Dark Blood Age

Chapter 131

chapter 131 Dangerous breakthrough

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Chapter 131 Dangerous breakthrough

Once chu yun sheng reaches the second substage of rong yuan body, chu yun sheng will be able to unleash 12 sword qi, he will have enough yuan qi to support him kill a golden shell then retreat.

The journey of cultivation is tedious, difficult and boring, it requires a great willpower. It is not as easy as what they mentioned in the xianxia novel.

After a long period of accumulation and precipitation, now, it's the crucial moment for him to break through the barrier. He harnesses the ben ti yuan qi inside the body to speed up the transformation process.

Time slowly passed, the sound of artillery bombardment has also stopped. All the noises seemed to have stopped and the city went back to silent.

However, what happens inside chu yun sheng's body is completely opposite. Every single cell, every single nerve, is filled with violent and chaotic ben ti yuan qi. He seemed to have a sign of losing control.

What happened!

Chu yun sheng was shocked, something went wrong!

The transformation has become destruction! the cells started to swell and rupture one after another. And the rupture speed was getting faster and faster!

Chu yun sheng tried to suppress the panic. It's the crucial moment, he can't afford to be panic!

Once all the cell ruptured, he won't become a disabled person, he will be dead!

Chu yun sheng has experienced so many dangerous situations. He knew clearly that at this moment the panic will only increase the cells rupture speed. What he needs is a calm and clear mind.

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The senior practitioner’s cultivation incantation can not be wrong, yuan tian stage two is not a high cultivation stage, the senior practitioner also said that the incantations had been tested for thousands of times, there should not be any error. The senior practitioner also did not specifically remind anyone needs to be careful when reaches yuan tian stage two. All he said was follow the incantations and do it steps by steps!

if the cultivation incantation is not wrong, then I must have misunderstood the meaning of the incantation’s symbols! Chu yun sheng immediately thought of the second possibility.

The symbols are very hard to understand, most of the time he just guessed it, there was no way he can be sure that what he understands was completely correct.

The cultivation method in yuan tian stage one was relatively easy, so there wasn't any obvious sign. When making yuan fu, if he understood the description wrong, the yuan fu just simply won't work. But stage two’s body’s transformation is completely different, each sub stages build upon the previous one, if there is the slightest mistake at the first sub stage, it will become a disaster at the final stage!

What he experienced right now is similar to that kind of disaster, he has to find out where went wrong! he needs to stop the cells rupture and go back to correct cultivation method.

At second sub stage, Every part of the body is undergoing the transformation process at the same time. the ben ti yuan qi is distributed equally around the body. when the second sub stage is completed, every part of the body will be able to store much more ben ti yuan qi than before.

Chu yun sheng guessed that the problem might go wrong here. the second sub stage still has not completed yet, the cells inside the body still remain at the first sub stage, but ben ti yuan qi has already started to gather and flow into the cell, that is why it causes the cell to rupture.

Since he finds the possible cause of the problem, what he needs to do now is trying to move the ben ti yuan qi outside his body first. Otherwise, if he continuously let ben ti yuan qi moving around inside his body recklessly, then he is not far from death.

He immediately started to harness yuan qi as he thinks.

All the yuan fu which had been cast onto his body were separated from his body and floated in the air.

Even the sword and all other stuff on the roof were all lifted by the force in the air.

Little Tiger has already sensed chu yun sheng’s difference, it was growling anxiously on the side. As time slowly passed, chu yun sheng started to extract more and more yuan qi, even the little tiger also lifted up by the invisible force, no matter how it struggled, it was still slowly spinning around chu yun sheng in the mid-air with other stuff on the roof.

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The yuan qi that was extracted out of the body will only stay outside for a short period of time, if he could not complete transformation of second sub-stage on time, once yuan qi goes back inside his body, it will instantly destroy all his cells!

Chu yun sheng did not have much time left, he did not know how long exactly, it might be 1 minute, it might be just 30 seconds.

However, he could not be distracted by the time, he needs to stay focused. He needs to re-analyze the incantations and test it again and again and again. There is no time for him to take out the book and to see the note he took. He just blindly trying and trying.

First, try …..failed.

The second try …… failed again…


Failure after failure!

The yuan qi outside the body started to slowly flow back to his body, chu yun sheng’s heart sunk. He could not hold it much longer. he started to panic. His hands started to tremble!

He is dying, but he still did not give up. He gritted his teeth and did the last try. All he thought was, he did his best, now just let faith decide if he could live or not!

All the yuan qi and yuan fu have gone back to his body, all the floating object has fallen on the ground. Everything has gone back to normal as if nothing has happened on the roof.


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Chu han was anxiously looking at his nephew who is still unconsciously lying on the bed. She was scared. the same thing happened to jing yi before, and she could no longer bear if the same thing happens to chu yun sheng again.

Since chu yun sheng came to jing lin, her family’s living condition changed dramatically. From the small and dirty shanty to this building, from eating one congee in three days to eating the fresh vegetables once in awhile. she knew that only those people at the top of three major quarters are entitled to what they have right now.

She knew that that’s all because of his nephew chu yun sheng, he risked his life for them. However, if she could choose, she would rather go back to living in the small and dirty shanty in exchange for chu yun sheng’s life.

To her, nothing important than chu yun sheng’s life!

“Mom, did ge wake up?” jing tian came into the room while holding the food, chu yun sheng has been in the coma for 1 day now. yesterday, the little tiger suddenly ran down stairs from the roof, it bit jing tian’s cloth and dragged her to the roof. Then she discovered that chu yunsheng was laying on the floor unconsciously. She was almost scared to death at that moment.

Luckily, she found out that chu yunsheng still has the pulse, so she immediately called her mom, then they both moved chu yun sheng down stairs. He has been in the coma since.

“I need to find witch!” ding yan said calmly, he is the only person knows what happened apart from chu han’s family. When he came upstairs, he immediately told chu han’s family member to not to mention this to anyone.

Originally he decided to wait for chu yun sheng to wake up. however, it has been a day now, chu yun sheng still did not have any sign of waking up. Ding yan could no longer sit there and wait. right now, probably only the witch who has special healing ability will be able to wake up chu yun sheng!

Just when he about to walked out of the room, chu yun sheng suddenly opened his eye, what he saw first was a big monster's head, then his face was licked by the monster’s tongue. He instinctively jumped up and wanted to draw the sword, but then he could not find his sword.

Then he slowly realized it was the little tiger. He suddenly laughed it out.

Little Tiger just an animal, it did not know chu yun sheng was in the coma. so no matter how chu han tried to move it away from chu yun sheng, it still did not give up licking chu yun sheng’s face. Because in its world. The only way to wake up chu yun sheng is to lick his face. However, this time, no matter how many times it licks, chu yun sheng just would not wake up. At the end, chu han’s had no choice but constantly clean little tiger’s saliva on chu yun sheng's face.

“Yun sheng, you are awake!” chu han broke into tears.

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“Ge, you finally awake, you scared the hell out of us,” said jing tian and jing yi.

“I am ok, just something went wrong with my ability, i am sorry to make you all worried. oh right, how long was i in the coma.” chu yun sheng felt hungry, so he guessed that he lost his consciousness for a quite long time. He was still scared to this moment. the last try saved his life! The coma was nothing but his body’s self-protection mechanism. After he reaches the second sub stage, the yuan qi started to heal all the broken cells rapidly.until now, he just fully recovered.

He did not have any big problem now, all he felt was just a little bit hungry.

“Almost a day, you are ok. that’s great!” ding yan was finally relieved.

Chu yun sheng nodded his head, he felt so hungry right now. He did not even mind other people were watching, he just sat there eating the food while talking to them.

originally he planned to hunt the red shell outside city alone, today. but did not expect the cultivation method went wrong last night. luckily he survived.

But chu yun sheng did not dare to guess the indications anymore, he was lucky this time, but luck is not something that happens all the time. Next time if he had the same problem, he could be dead.

He has to understand incantation'ss every symbol before he used it, otherwise, the cultivation will only become more and more dangerous.

Apart from this, when he is going outside the city tomorrow, he will need to seal some red shells, it would be the best if he could encounter an individual golden shell. With his ability right now, seal one golden shell isn't impossible to him.

He needs something that would surprise the enemy during the attack, seal monster yuan fu is one of the options.

oh my! quiet monday, got some time to translate one chapter. haha. hope tomorrow is not going to be busy.

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