Some contestants will not be able to memorize the lines and make mistakes while they are on stage, while others will only memorize the lines rigidly and forget to inject the emotions into them.

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This was only the second official challenge, so she didn’t expect things to get so difficult already.

Since they are in groups of two, there will be arguments among the contestants. Some will even choose to steal the spotlight in order to overpower their opponents.

It can be said that the true thoughts of many contestants will finally be revealed during this challenge.

Ye Fan did not care too much about it and silently sat there, memorizing the lines quietly and extremely seriously. After a few hours of memorizing the script, she could just about remember all of it.

At this time, a knock came at the door. “Can I enter?”

Chang Su was in the practice room next door. When she was about to leave, she found that the door was half-open, and someone seemed to be inside.

When she walked to the door, she heard Ye Fan’s voice.

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Ye Fan’s enunciation was clear and her lines were recited strongly. It sounds as if she had been practicing hard.

Chang Su subconsciously knocked on the door and walked inside.

She sat in front of Ye Fan. “You haven’t left yet?”

Ye Fan nodded. “It’s quiet here. I just finished memorizing the lines.”

Chang Su thought for a moment. “Why don’t we try a scene together?” She had good memory so she could just about memorize the lines. When there’s someone to practice with, it’ll be easier to get into it.

Ye Fan was stunned for a moment, but she responded, “Sure.”

“Let’s do this one.” Chang Su pointed to one of the lines on the cover, “Sisters’ Prison Confrontation”.

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Both of them had read the script. This was the most difficult scene among all of them given by the program.

Two best friends who had grown up together, Ah Su and Cheng Qin, ended up in different positions. Ah Su became a traitor while Cheng Qin became an undercover spy.

The spy Cheng Qin was arrested and the person who interrogated her is her former sister, Ah Su.

Chang Su and Ye Fan selected their roles and each of them went through the lines again.

Chang Su was playing the traitor Ah Su while Ye Fan played the spy Cheng Qin. They put down their scripts and the scene began.

The two actresses got into their roles quickly and it felt as if they had returned back to old Shanghai during the Republican era.

The light was dim and the atmosphere was eerie. The surroundings were immersed in the dark, deep night.

Ye fan sat in the middle of the cell with her head down and body slightly bent forward. seemingly exhausted both physically and mentally from the long interrogation.

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Chang Su walked in and slowly read out a name. “Cheng Qin.”

Ye Fan raised her head and swept a somewhat harsh gaze on Chang Su. “It’s you?”

Chang Su walked towards Ye Fan while laughing, “You really are tight-lipped aren’t you? Since you wouldn’t spill anything, the top brass sent me to talk to you.”

Ye Fan sneered. Her body even trembled a little from her laughter. She moved her gaze to the wall, no longer looking at Chang Su as if she was completely disdainful of her.

Chang Su grabbed Ye Fan’s chin fiercely and leaned down, staring into her eyes.

“Cheng Qin, look at me,” Chang Su said fiercely. “Don’t be like in the past. Your identity has already been revealed, do you think you can still act all high and mighty?”

Ye Fan’s chin was lifted high and there was a twisted look of savagery from her movements, but she still kept a straight back and the righteousness and pride in her did not decrease in the slightest.

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Ye fan faintly opened her lips, speaking out her name in a soft but slightly helpless voice. “Ah Su.”

Chang Su was suddenly stunned in place. She had heard that name so many times since she was young.

But Chang Su quickly came back to her senses. She knows that she can’t be disoriented by Ye Fan. This is just a tactic.

Ye Fan is a spy and has received countless training. They are standing on different sides now. This person is no longer the friend she grew up with.

“Who is behind your actions?” Chang Su’s eyes narrowed. “Are they from Chongqing’s side or Yan’An?”

Ye Fan knew that Chang Su had already seen through her disguise, but her lips were pursed and she didn’t say a single word.

Her lips had turned pale, but her expression remained firm. The hand hanging at her side was clenched tightly, hiding her emotions to the extreme points.

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