Dark Blood Age

Chapter 293

Every girl has the same dream, a dream about her own Prince Charming appearing in front of her in a variety of shocking ways; a dream about her own prince charming saving them from witch’s prison…..

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Jiang Qianqin had it, Qin Qiying had it, Xu Qingshu also had, even Ji Qing also had it.

However, although they were fortunate enough to see the dream come to reality, they were not fortunate enough to see it happened to them….  It made them envy and jealous at the same time….
Although the man was not prince charming, its appearance was still shocking enough.
As outsiders, they all envied Tan Ning that there was a man in this world would do such thing for her.

When Chu Yunsheng a step by step walked towards Tan Ning with armour on his body, sword on his hand, and insect underneath him, many skywalkers from the castle of Snowstorm automatically stood aside to give him a way, no one dared to stand in front of him, even those aliens...

A passage was formed by humans, aliens and insects just for them.
Looking at the god-like human slowly walked towards the girl, a battlefield that filled with hundreds of humans and even more numbers of insects were very quiet.
This incredible scene had stuck in everyone’s mind for a very long time, even after several years later, many women would be still talking about it to their men.

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Tan Ning suddenly did not know how to react, she did not really know the man who was walking toward him at the moment. She had heard of the man’s name before, but it was not from the ice messenger, it was from his cousin.
However, she just heard of him, she was not familiar with him. She was a popular girl during the age of light, she had many people surround her every day, so she could not remember Chu Yunsheng's name at that time.
Only until the first day after the disappearance of the sun, the name started to stuck in her mind. That day, she received a phone from her cousin. In the phone call, her cousin asked her to go to Shen Cheng city looking for him, and if she could not find him, then find a man called Chu Yunsheng, it was that man who predicted the apocalypse! It was the first time that she truly remembered the name of that man...
The flying machine’s hunt, also made her realised that his cousin's colleague was very special!
When Chu Yunsheng told her that he was Major Du and gave her the biscuit, she already suspected about his real identity.

And when everyone in the castle was searching for his location like maniacs, she was constantly telling herself that she did not know the man, she did not know him.

She told herself that her cousin’s friend saved her, and gave her food, she should repay him, not betray him.

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She knew that after she went into the castle, the Doctor was arranged to stay next to her by that man. However, after the Doctor went missing, she felt lost, she did not know if she could hold it any longer.

She was a kind girl who knew how to be grateful, that was why she lied to the ice messenger.

She did not know why the man would want to do this for her earlier, but now she knew. Because she overheard other Skywalker saying that the death rate of the heaven’s messenger’s return process was above 90%.

The tears instantly ran down from her face at that moment…..

Is it really worth it? Is it really worth it to save someone that you barely know? Is it just because my cousin is your friend…  the tears blurred her eyesight, but the image of armoured man was even more clear in her mind….

But In other people’s eyes, those tears were the tears of happiness...


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Chu Yunsheng did not know what other people’s were thinking. The reason why he walked so slowly was that his attention was mainly on those aliens. He was under a huge pressure from those aliens, because he was scared that those aliens might attack him from behind….

When he finally reached Tan Ning, he quickly held Tan Ning in his arms, and then jumped on a type-2 green shell and flew into the sky….

In the next few minutes, the swarm slowly retreated into the same direction where Chu Yunsheng went, same as the crowd of the castle of raging fire.


“Xiao Tan, in here, you are safe, so don’t walk out of this room!” Chu Yunsheng was finally relieved and sat on the bed. He pointed at the table and said:” food and water are over there, if you are hungry, you can eat it. Don’t leave my sight.”

Chu Yunsheng was very tired, this was the first time he controlled the swarm through Dark, he was mentally exhausted. Dark just levelled up, its status was not stable at the moment. He could clearly felt that Dark was almost collapsed when he retreated.
Tomorrow would be the last day of the date for the return of the heaven’s messenger, there were a lot of things for him to arrange...

Chu Yunsheng raised his head, noticing that Tan Ning was staring at him, he was dazed for a second then let out a hollow laugh:” please don’t look at me, I know my face is very scary, I don’t even dare to look at it myself…. Go, get something to eat...”

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Tan Ning shook her head and said:” brother Chu, Major Du is also you right?”

Chu Yunsheng did not say anything, but he still nodded his head.

“Brother Chu, is it because of my cousin?” Tan Ning bit her lips and suddenly asked.

Chu Yunsheng looked at her, then shook his head and sighed:” it is because of myself, you don’t understand, and you probably will never be able to understand….. The pain… the pain of losing someone when you have power to protect…. The pain of having power but can’t achieve anything…. The pain of despair…..  ”

Tan Ning flustered, why would a powerful man like him say something like this, why would a skull-like head having a lonely and bleak expression…..

Tan Ning’s stare gave Chu Yunsheng a false confidence. Maybe it is not that bad. He thought. Then he took out a mirror from the storage talisman…..


The mirror was dropped on the ground. Chu Yunsheng was stunned. In the next second, he suddenly reached his hand into his trousers and searching for something inside, despite there was a woman still in the room …..

Tan Ning’s face instantly dropped, Chu Yunsheng’s heroic image instantly shattered in her mind....

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