24. Changing Destiny

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A’Feng awakened from his coma and saw Mo Qiao Sheng’s figure which was dressed in black from head to toe sitting in front of the bed. 

His mouth stretched into a self-deprecating smile as he said, “I’m still not dead, huh?”

Mo Qiao Sheng supported him to sit up and handed him a bowl which was filled with pitch-black medicine.


The medicine in this bowl was bitter and astringent.

However, A’Feng knew that this was a good thing. In the past, he wouldn’t have been able to receive this even if he had begged for it.

He took the bowl from Mo Qiao Sheng and drank the medicine until there wasn’t even a drop remaining in the bowl.

The steaming hot medicine streamed into his body and he felt as though he had started regaining his depleted strength, bit by bit.

“You’ve been asleep for three days.”

“Three…. Three days?”

Mo Qiao Sheng knew what he was worried about. He put the empty bowl back in its original spot and continued, “Master has already accepted you. You’re not going to be sent back to Marquis Weibei.”

A’Feng propped up his body and managed to force himself to get off the bed and stand up. His limbs were weak and he felt as though he was stepping on cotton. As soon as he took a step forward, his legs gave out beneath him and he tumbled down. 


A warm and powerful hand supported him.

This hand belonged to his brother.

A’Feng stared at the ground in front of himself and softly spoke two words, “I’m sorry.”

I’m sorry, Qiao Sheng. Thank you.

The owner of that hand did not respond and merely continued to support his body.

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“Take me to have an audience with the Master.” A’Feng requested.

“You…. Can you go?” Mo Qiao Sheng felt somewhat worried.

“It’s been three days already and I have yet to present myself before the new master. It’s too much.” A’Feng supported his body against Mo Qiao Sheng’s shoulder and borrowed his strength in order to stand firmly. “As a slave, as long as you are alive, you have no qualifications to be lying down.”

For a moment, his heart was filled with sorrow.

This Master, how are you going to punish me?

I don’t know whether this body can hold out.

“Master, what kind of person is he?” He inquired about the situation from his only friend.

“You’ll know very soon.” Mo Qiao Sheng’s eyes revealed a tender emotion. “He is the best person in this world.” 

A’Feng did not believe that there could be any good masters in this world. He had once met such a so-called “good master”. That man had used to tell him everyday that he regarded him as a younger brother, but in the blink of an eye, he had been pushed into a bottomless abyss, just for the sake of a few gold taels.

“Master, what is he like? What kind of people is he fond of?”


“Master, he…. does not like being deceived by others.” Mo Qiao Sheng thought about it seriously and continued to speak as they walked. “No matter what Master asks you, as long as you don’t conceal the truth and speak frankly, it is unlikely that he will get angry.”

“Qiao Sheng.” A’Feng halted in his tracks. “This way of thinking is very dangerous.”

“My Lord’s kindness towards you is just as easy as giving out alms for him. You should know that if you hold no reservations in front of him, you’re only setting yourself up for a much crueler fate in the future.”

Mo Qiao Sheng stopped in front of the entrance and turned his head. The sunlight battered half of his face, softening the stern contours of his face.

“It’s too late.” He lowered his eyelashes. “I have already made an oath that I will dedicate everything to him.”

“No matter what he does to me in the future, I will not complain.”

The Mo Qiao Sheng in front of A’Feng at this moment suddenly seemed to overlap with the figure of his own childhood self.

The tiny him had also used a tender voice to declare firmly, “I swear, I wish to dedicate everything to Master.”

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They were both so stupid.

A’Feng smiled bitterly.

Obviously just a cheap slave.

With nothing to their names.

Except for their brittle hearts.

But they personally held it out with both hands, delivering it to those aloof and remote people, waiting for them to trample it wantonly.

Cheng Qianye was sitting in her study, leafing through the local records of Bianzhou. As she read, she stretched out her hand and pinched a small, exquisite snack between her thumb and forefinger from the plate of refreshments that was on the side.

Xiao Qiu stood to the side, watching her anxiously.

Cheng Qianye lifted up a piece of rose cake. “Aah, open your mouth.”

That chubby little mouth immediately opened into a circle.

Cheng Qianye threw the snack into her mouth accurately, watching as the little face bulged on one side, wiggling fast.

“That delicious?”

Xiao Qiu’s round apricot-shaped eyes brightened up as she nodded her head like a little chick pecking at rice.

Cheng Qianye laughed. “It’s all your big sister’s great craftsmanship. Everyday she comes up with some new kind of food. She’s fattening up the both of us.”

Bi Yun came in carrying a basin of water. She strode over to Cheng Qianye’s side and crouched and saluted before wringing a warm towel to clean Cheng Qianye’s hands.

She served Cheng Qianye another cup of her favourite Miyunlong tea, then took a warm and cozy bamboo hand-warmer and carefully placed it underneath Cheng Qianye’s feet.

Cheng Qianye was comfortably taken care of and sighed. The life of the privileged class was really corrupt. One didn’t have to move a finger during the winter, it was really pleasurable.

When she had first bought the sisters and brought them back, Steward Lu had been very dissatisfied. The older sister was not pretty and the younger sister was too young. They came from a humble background and had no understanding of the customs, always cowering.

But the Lord had insisted on having his way, wilfully enjoying having the both of them serving at his side.

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Fortunately, the older sister, Bi Yun had a steady and meticulous temperament. Moreover, she wasn’t afraid of hard work and eager to learn. She became competent at her work quite quickly.

Bi Yun performed a standard curtsy. “Which ones did My Lord like? Next time, Nubi1 will make a few more of them.”

“Big sis, My Lord likes the pine nut rolls, horseshoe pastries,2 rose cake, pea-flour cake, and donkey rolls.3 Xiao Qiu listed out as she opened her fingers, one by one.

Bi Yun reached out and pinched her nose. “You only remember to eat, I don’t know why My Lord bought you.”

Xiao Qiu covered her nose and snorted, “I am very useful. I’m following Big Sis to learn everyday. When I’m taller than Big Sis, I won’t burn the pot again.”

Bi Yun stared at her simple and adorable younger sister and thought to herself, It’s fortunate that we met My Lord that day. If my sister was sold to that filthy place, her destiny would have been worlds apart from what it is now.

Bi Yun had been filled with anxiety when the Lord had first brought them to this place. She had heard of some noble and wealthy Young Masters who were fond of young, underage girls like her little sister.

For a while, she had been scared witless by the Lord’s kindness towards her sister. Now, after interacting with each other for so long, she had put away her fears and her heart was filled only with gratitude towards the Lord.

Cheng Qianye laughed and rubbed Xiao Qiu’s head. “Our little Xiao Qiu here is very useful, Your Lord is very happy to have Xiao Qiu here.”

She knew that the siblings were filled with gratitude and reverence for her. And she also needed a pure-minded child like Xiao Qiu to accompany her to make up for the hypocrisy of human nature that was magnified by her golden finger.

If everyone was like Zhang Fu, then she’d be tired to death.

Cheng Qianye thought of Zhang Fu’s amethyst glow which had finally developed a border of gold as she had wished for, and her heart was filled with a little pride.

When it comes to purity, Qiao Sheng is still the best. He always displays his innermost heart to me without any reservation. Cheng Qianye stroked her chin.

Just as she thought this, she caught sight of Mo Qiao Sheng’s figure through the window. He was slowly walking outside in the corridor leading to the room, with a man following in his wake.

They walked very slowly as they stepped through the doorway and crossed their hands together to prostrate before her.

“Stop!” She pointed her finger and interjected, “Ah! You can’t kneel.”

She stood up and circumvented the long, narrow table before walking over to A’Feng.

She had seen the terrible state of his body with her own eyes back when he was still undergoing treatment. It had only been three days since then, and even in modern times with the aid of advanced medical technology, such an ailment would still need an intravenous infusion in an ICU. But this man had actually gotten out of bed and even walked all the way here.

“You, you….” Cheng Qianye looked at A’Feng’s pale face with his bloodless lips and a gloomy indent between his eyebrows. 

She changed direction and turned to Mo Qiao Sheng. “Qiao Sheng, he’s hurt so badly and yet you still let him walk over here?”

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Although I don’t like this A’Feng all that much, I still don’t want to see him die. Or else didn’t I call a doctor all for nothing?

Mo Qiao Sheng was dumbfounded.

A’Feng: “Master, Nu4….”

Cheng Qianye waved her hand and had Bi Yun and Xiao Qiu carry over a wooden bench and pointed at it. “You lie down. On your stomach.”

A’Feng was stunned.

Cheng Qianye frowned impatiently.

A’Feng sobered up and obediently bent over the bench and laid down. He really couldn’t figure out the thoughts of this new master and felt somewhat bewildered.

Cheng Qianye clapped her hands and two servants entered the room.

“Carry him back and call for the doctor.” She instructed. “He’s not allowed to wilfully get out of bed for one month.”

After watching the person being carried away, Cheng Qianye turned back and sat back in her chair and let out a sigh.

“I’m so infuriated.” She exclaimed.

Xiao Qiu leaned beside her chair. “My Lord, are you angry?”

“No.” Cheng Qianye stroked her head. “Xiao Qiu, Brother Qiao Sheng has to go to the army barracks everyday and if he also has to take care of a patient, it will be very exhausting for him. Can you help him a bit?”

“Can.” Xiao Qiu’s eyes up, “My Lord, feel free to instruct Xiao Qiu.”

“Did you see that big brother just now? He’s injured very seriously and he’s got an awkward temper. When Xiao Qiu is free, go watch over him for your Lord and make sure he doesn’t run around all over the place.”

“Okay, Xiao Qiu promises to finish the task and take good care of the patient.”


1. (奴婢 – Nubi) – Slave girl/Maidservant.
2. (马蹄酥 – Mǎ Tí Sū) – Made of flour kneaded with various ingredients and originally a court food in the Tang Dynasty which was introduced to the people later on. Initially called “plum blossom pastry”, it gained the name “horseshoe pastry” after an incident in the late Western Han Dynasty. Uhh, there’s a pretty interesting story behind the name but it’s super long so if you guys are interested, check the source: 
3. (驴打滚 – lǘ dǎ gǔn) – “Donkey rolls”, a traditional Manchu snack made of sticky rice flour, red bean paste and soybean flour. There’s a folk tale behind this name too. Link: 
4. (奴 – Nu) – I,This slave.

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