Dark Blood Age

Chapter 172

Chapter 172 Culture Fluid

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Originally chu yunsheng wanted to try his luck to find a tunnel from inside the tomb which can lead him into the swarm. But he did not expect he would encounter one golden shell straightaway. And it is the one just was born from its “cocoon”.


There are several pre-conditions to use the monster seal yuan fu if he wants to capture the monster. The first one is, he had to use it when the monster is at its weakest state. it is why he often uses it when the monster is dying.


He did not know if this one counts as at its weakest, but he finally encountered on, there is no way he will give up without even trying. If he did fail, he also gains valuable information as well.


He slowly took out the monster seal yuan fu which has been modified by him. he had already done some adjustment to the foot of yuan fu, so when he uses yuan fu, it will no longer shine the bright light.


However, if the yuan qi fluctuated in the area too long, it would also alert the insect, so he had to do it as quickly as possible.


Half of the golden shell’s body was still inside the deflated meatball, when the dim light of monster seal yuan fu cast onto it, it instantly started to struggle its huge body attempting to fight back. 


Although it's different than sealing a dying monster, but the yuan fu still works. It means that this golden shell is very weak at the moment. However, comparing to dying a monster, sealing this live one cost him a huge amount of yuan qi,  within less than three seconds, it almost consumes him two third of yuan qi. And it is still rapidly decreasing.


If he could not seal the monster before he exhausted with his energy. He will have huge trouble. The monster will be free from yuan fu’s control and it will alter other insects. 

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He has absorption yuan fu, but with the stage two’s ability, he could not output the yuan qi and restore the yuan qi at the same time, he had to rely on the last ⅓ of yuan qi and hoped that the golden shell will be exhausted soon.


A man and an insect both were struggling and did not want to give up, the other meatballs around them also move from time to time.


Time quickly past. when Chu yun sheng’s energy was almost empty, the new golden shell finally stopped struggling. 


After a quiet whoosh sound, the golden shell was shrunken and flew towards the monster seal yuan fu.


Suddenly, an accident happened, when the yuan fu pulled the golden shell out, it also broke the two tubes that attached to it. One tube burst out the golden coloured liquid, the other tube burst out the red coloured liquid. Some of those liquids were sucked into the yuan fu with the golden shell. But some burst onto chu yun sheng’s armour.    


It was almost instant that the liquid which was sucked into the monster seal yuan fu earlier was removed from the yuan fu and spill all over chu yunsheng’s body.


A burning sensation quickly spread across his body.  He was shocked and thought he might be poisoned by the insect’s poison. Despite the tired feeling after yuan qi was exhausted, he quickly moved back and attempted to run away.


At the same time, the internal wall of the tomb started to move violently. Then a huge tube flew out from deep inside the tombs and connected to the tube which chu yunsheng used to come in. luckily chu yunsheng had already got into the tube and he was on the way out. 

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A gush of red sticky liquid burst out from deep inside the tomb, chu yunsheng and little tiger were flushed out by the sticky liquid. Just when he got out, he immediately heard the red shells in the swarm were screeching towards the crater. 


They must have noticed me! He thought


Chu yunsheng barely had any yuan qi left, so he did not dare to stay any longer. He immediately started to run away with the little tiger. There are many craters near the riverside allow them to hide. The insects did not chase to the riverside, they only searched the area where the tube was. After they did not find anything, they all returned back to the swarm.


Chu yunsheng also did not dare to run too far, because he was scared that it will speed up the poison to spread across his body. he was hiding in a two men’s deep craters, and took out the fu of cure poison quickly.


However,  even yuan fu removed the poison out of his body and cured his burning sensation, but he still felt something was not right.    


Only until he started to restore yuan qi, he noticed that his qi cultivation speed was sped up. Although just a few seconds of difference, he still noticed it. He had been staying at yuan tian stage two for quite a while now, any slight yuan qi fluctuation he would notice it.


Was it because of those golden and red coloured sticky liquid?

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He remembered that the meatball has two small tubes attached, and the golden shell was inside those meatballs. 


Are those some kind of culture fluid? Or is it just one of them? Did insect use it to speed up the golden shell’s growth?  Although he did not know which one increased his cultivation speed. But there are some still on his armour. So he quickly wiped off them and stored in the bottles he took out from the storage yuan fu.


He planted to study those liquids when he got back to the city, but at the moment, he still needs to find the purple flame monster


Chu yunsheng had learned from the last time he sealed the golden shell which is when he was in the southern district. He immediately cut off his yuan qi supply to the monster seal yuan fu after he confirmed the seal was successful. Otherwise, with golden shell’s scary yuan qi consumption, he would have probably lost ability to moved when he was inside the tomb


Only when he fully restored his yuan qi did he dare to resume the connection. Then he summons the golden shell and started to prepare a hole in his back.



When he once again returned to the sticky ground, chu yunsheng clearly felt that the “min”’s influence is much weaker now, 


He controlled golden shell and carefully moved around inside the swarm. with little tiger’s detection ability, they finally found the red-purple flame monster near a tomb. 


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Unlike the busy red shell insects, the red-purple flame monster just stood there not moving, only its two antennas were moving in the air from time to time. Not a single insect dare to approach it. All the insect were moving around it. Chu yunsheng also saw that a worm fell on top of its antenna from the tomb, and it was instantly burned into ashes.  It’s like a king, no insect is allowed to touch its territory.  It made its surrounding became a “no-insect” zone.


Chu yunsheng took a deep breath, he slowly controlled the golden shell to approach it. Then all of sudden, he ordered the golden shell to spit fire to the red-purple flame monster.


It is a provocation! A deliberate provocation!


And the red-purple flame monster will not allow such thing exists in the swarm 


It will not allow a golden shell to offend its dignity



However, when it reacted, chu yun sheng already order the golden shell to dig into the ground and started to dig toward the riverside. He was worried that the purple flame monster could not find him. So he ordered the golden shell to dig towards the ground from time to time.


The red-purple flame monster was enraged by this golden shell’s behaviour. It instantly charged out tried to catch the golden shell, but it dug into the ground once again.


It was like a Whac-A-Mole game, the golden shell was a mole and the red-purple flame monster was the one trying to whack it. However, the red-purple flame monster did not know that it was being led into a death trap.

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