Not only was the audience at the scene amazed by Ye Fan's performance, the audience on the barrage also kept commenting.

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"I'm not mistaken. Tang Jin seemed to want to hit Ye Fan just now. Was she deliberately looking for something, it was too much."

"Ye Fan is so cool. This drama can still be adapted in this way.

"The judges have said that they can play freely, and Tang Jin is not wrong in doing so."

"Tang Jin's fans have such a big face that letting you play is a chance to hit someone? Ye Fan has crushed Tang Jin with scum alone.

Fans of Ye Fan and Tang Jin fought again as usual on the barrage. However, they soon followed the situation on the stage.

On the stage, Ye Fan slightly raised his head and stood there slenderly and straightly. Tang Jin, on the other hand, had his head down, a sense of morale.

Qi Shu took the stage: "Now ask the judges to comment."

Qin Yun picked up the microphone, and her face was full of smiles: "Ye Fan, I have never thought about this role before."

"You completely overturned the indifference of the original character and implanted a new image in everyone's hearts."

"I am very satisfied with this adaptation."

Even the original starring role in this play has affirmed Ye Fan, it is conceivable how good Ye Fan's performance this time.

Qin Yun turned to Tang Jin, his tone faded: "Tang Jin, the momentum behind you is a little weak."

In fact, her words were very euphemistic. Tang Jin heard his face pale.

Qin Yun continued: "You should think about it, if you are overshadowed by the people in the show, what should you do."

Tang Jin's face turned paler.

He Han looked at Ye Fan and suddenly asked, "Ye Fan, how did you think of adding the last paragraph?"

Ye Fan thought for a while, and said, "Actually, De Fei's role is very cold. At first, she disdains others for her favor, and her character becomes more indifferent after being blackened."

"So even if she goes higher, she is doomed to be alone."

He Han's eyes moved slightly.

In fact, this sentence reveals Ye Fan's true thoughts.

In Ye Fan's mind, it is estimated that she has determined that she will go forward alone on the road of entertainment. No matter what happened, she would face it alone.

But he will stay with her.

Whether it's music, cinema, or something else.

This way, the two went side by side together.

His thoughts, he will tell her a little bit, let her understand his true heart.

He Han spoke slowly, and Qingying's voice sounded, "You have done a good job."

He stared at Ye Fan and spit out a sentence: "But in real life, even if some people reach the peak of their careers, they are not necessarily lonely. Someone will accompany you and go to the end."

Ye Fanzhe lived.

He Han's words were specious, as if something was hidden, as if he was quietly revealing something through the screen.

Ye Fan did not understand what the deep meaning in these words was, and none of the people present understood what He Han's words meant.

At this moment, He Han croaked his lips with a smile.

"Like your fans, like your family, they will always be with you."

He passed the sentence without a trace.

Ye Fan pursed his lips: "Thank you Mr. He."

He Han raised an eyebrow.

All of a sudden there were comments on the barrage.

"How do I see the inexplicable pinky smell? The cold nights couples are caught off guard each time they make sugar, but I like it."

"He Dashen always hides half of his words, which makes people think of breaking his head."

"He Han casually commented on it like this, you think too much."

Tang House.

The "Superstar Project" was shown on TV. Ye Fan and Tang Jin had already performed and were receiving comments from the judges.

Ye Fan and Tang Jin stood in the same row. Ye Fan's expression was faint, as if she could calmly resolve anything, but Tang Jin, who stood next to her, was the opposite of her.

Although there was no expression on Tang Jin's face, her eyes betrayed her. The failure of the performance just now has made her lose her place. It can be said that she was always suppressed by Ye Fan during the performance just now.

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For Tang Jin, who is arrogant, this is not an easy thing to accept.

Jane Lan sat in front of the TV. From the beginning of the show to the present, she has never left the sofa. She has been staring at the TV.

The judges have finished the performances of Ye Fan and Tang Jin, and they have stepped down. Jane Lan then looked away, and she raised her hand and rubbed her temple gently.

During the performance just now, Tang Jin played temporarily and wanted to take the opportunity to suppress Ye Fan. She reached out to Ye Fan and wanted to slap Ye Fan.

At that moment, Jane Lan's heart suddenly stunned, and she did not know whether it was for Tang Jin or Ye Fan.

A slight sigh fell into the living room, which was almost unheard of, and then dispersed.

Ye Lan's eyes flashed through Ye Fan's eyes, and those eyes were exactly like hers. She couldn't help but want to be close to Ye Fan.

Jane Lan has always been a decisive person, she doesn't want to keep this matter bothering her.

"Superstar Project" is still being recorded, she still has a lot of time to get close to Ye Fan.

After Ye Fan Tang Jin went on, the next pair to perform was Chang Su and Litmus.

Shi Rui had already panicked after knowing that this was an impromptu performance. If she were allowed to read the lines according to Taiben, she would still be able to pass the barrier. But now let her compose lines on the spot, and then play against people, she almost wants to abstain immediately.

What's more, the person who played with her was Chang Su. Chang Su was famous for her acting skills. She was really dying.

However, as soon as he came on stage, litmus could only bite his head.

Chang Su has never seen any scene. In a short time, she quickly constructed lines and scenes, and her attitude was very calm.

The play began, Chang Su said his lines, and then the litmus spoke, but as a result, litmus was so supportive that even the first line was unfavorable.

The performance of litmus is too bad, it is likely to affect Chang Su. Chang Su did not panic and acted calmly.

This play almost became Chang Su's one-man show, and litmus became the background wall.

What a joke.

After the performance, Shi Rui also knew that she was embarrassed and her face became red.

Qin Yun's words are very heavy. She criticized Shi Rui: "You can't act yourself and don't involve your opponents. If you don't know how to say lines, you can at least use expressions and body language to express it."

"Unfortunately, you didn't do anything. I'm really disappointed."

Litmus lowered her head and looked ugly.

When Qin Yun commented on Chang Su, her face was a little better: "Chang Su, you are doing well. You performed most of the play on this performance, but people couldn't help but want to watch it."

Regarding the performance of litmus, He Han only said a word, but was very severe.

His tone was cold: "I don't see any actor qualities in you."

This sentence is serious.

He Han said this sentence, too lazy to look at litmus again.

The barrage is also arguing loudly.

"No, litmus is too weak, at this level, and with his face holding Ye Fan hype, get out of the entertainment circle."

"Litstone still don't come to shame. It's humiliating to touch the porcelain Ye Fan who was crushed by Ye Fan, and she was abused by Chang Su.

"If it wasn't for Chang Su's mentality, she would be dragged down by litmus, who is terrible on her own, don't pull others into the water."

Time passed quietly, and everyone was over. After the show team counted the scores, Qi Shu called all the players over.

Qi Shu looked at you: "This improv performance, everyone saw their performance."

Ye Fan, Chang Su and other good performers looked calm, while Lithia those who performed poorly looked ugly.

Qi Shu glanced at Ye Fanchangsu and said, "Some people performed very well in this challenge, which shows that they can still maintain their excellent strength even on such occasions."

"And some people can see that they are completely unsuited to this game system and their mental quality is not strong enough. They will need to work harder in the future."

Qi Shu: "Now I will announce the results of this kick-off match."

Tang Jin immediately looked up and stared at Qi Shu.

If she hadn't become a formal player and still lost in the match with Ye Fan, then she would have lost her face.

Qi Shu: "Of the five players, only one person scores and is eligible to become a formal player."

Qi Shu's eyes slowly passed the five kickers, all of them were nervous, and some of them sweated in the palms.

Tang Jin clenched his hands tightly.

At this time, Qi Shu opened his mouth: "Tang Jin, congratulations on your successful kick-off, and you have become an official player."

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Tang Jin played Ye Fan this time. Although she was suppressed by Ye Fan, she was considered to have completed the entire performance.

Because Ye Fan is too good, Tang Jin's level is low. But compared with other kickers, Tang Jin's strength is a lot stronger.

Coupled with Tang Jin's victory over Chang Su by playing the guitar in the previous kick-off game, the two scores were combined, and her score was the highest, so she played kick-off successfully.

Tang Jinxin loosened, she finally did not lose too badly.

However, obviously she succeeded in playing the gym, why wasn't she happy?

Tang Jin looked at Ye Fan's back, her back was straight, her expression was indifferent.

The fear that was completely suppressed by Ye Fan just now came to Tang Jin's heart. Under Ye Fan's momentum, she had no power to fight back.

Tang Jin suddenly had an idea, and she would never act with Ye Fan anymore. This feeling of suffering, she never wanted to experience it again.

The kickoff game came to an end, but everyone's heart did not let go. Because half of the people will be eliminated in the next game, they must go all out.


When Mrs. He returned home, she was almost restless. Her heart was suddenly raised by the toot, not that He Han could calm down with a few words.

Mrs. He thought for a few days and called Cheng Ping.

He Han often went to Cheng Ping's home. The old lady He thought, Cheng Ping should know something about Dudu. She wanted to make a phone call and explore without any trace.

Immediately, Old Lady He thought about it, hung up the phone, and went directly to Cheng Ping's house in her car. It happened that she hadn't met Cheng Ping for a while, so she could stay there for dinner.

"Auntie." Cheng Ping saw the old lady He suddenly came to visit, and was a little stunned. "Why are you here?"

Mrs. He smiled: "I'll ask you something."

Cheng Ping asked Mrs. He to sit on the sofa and asked her to give her a cup of tea.

"Do you know who the girl He Han likes?" Asked Mrs. He curiously.

Previously, He Han had a favorite person, which was told by Mrs. He and Cheng Ping. Cheng Ping noticed that the girl was Ye Fan.

Cheng Ping froze and did not name Ye Fan.

Old Lady He saw Cheng Ping's hesitation and did not urge her. Mrs. He asked again: "You don't need to tell me who she is, you just tell me, is it possible for He Han and her?"

Cheng Ping thought about Ye Fan's attitude: "I guess it's a little overhanging, the girls don't seem to be interested."

Mrs. He looked very clear. She didn't tell Cheng Ping that she knew the reason.

If He Han had done something wrong, could he not accept He Han? If you change yourself, there will be a gap in your heart.

However, Mrs. He was curious, but she had promised He Han that she would not tell others about the toot and she would naturally keep it secret.

"Aunt." The sound of beeping milk made up the regret of Old Lady He.

As soon as Mrs. He heard the sound, she turned her head immediately. Dudu was wearing a thick cotton coat, almost wrapped into a ball.

But Dudu's small face is round and each of the five senses is exquisitely born. Even if dressed as a ball, it is also a cute ball.

Dudu obediently took off his shoes at the door, and put on slippers and walked in.

"Well." At the same time, Dudu also saw Old Lady He. Although he wondered how Old Lady He appeared here, he still called out politely.

"Grandma Zeng is fine."

Cheng Ping was surprised again, and she turned to look at Old Lady He: "Have you met? How did Dudu call your great-grandmother?"

Mrs. He smiled, and didn't tell Cheng Ping the truth: "I've seen Dudu at Hehan's house. Dudu is not like my great-grandson at this age."

Mrs. He beckoned to Dudu: "Dudu, come and sit."

Dudu walked obediently, Cheng Ping helped Dudu take off his thick coat, and a cartoon head was printed on his sweater.

"Aunt, mother is coming out." Dudu pointed his finger at the TV.

Cheng Ping smiled and helped Dudu turn on the TV. The old lady He sat with a light in her eyes. She didn't speak, but kept silently and duduly staring at the TV.

Tonight's "Superstar Project" has just finished broadcasting. Immediately, the channel will immediately broadcast this reality show.

Old Lady He guessed in her heart that Dudu's mother should be a star like He Han.

"Mom is out!" Dudu screamed happily, and he grinned as soon as he saw Ye Fan.

In order not to attract the attention of others, Mrs. He worked hard to suppress her excitement: "Which one is Dudu's mother?"

Dudu pointed Ye Fan with his chubby fingers, and enthusiastically answered with Mrs. He: "The most beautiful one is Dudu's mother."

Mrs. He looked at Ye Fan on the screen, and agreed: "Mutu's mother is the most beautiful."

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Dudu found out that the grandma Zeng was just like himself and liked his mother. He suddenly got close to Mrs. He a lot.

It is not because Mrs. He likes Ye Fan that he praises her.

Mrs. He took a closer look. Of all the players in the audience, Ye Fan was really the most eye-catching one, and it really matched He Han.

Mrs. He continued to watch the show with Dudu, and the manner in which Ye Fan spoke, her attitude towards things was also her appetite.

It is Ye Fan's credit that Tudu can be taught so well.

Mrs. He suddenly remembered that He Han's mother died when He Han was a child. He Han was brought up by her.

She knows better than anyone, even if she takes care of He Han as well, her mother's existence is essential.

Ye Fan, who raised Dudu alone, must have experienced a lot of hardships. Old Lady He glanced at the toot next to her, and couldn't help but red eyes.

She reached out and touched Dudu's head. She hoped that He Han would catch up with Ye Fan earlier, so that Ye Fan and Dudu would not be so hard.

Dudu didn't notice the mind of Mrs. He, who was just his mother's little sunflower. Where his mother was, his sight fell.

Cheng Ping, on the other hand, saw the strangeness of Mrs. He. Although she felt strange in her heart, she didn't think about it at all, she just thought that Mrs. He wanted a great grandson.

At the other end, the "Superstar Project" villa.

Because they have been resting for a week last week, they will return to the next round of elimination immediately after the holiday one day after the game.

Ye Fan was waiting for her team's car in the villa.

The other players had already left. She called Dai Jinshan and no one answered. After a while, Dai Jinshan issued a license plate number to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan left the villa and walked along the road outside.

Not far away was a black car that matched the license plate number given by Dai Jinshan. It was an extremely strange car that Ye Fan had never seen.

Ye Fan walked to the car and stopped.

The window rolled down, revealing a familiar face.

It was He Han.

Ye Fan squinted, wondering, "Why are you?"

He Han ticked his lips and said, "Oh. Why can't it be me?"

They only saw it on the show tonight, and every time the show came by a team driver. This time, He Han spun off her team. What's the intention?

He Han's face was slightly condensed, staring at Ye Fan with a smile, "Dudu is waiting for you at home. You only have one day. If you want to get along with him more ..."

He Han spit out a few words from his mouth: "Then get in the car." His tone was slow, but he was very strong, and she could not allow her to refuse.

Ye Fan stood outside the car, He Han stood inside the car, and the two looked at each other for a few seconds.

Although it's late at night, there are still some staff members who don't rest here. Ye Fan did not want to stay here, she had to open the door and sit in the co-pilot.

As soon as the door was closed, the noise outside quieted quietly. The compartment was so silent, only the air seemed to make a small sound as it flowed.

Ye Fan did not know that the moment she sat in the car, she had already entered He Han's plan.

Black cars drove low-key into the night. After leaving the villa area, on the road, the city has rich nightlife and bright lights, just like daylight.

Ye Fan subconsciously looked around, she didn't want to be photographed by He Pai with He Han.

He Han's Yu Guang glanced over, his lips slightly hooked, and said lightly: "The media is not familiar with this car and will not follow it."

Ye Fanwei glanced sideways, and He Han knew exactly what she was thinking.

She hummed and stopped talking. As long as I return home safely, I'm tired today, and I don't want to say much along the way.

The car drove smoothly for a while, and after a while, the route seemed to change.

He Han turned and went to another road and drove the car to high speed.

Ye Fan realized that something was wrong and narrowed his eyes. She spoke, her voice cold: "He Han, this is not my way home."

He Han said coldly: "I know."

Ye Fan turned his head and saw He Han's sharp side face, getting colder and sharper under the light that was not clear enough. He didn't look at her, he just drove straight ahead.

Ye Fan didn't panic and asked calmly, "Where are you going?"

He Han didn't answer, Ye Fan quickly looked back, clenched his hands, and the thoughts in his head quickly turned.

What does He Han want to do? No, more precisely, does he want to say something?

Did he know the truth? But this matter is clear to her alone. Where did He Han know?

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Ye Fan couldn't think of the answer, but his thoughts became more and more chaotic.

She gradually became anxious, but quickly forced herself to calm down. After thinking, she thought of a way to test whether he knew.

Ye Fan adjusted his mentality, and then opened his mouth: "He Han, I know you are good to me and Dudu."

"You usually accompany Tuk Tuk and take him to many places so that Tuk Tuk is no longer alone."


"I'm very grateful for all this." Ye Fan counted He Han's goodness, unknowingly, and she had already recorded so much in her heart.

He Han didn't say anything, and a deep smile floated into his deep eyes.

With his light, he could see Ye Fan's calm face.

However, He Han can also judge how panic it is under this calm expression.

He had heard the temptation in Ye Fan's dialect for a long time, but now he was just observing her in silence, what would he continue to say?

Ye Fan turned his head and gathered his expression: "But there are too many things you are involved in."

He Han smiled meaningfully: "Really?"

Ye Fan emphasized earnestly: "Deep he is my son."

He Han didn't say anything. He bent his lips slightly, and suddenly laughed in the car.

The next second, he stepped on the accelerator, the car accelerated, and after off the highway, he made a few turns.

On a secluded road, the car stopped slowly.

While He Han hadn't said anything yet, Ye Fan lowered his head, unfastened his seat belt, and wanted to find a chance to leave.

At this moment, Ye Fan's movement was a meal, she noticed that a force suddenly held her.

When her behavior was stopped, He Han had turned over and looked at her.

The man's cold breath came towards her.

"He Han." Ye Fan's eyes darkened, and he read his name.

Ye Fan's eyes were hanging down, and she saw that He Han's distinct hands clenched her arms. His attitude was obvious and he was not allowed to leave.

The night was extremely dark, and the street lights outside came in the cold light. The lights shone brightly on their faces, and they could clearly see each other's features.

Ye Fan raised his eyes and looked up at He Han.

He Han's eyes locked on her, serious and focused, as if to hold her tight.

"What do you want to do?" Ye Fan said in a cold tone. "I'm getting out of the car."

He Han smiled at the corner of his mouth, still not talking, not letting go, nor releasing, just watching her there silently.

He Han just learned about toots a while ago, but hasn't found a chance to tell Ye Fan yet. After meeting with Dudu, he made up his mind.

Tonight, the truth would be plainly spread out before her.

Ye Fan emphasized again: "Dudu is waiting for me, I'm going home."

Intuition told her that He Han might have something to tell her, but he didn't want to know, and he was afraid to know.

Because it is likely that she has been avoiding.

He Han's eyes slowly moved across Ye Fan's cheek, from top to bottom.

Somehow, Ye Fan was panicking.

With a cold hand, He Han clasped her wrist tightly, giving her no chance to escape.

Ye Fan moved an inch, and He Han was one point tight. The slightly rough fingers touched her skin, extremely soft.

He Han bowed his head slightly, and the two leaned closer.

His dark eyes seemed to flash a light, and then he looked deep into her eyes.

He Han stared at Ye Fan for a while, his thin lips moved slightly: "Ye Fan, did you forget?"

Ye Fan froze for a second, her eyes flashed, and the corners of her lips lined up, saying nothing. The car suddenly became quiet, only the dull air condensed the atmosphere.

He Han moved his body, leaned slightly into Ye Fan's eyes, and glanced at her eyes.

He opened his mouth again, and the cold, deep voice fell with his warm breath.

Word by word reminded her of a fact that cannot be ignored.

"Dudu is also my son." 2k novel reading network

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