Ch.319 Telling the Truth (4)

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Ye Fan, "Goodbye, Mrs. Tang."

Jian Lan turned around and left while Ye Fan watched her go. After a while, she left as well.

Leaving the party, Ye Fan got into the company's van and returned home.

Under the hazy moonlight, the wind of the winter night brushed through the long street. Since it was late, there was no sunlight. The temperature dropped so much that her breath would turn into a white mist when she exhaled.

The car stopped. When she was about to leave, she thanked the driver. "Sorry for troubling you today. It's cold out so you should go home early, too."

After getting out of the car, it slowly drove away.

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Ye Fan was just about to walk into the building when her eyes stopped on a car not far away. Ye Fan had seen this car before.

In order to see Dudu, He Han had swapped to a new car on purpose. He didn't want to be photographed by the paparazzi.

Ye Fan's eyes sank. So He Han was already here. The indications of what were going to happen next made her nervous.

She tried to stabilize her emotions and got on the elevator.

When she entered the door, she could see a pair of men's shoes at the entrance. She quickly scanned the living room, but nobody was there.

At this time, the shut door of the room suddenly opened. He Han walked out with Dudu in his arms.

He Han's eyes flickered when he saw Ye Fan. "You're back." He Han's tone was calm as if he were just greeting her normally.

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But Ye Fan could hear the nervousness in his voice. His voice was slightly stiff. It seemed like he hadn't been able to calm his mind yet for what was happening later.

Ye Fan did not want Dudu to see her being nervous, so she also stabilized her voice. "Where's Granny Li?" Even though she made so much noise just now, Nanny Li never appeared.

He Han had already walked over to her with Dudu in his arms. "Granny Li's grandson is home alone, so I told her she could return early."

Ye Fan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Nanny Li wasn't around. She was going to come clean to Dudu with He Han tonight. If Nanny Li were here too, then she had no idea how she was going to cover things up.

The atmosphere was somewhat silent at the moment. Both Ye Fan and He Han were not speaking. Even at this critical moment, they had no idea what sort of topic they could use to help coax Dudu.

Dudu was nestled in He Han's arms. He pointed to Ye Fan's clothes.

"Mama, why don't you take off your coat?" Dudu sounded a little puzzled.

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Only then did Ye Fan feel the stuffiness. Her heart had been hanging on threads the whole time. She had completely forgotten to take her coat off. She unzipped her coat and hung it at the side.

Ye Fan walked towards Dudu, and He Han set him down on the floor.

Holding He Han's hand with one hand, he took Ye Fan's hand with his other, chubby little hands bringing the three of them in a line. Dudu happily pulled the two of them to the sofa.

He Han was the first one to come to his senses. He glanced at Ye Fan before calling out Dudu's name.


His deep voice sounded. Ye Fan knew what he was going to say next and her palms had become sweaty. She clutched her hands in silence.

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Dudu tilted his head and looked at He Han, not noticing her reaction. "Uncle, are you going to play with Dudu? Uncle has to leave Dudu's house later."

The reason was because Ye Fan would always tell He Han to go home. She never let him stay for long.

Dudu was worried that He Han would be going home soon and fought to be able to play with him longer.

He Han felt his heart melt. He stroked Dudu's head. "Dudu, didn't you say you wanted a papa?"

Dudu blinked his eyes. He quickly stole a glance at Ye Fan before quickly covering He Han's mouth.

"Uncle, didn't you promise Dudu you wouldn't tell Mama?"

He made a promise with Uncle before this. Uncle said he wanted to be his Papa, but they weren't going to tell his mama about it. So why was Uncle bringing this up first?

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