Qi Shu gave everyone a copy of the script. It contained the English phrases to be memorized for the contest.

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Everyone took a few looks at it and found the phrases to be difficult to understand.

Ye Fan looked at the sheet of paper before clutching it a bit tightly.

Qi Shu exclaimed, “Once the time is up, I’ll be taking away your script. Then, you guys will be assessed according to the ballots you draw.”

Qi Shu looked at the time, “Now, the timer has started.”

Everyone grabbed their scripts and found their own places to sit. They memorized the scripts, the hall ringing in murmurs.

Ye Fan sat down and concentrated on reading the script. She first skimmed through everything in order to get a rough understanding of the content. Then, she started memorizing phrases.

Ye Fan read it seriously. She was tight on time so she couldn’t waste a single second.

The contestants nervously memorized their scripts. Qi Shu and He Han sat in the backstage and glanced at the contestants on cameras.

Only the two  of them were nearby right now.

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Qi Shu purposely asked, “Who do you think is more likely to win the competition this time?”

He Han glanced softly at him. “Who do you think?”

Qi Shu dragged out his words, “Probably Chang Su. She’s been in the entertainment circle for many years and has abundant experiences. She’d definitely be able to handle this situation.”

He Han looked at Qi Shu, saying nothing.

“Oh? You don’t think so?” Qi Shu lifted his brows.

He Han didn’t answer. His pitch-black eyes looked straight at Ye Fan.

There was an undetectable smile on He Han’s cold face.

He looked forward to Ye Fan’s performance.

Ye Fan memorized a few times and the majority of the content was already engraved in her mind. She just needed to memorize a few lines.

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Ye Fan then lifted her head to look at the clock on the wall.

There were ten minutes left until the contest began.

Ye Fan took in a deep breath and continued to look through her script.

She focused on reading her lines and quickly memorized it inside her heart.

Time slowly passed. Ye Fan had finished memorizing everything. The lines became clearer and clearer inside her heart.

Ye Fan lifted her head to look at the time. There was five minutes left.

Ye Fan placed her script down and shifted her gaze.

Ye Fan closed her eyes.

She silently read the script but that scene floated in her mind.

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This was a scene between lawyers and the two parties were debating.

Ye Fan knew that this assessment wasn’t simply testing their memories. They needed to act alongside someone else. Since it was acting, she needed to get immersed and understand the character’s emotions.

If she was just memorizing her lines robotically and neglected the character’s emotions, then she lost from the start.

Ye Fan imagined the scene and thought carefully. The scene became clearer to her.

Qi Shu asked strangely on the backstage, “She still has five minutes to memorize her script so why doesn’t she continue to read it?”

Everyone else was still memorizing their script but only Ye Fan stopped.

When He Han saw Ye Fan’s action, he knew that she knew the meaning behind the assessment. He revealed an admirable gaze.

He Han tilted his head and glanced at Qi Shu, half-smiling. “You think that this scene requires just memorizing your script?”

“One needs to memorize the script, understand the emotions in the scene, and become completely immersed. Each one is essential.” He Han gradually said.

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He Han continued to look at Ye Fan, fixated.

Ye Fan didn’t know that He Han had his eyes on her the entire time.

There was only two minutes left.

Time was about to be up. Ye Fan quickly swept her gaze over the script to make sure she memorized everything correctly.

Everyone was using the last bit of time to do their best to memorize the script. The atmosphere was silent and anxious.

Time was finally up.

The staff members collected the scripts.

Everyone wore different expressions.

From their expressions, one could tell how assured the contestants were towards the competition.

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