Danshou no Grimm

Chapter prologue 1

Prologue Dreams and the myth of rupture.

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Today we will tell you the story of "Cinderella".


Once upon a time there was a nobleman who lost his wife and remarried a very ugly woman at heart.


This woman had two stepchildren who were exactly like their mother and had exactly the same heart.


Her husband also had a daughter, but this one was very beautiful at heart. As soon as the marriage ceremony was over, the mother revealed her evil nature and forced this kind daughter to do all the hard work in the house.

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She worked day after day, covered in ashes, so the family called her "Cinderella". Cinderella means "covered with ashes".


One day, the prince of the country decided to hold a ball. Pretty girls from all over the country were invited to the ball to find the prince a suitable companion. The two bad girls forced Cinderella to prepare for the ball. When they were finished, Cinderella said to her stepmother, "Take me to the ball too.


"Please take me to the ball too."


But her stepmother foolishly laughed at her.


"I don't think I could take a miserable little girl like you to a ball," she said.


With that, the stepmother took her two daughters alone and left for the ball, leaving Cinderella behind. When her stepmother and her two sisters left, Cinderella cried alone. When she came to, she found her grandmother, the Fairy Godmother.

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"Poor Cinderella. I will grant her wish."


With a wave of her wand, the pumpkin turned into an elegant carriage, the mouse into a white horse, and the plain clothes into the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. Finally, after presenting her with a beautiful glass slipper, the old woman said, 'Now you can go to the ball.


" You can go to the ball in this, but don't forget. But don't forget. The magic will disappear at twelve o'clock, so you must be back before the bell rings at twelve o'clock. Otherwise, the carriage, horse, and dress will go back to the way they were before."


When Cinderella arrived at the castle, everyone present admired the beauty of her beauty as never before.


The Prince arrived, took Cinderella's hand and asked her to dance. The prince and Cinderella danced and dreamed for hours. They were so happy that they lost track of time and before they knew it, the bells were ringing twelve o'clock.


Cinderella ran out of the hall and ran down the stairs of the castle. The Prince followed her, but was unable to catch her in time. In her haste, Cinderella dropped one of her glass slippers on the stairs. The prince carefully picked it up.


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After the ball, the prince's mind was still occupied with Cinderella.


The prince issued a decree.  


"I will take for my wife a girl whose slipper fits her perfectly."


The town crier and his men with their glass slipper scoured the country in search of a girl who could fit the slipper, but they did not find her. Finally, the slipper was taken to Cinderella's house. (NT: he town crier was used to make public announcements in the streets. Criers often dress elaborately, by a tradition dating to the 18th century, in a red and gold coat, white breeches, black boots and a tricorne hat.).


Her two sisters tried, but the shoes were too small and they could not put them on.


So Cinderella went up to them and asked: 


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"Can I try them on too?"


"No way!"


The stepmothers tried to send Cinderella away, but the servants forced her to put the shoes on, as they had ordered them to try the shoes on all their daughters.


The shoes fit Cinderella's feet perfectly. Her stepmother and her two sisters were surprised, but they were even more surprised when Cinderella took the other shoe out of her pocket.


Everyone could see that Cinderella was the beautiful princess from that moment on. The two sisters threw themselves in front of Cinderella and apologized to her for their nasty and wicked behavior.


Cinderella was taken to the castle and was soon married to the prince. Cinderella was not only beautiful but also kind-hearted, so her mother and her two sisters were soon welcomed into the castle, where they all lived happily ever after.


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