sister’s a big star now, how can she come home whenever she wants?”

“But she’s not even my real sister.” Ye Li pouted.

Nie Weiru laughed. “How can our pitiful little temple accommodate a great Buddha like her?”

She was tight-lipped and always kept Tang Jin’s matter hidden.

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Even if it was her own daughter, Ye Li, she must not break the secret she had been hiding for so many years.

Ye Li did not even expect that Nie Weiru would speak for Ye Fan.

She said impatiently, “Got it, got it.”

Ye Li was pissed. She went back and posted a few more posts about Tang Jin and didn’t forget to write badly about Ye Fan too.

Ye Fan arrived at the studio ready for the day’s scenes.

After her makeup was done, she walked out. When he saw Ye Fan, He Han’s eyes paused.

Ye Fan was going to be wearing shackles on today’s scene. Right now, there were two pairs of black shackles on her wrists and ankles that looked quite heavy.

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Even though they were props, they still weren’t so light. Ye Fan had fair and delicate skin. In just a short while, red imprints began to appear on her wrists.

Ye Fan looked at it but it didn’t bother her.

He Han kept on watching Ye Fan and his gaze stopped at her wrists.

The red marks were particularly obvious on her fair skin.

He Han’s eyebrows were knitted into a slight frown.

He turned around and his emotions were hard to decipher.

Today’s part was a scene between her and He Han.

Too much has happened these days. One after another they came, almost disrupting Ye Fan’s plans completely.

She didn’t want Dudu to be exposed, but unexpectedly, Dudu had already met He Han, and the two have been in contact for quite some time.

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