Dark Blood Age

Chapter 176

Chapter 176 the disappearance of the Jin ling city

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Chu Yunsheng was slightly surprised to the cloaked man’s weapon was curved sword “dao”, not the straight sword “jian” which fire king qi xuan mentioned. Is it possible that the cloaked man uses two type of weapon? He wondered.

But he didn't plan to ask him. It also has nothing to do with him. He just needs to stand aside and waits for the result.

If the entrance did open, he just needs to follow them, but he didn't plan to help them once he got inside.  If they can't open it, that's even better.

Before he left the office building. He had already taken out all the food in the storage yuan fu and store them in the office building, in case if he can't return in time and the people in the office building will have a food crisis.

He only kept some food enough for one month of consumption, also he has a lot of red shell's meat. So he thought it should be enough.

He had also visited the professor sun and gave him two bottles of culture fluids he brought back from the inside the tomb. He hopes that with their intelligence, they should be able to study something from it.

Since he had everything prepared. and he didn't have much pressure right now. So he just stood on the side to see what exactly those two aliens are doing! at the same time, he also uses his yuan qi to heal his treasure - purple flame monster, while watching troops sorting the dark warriors to go to correct position.

At the beginning, it was very chaotic because no one knows where they supposed to stand. Soon after the troops step in. They all find their positions.

The machines at the ice and fire poison look relatively simple. other element's positions have a lot of additional hardware.

That was probably the energy converter they talked about. Chu Yunsheng thought.

Chu Yunsheng has absolutely no idea how those machines work. Even professor sun also said they couldn't understand the theory behind them.

Those two aliens also didn't teach them anything. Maybe they don't bother to teach human just like the human doesn't bother to teach ants.

Chu Yunsheng's yuan qi did not contain other elements. So he also didn't know where to stand. He stood there for awhile then finally decided to go to the fire section with Yao xiang. Since everyone knows that he is a fire dark warrior.

All the dark warriors were split into several rows. The distance between each row was just enough for a man to walk through.

the centre of the Triangle conical machine slowly opened a hole after it was activated. It then “spits out” many pieces of flat boards. Those flat boards flew towards the dark warriors in the first row in a straight line.

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When the line of the flat boards reached the end of the first row. It instantly turned 90 degrees and then started to go through the second row. Same thing happened when it reached the end of the second row. It seemed like the line of the boards was moving in an S-shaped pattern. The line of the boards constantly stretched out until it reached to the last dark warriors in the last row.

When those boards finally stopped, it instantly caused a commotion in the crowd. it was because those flat boards were floating in the air in front of every dark warrior. The size of each board was just about the size of a laptop in the age of light, there was no string that lifted those things in the air. How can they float in the air? Everyone was thinking about the same thing.

“Quiet, please stay quiet!” a senior officer shouted using the megaphone;" please listen to my command, reach out your right hand, keep it on the flat board…… starting from the fire section,…please infuse your energy into the board….. then earth section, metal section and last ice section…….. ”

“....ready…..now… fire section!”

Chu yunsheng knew did not want to cause any trouble, because he knew his yuan qi does not contain any element. so he just put his hand on the flat board and did not infuse any yuan qi into the board.

However, all the fire warriors around him started to unleash the fire element energy into the flat boards. When the flat boards received the energy, its surface instantly started to appear the flame ripples.

Soon the flame ripples on every flat board started to resonate with each other. And this resonance started to flow towards Triangle conical machine

Then the entire fire section seemed to be covered with red fogs, it was glowing dim red light.

Suddenly The top of Triangular cone machine shot out a red light Straight to the centre of the Pentagon.

"....now, eath section…."

A dim yellowish fog started to rise in the earth section. And the machine in the earth section shootout a dim yellow light.

"....metal section…."

"...wood section…."

"..Lastly, ice section...."

When the white beam hit the centre of the Pentagon and met with other beams, a spherical energy field was formed, and the colour of the spherical energy field was constantly changing,  and it was changing more and more rapidly.

At the same time, 5 people who dressed in red quickly pulled down the control panel on each of the Triangle cone machines. It seemed like they were entering some command into the machines.

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Chu yunsheng did not know what they were doing. However, he noticed that the symbols on those people’s red dresses are the exactly the same as the symbols on the cloaked man’s dress.

After those people entered something into the machine, the five light beams started to show the different frequency fluctuations

Although chu yusheng did not understand how to operate those strange machines, however, he is extremely sensitive to the yuan qi fluctuations. And this type of sensitivity saved him once in the fog city. It was the time he spotted the girl attempted to assassinate him.

He started to pay attention to the frequency fluctuations made by those five machines. The longer he paid attention to those frequency fluctuations the more he felt that it seemed like they were trying to find some kind of frequency band.

As The sphere in the centre of the Pentagon slowly getting bigger and bigger. chu Yunsheng started to notice the beams slowly began to distort and twist in the energy field. in the end, those beams formed a colourful whirlpool in the centre of the “sphere”.

Chu yunsheng Inadvertently glanced at the woman in the white dress. He noticed that she seemed to be very worried.

He then looked at the cloaked man, but the cloaked man just stood there not moving.

The five people dress in red immediately closed the panel after they entered the command.

Suddenly the machine made a strange noise,  and the whirlpool in the centre stopped its change, the colour has disappeared and the sphere in the middle has also stopped expanding.

Then Chu yunsheng was surprised to discover that the energy in the middle of the Pentagon seemed to become exactly the same as his yuan qi. it became pure and without any other elements! What is going on?.....  He wondered.

Then he noticed that the woman in the white dress seemed to be relieved.

Same as other five people in the red dress. It seemed like everything was going well.


However, as the time goes by, the stern expression once again returned to their faces.

Chu yunsheng felt something was not right. The sphere in the middle of the Pentagon started to expand again!

This time it was expanding extremely fast.

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The cloaked man has not had any movement since Chu yunsheng arrived, even him also reached his hand out to signal the five people in the red dress. They immediately opened the panel to operate something once again.

However, the sphere did not show any sign of stopping.

Within less than a second, many people started to realize something went wrong.

The Five people in the red dress still trying to get the situation under the control, however, all the five machines started to make high-pitched warning sound...

All the dark warriors started to move back in panic. However, that strange sphere was getting bigger and bigger. It was closer and closer to them!

Fear of the unknown is almost part of the human instinct. As long as chu yunsheng is still a human being, he is also scared of the unknown.

The cloaked man and the woman in the white dress almost disappeared at the same time. One of them reappeared at the fire section, and the other one reappeared at the ice section. They all started to check the machine in by themselves.

However, even they operated the machine in person, it still did not stop the machine from making the warning sound. The sphere was still expanding as if it was mocking how foolish those two aliens are. Less than 10 seconds, It covered the five machines and quickly expanded to the place further behind.

At the moment when chu yunsheng was covered by the sphere, he seemed to see another insect’s world. The difference is the world he saw this time has many gigantic plants and the insects were… before he even had a chance to take a closer look, he was pulled back to the reality.

Then, a man in the red dress shouted in fear:"the channel connected to the wrong place! This is not the anti-world,  it's the insect’s world!"

"This is not the anti-world, this is the insect’s world…." his word was like a nuclear bomb exploded in the crowd. and everyone was scared to death.

Suddenly a green shell was pulled out from the centre of the whirlpool as if it wanted to verify his word is true!

"Quick! Stop the machine!" chu yunsheng shouted loudly. He instantly pulled the sword and hacked on one of the machines!

He did not expect the outcome would be like this. If they opened a channel towards the insect's world, even an idiot would know what the consequences will be!

Chu yunsheng’s speed was very fast, before everyone realised, he had already destroyed two machines.

However, it was too late. the sphere was already out of control, It was no longer restrained by the machines. It was constantly expanding until it covers the entire city.

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Everyone was holding their breath, and even the two aliens also did not what to do.

Suddenly A strong bright light flashed through the hemisphere in the sky.

Then, Within a split second, chu yunsheng felt the heaven and earth yuan qi around him were rapidly compressed. All he felt was everything around him was shrunk into an extremely bright light dot.

In the next second, he felt like he was being sucked into something and then he was stuck. a second later, he felt that his foot was not touching the ground and His body began to fall!

When he finally resumed his vision. he was stunned, the sky was still the dark sky, the tombs on the other side of the river were still spurting flame. But he was still falling and falling.

In extremely bright and slowly fading light unleashed by the compressed light dot, he looked down. Underneath him was not jin ling city. It was a gigantic deep Semi-circular pit.

The city is gone.....! The city is gone....! Everyone is gone....!

one side of the pit which is near the river slowly started to break and The water from the Yangtze River starts to pour into the gigantic pit.


Chu yunsheng was smashed onto the ground. However, he did not seem to feel the pain at all. Because his mind was completely blank!

Bang!  Bang!

The sound caused by two heavy objects fall on the ground.

Chu yunsheng numbly turned around his head.

Amongst all the people in the entire jin ling city, only two people... no... not two people... only two aliens were kicked out by the powerful suction.

His eyes instantly turned red and filled with blood vessels:”A-L-I-E-N-S!” he roared loudly.


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