Because of inertia, Ye Fan's body leaned and she stabilized her figure. Nothing was clear about the dark piece in front of me.

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Ye Fan remembered only one sentence. He will handle everything.

The scenery outside the car window flashed quickly, He Han looked dull, and dialed Guan Rui's phone.

He Han's voice was not cold, "Where are you now?"

Guan Rui answered, "In the company."

He Han said with a loud voice, "Drive over an unusual car."

Guan Rui was surprised: "You won't ..."

He Han's response was very indifferent: "Ye Fan and I were followed again."

Hearing Ye Fan's name, Guan Rui said he was very calm, which was already expected.

He strongly suspected that his boss was already in love. Otherwise, why did you go missing as soon as the filming was finished?

He Zhai.

Dudu sits on the floor of the living room. The floor is covered with thick carpet. The room is heated, and Dudu's blush is flushed.

There are many toys in front of Dudu, all of which are suitable for his age.

Mrs. He didn't go anywhere, she was always beside Dudu.

"Would you like to play this?" Mrs. He handed the toy to Dudu. "Do you want anything else? Grandma Zeng bought Dudu."

Mrs. He couldn't wait to give Dudu everything, and looked at Dudu with a petite expression.

Dudu looked up at Mrs. He: "There are already many toys at Dudu's house. My mother said to cherish every toy. Grandma Zeng need not buy it for Dudu."

Old Lady He also knew that she couldn't be too coddled with her child, but she had never met with Dudu before she wanted to give him the best.

Old Lady He felt so sorry that He Han lost her mother when she was very young. She even felt sorry for He Han's son. I did not expect to be given a lesson by children of such age.

Mrs. He touched Dudu's head: "It was Grandma Zeng who thought it wrong, Dudu was so well taught by her mother."

At this time, the cell phone on the table suddenly rang. Old lady He thought Ye Fan would come with He Han, and she quickly picked up the phone.

"Hey, are you coming?"

He Han and Ye Fan were followed by paparazzi, and they couldn't get to He's house tonight. He Han's voice came from the phone: "Ye Fan is next to me, we were found by paparazzi."

Mrs. He's eyes dimmed a bit. She knew that the entertainment industry was like this: "You must drive carefully."

There was a slight sound from the other end of the cell phone, and He Han seemed to hand it over to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan said, his voice was soft: "Grandma, Dudu will take care of you first."

Old Lady He's darkened eyes suddenly lighted up, and a smile floated on her face: "It's not troublesome at all, and toot is very good. You must be careful on your way."

Ye Fan responded politely, and Mrs. He hung up the phone happily. The disappointed expression just swept away: "Deep, what shall we play next?"

Mrs. He again began to concentrate on tooting.

The other end.

The paparazzi followed for a long time, but when He Han's car drove into the villa area, they stopped outside.

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The restrictions here are extremely strict and no outsider can come in. So, even if those paparazzi knew where He Han lived, they couldn't get other news.

It's already night, and the winter wind is getting cold.

The car was parked in the garage of He Han's house. Guan Rui, who had a pass, had already prepared the car. Ye Fan got out of the car, He Han continued to drive out and let all the paparazzi follow him.

Ye Fan was sitting in the living room. Guan Rui was going to arrange other artists. He didn't want to disturb Ye Fan, so he went to the guest room to have a video conference.

Ye Fan called Dudu.

Dudu had a great time in Hezhai, and Mrs. He would personally take him home. That way, Ye Fan doesn't need to worry, she put away her cell phone.

Ye Fan just put down his mobile phone, and the light above his head suddenly went out, as if because of a power outage.

She glanced casually at the living room, staring at it, and staying on a cabinet not far away.

There was no light in the room, and the light falling through the window illuminated the cabinet full of vinyl records.

There, vinyl records are neatly arranged.

The night was already deep, and suddenly there was a feeling of flooding Ye Fan like a tide. It was a doubt, a curiosity that everyone would have.

The stab made her whole person awake.

Ye Fan stood up and walked towards the cabinet, but she panicked and stopped.

She was stepping on the edge of the secret at this moment, and every little corner was stained with the secret of music.

Just go one step further and touch the truth.

After a few seconds.

Ye Fan came to the cabinet. Inside the glass door are those vinyl records.

Determined, she opened the glass door gently, and the secret was now open to her, within reach.

Ye Fan's heart is rolling, she has always been a calm person, and many things in her life can't excite her.

But at this moment, Ye Fan could not restrain her emotions.

Her hand trembled slightly, and she picked up a vinyl record, a violin concerto in d minor.

At the same time, this secret was opened.

Ye Fan pressed his lips tightly, and his forehead was covered with a fine layer of sweat. She continued to pick up the vinyl records here and kept checking.

Her eyes flickered and her mood was completely out of control.

Ye Fan rearranged the vinyl records, and her hands were shaking as she closed the glass door.


Every vinyl record here is the one she mentioned to h in the email.

When did He Han collect?

Why did he put these records so precious here?

And ... he knows everything about her, hasn't he been watching her every time?

Countless doubts hovered in his head, Ye Fanxi stood still, his eyes suddenly sour.

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The heavy rain outside the window was scorching branches, coming violently.

The light from the outside penetrated into the window through the heavy rain, and it was tiny and reflected on the floor.

As she chased the light, was he approaching her?

Ye Fan's tears fell silently, and she didn't know what she should think or what she should do now.

When He Han came back, Ye Fanhui asked him in person, asking him to solve the problem for himself.

Ye Fan stood in the dark and didn't know how long he had stood.

Her body maintained the same posture, her legs were numb and she was unaware.

Time seemed to pass slowly, with the falling raindrops passing by little by little, as if pouring hourglasses.

After a while.

"Ye Fan." Guan Rui's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Ye Fan suddenly returned to God. She listened to Guan Rui, guessing in her heart. Is He Han back?

She was anxious and nervous, her brain seemed to be hollowed out, and her words were blocked in her throat, making no sound at all.

"The paparazzi has left. He Han got a call. There is something wrong with his schedule tomorrow." Guan Rui said, "He asked me to take you home first."

Ye Fan ignored her emotions, and she barely spoke: "Well, okay."

By the time Ye Fan turned around, her expression had returned to normal, and Guan Rui didn't notice anything wrong.

When Ye Fan returned home, Dudu was already waiting at home.

Ye Fan did not find He Han's figure, she gathered the disappointment in her eyes, and some things can only be said in person. She did not want to call He Han.

The next day, Ye Fan went to the villa.

This is the second-to-last program, and casting is about to end. Ye Fan tried to leave behind what happened last night,

Ye Fan hopes that in this episode of the program, she will show a higher standard.

At the same time, He Han saw that her performance must be better than before. She will never let him down.


Tang House.

Tang Jin's father, Tang Zhencai, came back from abroad. He stayed abroad for a while to get things done.

"What is A Jin doing now?"

Tang Zhen didn't support Tang Jinjin's entertainment circle, but Tang Jin insisted that he persuaded him several times that it didn't work, and went with her.

However, Tang Zhen rarely asked Tang Jin what he was doing in the entertainment industry. He was very busy at work, and only occasionally asked about it when he remembered it.

Jane Lan: "She is participating in a show now and living with other players."

Tang Zhen: "I should go out again soon. Take the time to look at her and see what she needs?"

Jane Lan: "Okay, I'll see her tomorrow."

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Tang Zhen and Jian Lan have a good relationship, but Tang Zhen's temperament is calm and introverted, generally not exposed.

Tang Zhen glanced at Jane Lan with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "I'll take you outside for a while while I'm busy."

Jane Lan smiled slightly, then smiled gently, "OK."

On the second day, Jane Lan first called Tang Jin's agent. During the recording of "Superstar Project", family members could come to visit while the players could not go home.

After asking about the location of the villa, Jane Lan drove to the scene.

Jane Lan waited for Tang Jin in the lounge of the villa area. Tang Jin received the news from Jane Lan and immediately rushed to the lounge.

"Mom." Tang Jin took a few steps and sat in front of Jane Lan.

"How did you come?"

Jane Lan put the bag with the clothes on the side of Tang Jin: "Your dad is back and urge me to look at you. These are new clothes, all bought according to your preference."

Tang Jin and Jian Lan sprinkled Jiao: "I still feel bad for my mother."

Jane Lan smiled: "Can you have lunch together? Will it affect your practice?"

Tang Jin shook his head: "I don't care."

There is a restaurant in the lounge, which can give players and their families the opportunity to dine.

Jane Lan took the menu: "I remember your favorite braised pasta. Do you want to eat this or something else?"

Tang Jin's eyes darkened, but his face still smiled: "Mom knows my taste best, so I'll eat this."

This is Jane Lan's favorite taste, so Tang Jin said he liked it before. In fact, Tang Jin did not like to eat red braised pasta at all.

Tang Jin has been away from home for a while, and almost forgot that he had to pretend.

Tang Jin was in a bad mood and had no taste when eating, but he forced himself to finish it. Tang Jin enjoyed everything that did not belong to her.

But she restrained herself and coerced herself into a completely different person. What could be more tormenting than wearing a fake mask all day?

Tang Jinchao Jian Lan smiled: "Mom, you go back first? I have to practice."

Jane Lan didn't realize that Tang Jin was right, and nodded: "Go back, I'll go home and go home first."

Tang Jin and Jian Lan bid farewell, and turned away as soon as they turned around.

After Tang Jin left, Jane Lan did not leave immediately. She just received a text message from the secretary saying that there was a small problem in the recent project.

Jane Lan immediately called the secretary and proposed an emergency plan. She told the secretary that she would rush back to the company soon.

After Jane Lan hung up, she stood up and left, and Ye Fan came in from the outside. Jane Lan stepped slightly, and she didn't hesitate long before changing her mind.

"Ye Fan."

Jane Lan walked to Ye Fan actively: "Can I sit opposite you?" She pointed to the empty space in front of Ye Fan.

Ye Fan heard the sound, turned her head and saw that the person who spoke was Jane Lan, her eyes flickered slightly, and a smile appeared on the corners of her lips.

"of course can."

Ye Fan looked to Jian Lan: "Are you here to see Tang Jin?"

Jane Lan nodded: "Well, has your family been here?"

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Ye Fan smiled lightly: "I have a bad relationship with my mother, and I moved out to live in college."

Ye Fan's tone was light, but it made Jian Lan's heart tight.

Jian Lan asked hesitantly: "Can you take the liberty to ask your family?" Jian Lan has always been very literate and never asked these questions.

But facing Ye Fan, she couldn't wait to know everything about Ye Fan.

Ye Fan did not shy away: "My father has died, and I have a younger sister who is studying. I am the parent of the family, but my relationship with my sister is also very ordinary."

With a brief stroke from Jan Lan's heart, Ye Fan's simple words, Jan Lan could imagine the situation of Ye Fan at home.

At this time, Ye Fan's order had arrived, and it was a monotonous bowl of vegetable porridge. Ye Fan drank with a spoon.

Jane Lan couldn't help but care: "You will lose energy if you only eat vegetable porridge."

Ye Fan heard Jane Lan's caring tone, with a smile on his face: "My stomach is not good, so it is better to eat this."

Because Ye Fan didn't know what the next match would be, he kept practicing and his stomach became worse.

Jane Lan frowned slightly, her gaze stayed on Ye Fan for a while. Although Ye Fan was wearing a winter coat, she could still see that she was slim.

I don't know if it's her psychological role or something else. She felt that Ye Fan was thinner and her jaw sharper than when she saw Ye Fan last time.

Jane Lan's nose was uncontrollably sour, but she calmed down quickly and calmed down her emotions. She sighed in her heart.

Jane Lan took out her phone from her bag: "Can I leave a call with you?"

Ye Fan stunned and answered quickly, exchanging numbers with Jane Lan.

When Ye Fan bowed her head and lost the name of the contact, she subconsciously typed the word "mother". She instantly regained her mind and quickly deleted it.

At the time of Ye Fanzhi, Jane Lan suddenly said: "I hope you can take good care of yourself in the future, you look very worrying now."

Ye Fan gave her fingertips and her eyes became astringent, but her face did not show her emotions.

Ye Fan looked up at Jane Lan, seeing the concern in Jane Lan's eyes, her tone softened a bit: "I will."

While Ye Fan and Jane Lan were chatting, Tang Jin, who had originally left the restaurant, went back. Because Jane Lan left her in the dining room, she was going to come back and get it.

But what Tang Jin didn't expect is that Jian Lan, who should have left a long time ago, is still in the restaurant, but she is sitting opposite her, a completely unexpected person, Ye Fan.

When Jan Lan looked at Ye Fan, her eyes were gentle, like she was looking at her own child.

Tang Jin and Jane Lan have been together for so many years, she has long been familiar with Jane Lan's eyes.

Everyone else said that the most beautiful thing for Jane Lansheng was her eyes, her eyes slightly raised, and her eyes moved when she looked at people.

Unfortunately, it was not passed on to her daughter.

Only Tang Jin knew that even if she was born a few more times, it would not be possible to have Jane Lan ’s eyes, let alone eyes, and her features were not similar to those of the Tang family.

This was what Tang Jin was always thinking about, but Ye Fan got what she couldn't get.

At this moment, Tang Jincai discovered that Ye Fan had a pair of eyes very similar to Jane Lan.

Those eyes were so much like her that they scared her.

I don't know why, an inexplicable panic came to Tang Jin's mind.

The author has something to say: The third is after 0 o'clock. 2k novel reading network

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